Monday, July 15, 2013


Submitted by: Patricia E Jackson


I'm returning now from being in Gatlinburg. I was shocked to notice
that many of the shops are replaced by new ones. The owners have
foreign accents. I would guess 80% are now run by Indians, Pakistanis
and now Ukrainians!
I asked one lady where she was from and she said
Ukraine . I asked 2 other shop owners where they were from: Ukraine .
I jokingly asked " did you folks buy up the whole left side of
Gatlinburg? She with barely veiled hatred and distain said" Yeah,
pretty much".

I tried to ask a vendor whom I asked first if he was American, about
what was happening with all the foreigners. He refused to even talk
about it. I asked another group and they seemed afraid but one woman
spoke up with an attitude of careless determination and told us that
the chamber of commerce was Iranians
. That there was nothing they
could do but try to stand. The others looked at her and each other

I spoke to a young lady in a in busy shop and she carefully began to
open up a little. She said the town was being bought up by a rich
lawyer called Joe Baker and that he is renting the shops out to
foreigners because  they can afford higher rent since they don't have
to pay taxes for 5 years.
She said the foreigners change the business
name and sell it to a relative
and it continues tax free for 5 more
It's destroying Gatlinburg. It feels creepy. I asked what the
religious affiliation of most of the foreigners was--they said:
MUSLIM!!!!        A Muslim foothold in the mountains of Tennessee !
Very scary and poignant!

Goodbye America hello Afganistan east.

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