Thursday, June 6, 2013

RedState Briefing 06/06/2013

Morning Briefing
For June 6, 2013

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1.  Saxby Chambliss Did Not Blame Sexual Assault on Hormones
It is amazing this headline must event be written. Two days ago Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) made a rather innocuous remark at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing. Because the political left has decided to take every possible statement from every possible Republican that might be used to perpetuate the idea the GOP is at war with women, the statement has taken on a life of its own devoid of its context and meaning. Saxby Chambliss, who in reality attacked the military for lax standards which have led young men to think they can engage in sexual harassment and assault, is now cast as excusing young men’s behavior as hormone driven boys being boys.

It had been confined to liberal blogs and MSNBC and local news, but CNN has now stepped into the mix and, like so many others, has ignored relevant and necessary context to get the full picture of his remarks. . . . please click here for the rest of the post 

2.  Is “IRS” The New “N-Word”?
There is nothing, nothing, in politics more infuriating than the Democrats’ relentless use of racial division to cement the kind of thinking Courtland Milloy illustrated in his latest Washington Post column. The ever-expanding list of things that are considered racist to criticize so long as Obama is president is perhaps the most absurd manifestation of this line of thinking. Nearly all of these fail “the John Edwards test” for things Republicans would quite reasonably have been expected to say if Edwards rather than Obama had been the next Democratic nominee and president. But even in that context, Martin Bashir of MSNBC has reached a new low. . . . please click here for the rest of the post 

3.  Beware the Rubio-Cornyn Amnesty Rope-a-Dope
The most dangerous thing for supporters of open borders is public scrutiny of their plans. They have already noted that the administration’s endless scandals have provided them with cover to slip into the amnesty end-zone without anyone noticing.  Fortunately, despite the divided attention of the conservative movement, most of the egregious provisions of the amnesty bill have been thoroughly exposed and disseminated throughout talk radio.  With the understanding that this bill cannot pass sans support from representatives of conservative-base constituencies, the lobbyists for foreign interests are now employing a rope-a-dope strategy. . . . please click here for the rest of the post 

4.  Lawless aristocracy for a dominated people
A few weeks ago, as the Senate Judiciary Committee was debating immigration reform, Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) told everyone the story of Candida Gutierrez, a Houston schoolteacher whose identity was stolen by an illegal alien named Bentia Cardona-Gonzalez. This was a big-time identity heist, as Cardona-Gonzalez opened bank accounts and secured credit cards, a drivers’ license, employment, a mortgage, and health care with her stolen identity over the course of 12 years.  Gutierrez’ stolen name even wound up on the birth certificates of the illegal alien’s U.S.-born children.  The authorities didn’t catch her; Gutierrez’ husband (the one thing Cardona-Gonzalez didn’t steal!) tracked down the thief and turned her over to the feds. . . . please click here for the rest of the post 

5.  The Real Danger of Liberal Bias
I’m going to tell you what media bias is really all about. It’s about a dying, 10 year-old girl and a sexagenarian, politically connected trial lawyer. It’s about official malfeasance treated as human error when a Democrat is President. It’s about power and systemic corruption that is unremarkable to people offended that George W. Bush didn’t call his advisers liars to their face.

It is about Fred Baron and Sarah Murnaghan.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post 
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Sincerely yours,

Erick Erickson
Editor-in-Chief, RedState

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