Friday, March 22, 2013


Dear Conservatives,

Big Labor is still on the warpath.

In fact, the union bosses have grown even more militant and reckless as more and more Americans have rejected their monopoly bargaining schemes.

And their number one goal is the forced unionization of all state and local government employees -- the jobs it is hardest for their militancy to destroy.

This is the very scheme that is breaking the budgets of virtually every government that has adopted it, and has driven cities into bankruptcy and even entire states to the brink of insolvency.

Until now, many states have successfully resisted union monopoly control of government employees.

Other states that fell for it over the last 30 years are now facing financial ruin and have begun trying to get out from under Big Labor's thumb, as we saw so dramatically in Wisconsin not long ago.

That's why Big Labor hopes to get President Obama and their allies in Congress to force public sector monopoly bargaining on the entire country.

And they want to start with public safety workers -- police, firefighters, and EMTs.

That's why it's urgent you click here to send a message to your Congressman and Speaker of the House John Boehner right away.

The word on Capitol Hill is that the union bosses are right now lining up support for their grossly misnamed "Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Bill."

And sadly, you and I can't automatically count on Speaker John Boehner to prevent a vote in the House.

You see, it was John Boehner's silence on this issue that allowed Nancy Pelosi and the IAFF to pretend this bill was non-controversial.

As a result, Pelosi got away with bringing the bill to the floor under suspension of the rules, when 46 of the current Republican members of Congress voted for it, along with all the Democrats.

Only a desperate Senate filibuster, backed up by Right to Work supporters like you, saved the day.

And with the pickups the Democrats made in the Senate last fall, I'm not confident we would win a filibuster vote this year.

That's why I'm writing to you with this request.

Do you want the union bosses deciding whether or not your house needs firefighter protection?

What about your police? Your sanitation workers, DMV employees, and school bus drivers?

Your government employees should work for YOU, collecting garbage, staffing libraries and parks, putting out fires, paving roads, and all the other things your tax dollars pay for.

But they won't if the union bosses and their lackeys in Congress get their way.

The Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill would set a disastrous precedent toward the union bosses' goal for forcing all your government employees under union monopoly bargaining contracts.

And remember, this is just the first step.

If they get away with this power grab, Big Labor will move for control over all the rest of your government employees in no time.

You and I know forced unionism is wrong.

And we both know the harm forced unionism causes when it is thrust upon employees in the private sector.

But if you think that's bad, you haven't seen anything yet.

Forced unionism for police, firefighters, and other public sector employees would lead to:

** Local and state governments being forced to pay the salaries and perks of union bosses: In the Post Office alone, the government has been forced to pay for 1,744,000 hours of union organizing.
** Union-boss style workplace rules: Job featherbedding, disruptive regulations, and an us-versus-them, hate-the-boss mentality.
** Ultimately, union-puppet politicians, elected by campaigns funded with forced union dues, end up "bargaining" with the unions that got them elected, giving union bosses everything they could ever desire, and raising taxes on you to pay for it.
That mistake has, unfortunately, already been made in too many communities. 

And the consequences have been expensive -- and tragic.
** In Wisconsin, after sucking all the money out of state and local government, Big Labor threw the ugliest tantrum in modern history, shutting down schools and other public services, when responsible politicians voted to begin modest reforms.
** Monopoly bargaining would cost the taxpayers more than a million dollars in annual processing costs for each bargaining unit of state employees, according to a study conducted by the Maryland Department of Fiscal Services. And there are thousands of bargaining units out there.
** Government employee pension abuse, proposed by union bosses and rubber-stamped by union-puppet politicians has produced an insolvent pension system, with hundreds of billions of dollars in unfunded liabilities, which will ultimately be paid for by slashing services and hiking taxes.
Big Labor wants the federal government to bring those costs to your town, by using federal power to forcibly unionize all of your local government employees -- no matter what your local or state laws say

Is this what you want in your community? 

If not, it's vital you email your Congressman and Speaker Boehner immediately, by clicking here. 

And then please forward this message to your friends and family. 

The fact is, the union bosses will never be satisfied until they have the power to force every single government worker to turn over a portion of his or her paycheck as tribute... 

...and the power to take taxpayer money out of the public treasury at will. 

Unfortunately, in the past, for reasons we can only guess, enough Republican Congressmen supported the bill to let it pass. 

And if it gets through the House again, you know Majority Leader Harry Reid is licking his chops waiting for this Big Labor boondoggle to be brought before the Senate. 

If Big Labor rams this bill through Congress, union-boss puppet Barack Obama will surely sign it into law

That's why your message is so critical. 

Ultimately, what is at stake here is local control of your budgets, your taxes, and your government employees. 

That's why I hope you will help stop this bill in its tracks by contacting your Congressman and Speaker Boehner today, before Big Labor brings their destructive, brass-knuckle tactics to your town

And if you can, please send a contribution to help me bring others into the fight with us. 

Your state and local public employees, to say nothing of your fellow taxpayers, should not be forced under Big Labor's thumb

Please click the link to email your Congressman and Speaker Boehner TODAY

Working together, you and I can hopefully put a stop to this dangerous legislation before it's too late. 

Mark Mix

P.S. Virtually every Democrat will vote for the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill, and for reasons I can only guess, many Republicans have joined them in the past. 

If they succeed, state and local governments everywhere will accelerate their slide into bankruptcy when thousands and thousands of additional public servants are forced under union boss monopoly control

To stop them, it's vital you send your Congressman and Speaker Boehner a message today, by clicking here

P.P.S. The National Right to Work Committee relies on your voluntary contributions to fund its programs. Please chip in with a contribution of $10 or more today.

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