Sunday, November 11, 2012


Do You Wanna Fix It or Bitch About It?
Certainly there are plenty of places to place blame for the condition of America and the world today.  But unlike our White House squatter, I will not do that.  The only way to actually solve a problem is to take full ownership and responsibility for it.  That is why government solves nothing.  The person accountable for the messes in which we find ourselves is the one who looks back at us in the mirror.  This is our government, our nation, our future, our problem, our responsibility.  We are, by and large, the givers who have spent our lives producing, paying, contributing and building futures for ourselves, our families, and thus, America.  And we are being scammed by the takers who take for a living and just took away an election.  Think about it, there is no way that a president who is unarguably even worse than Jimmy Carter, (making him the worst president in history) could beat even a milquetoast candidate like Romney. So what do we do?  Read on.
We take a state.  We don’t necessarily secede but we take a state.  Years ago something called “The Free State Project was begun.  It involves people signing up to agree to move to New Hampshire once a certain number of signatures are obtained to do that.  It’s a brilliant idea. Why NH?  Because taxes are low, it has a coastline, population is minimal and a few other reasons.  The point is that patriots need to come together to populate a state to accomplish several things.  First is to elect a legislature that will nullify every single unconstitutional law, tax, levy, regulation, mandate, dictate, fiat, and whim to come out of Washington in the past 100 years, everything unconstitutional.  Everything you need to know about nullification is contained in the book by that name by Thomas Woods.  If you haven’t read it, you are missing an important part of your education.  The man is brilliant.  Too many people don’t realize that the Supreme Court has NO constitutional authority to decide what laws are or are not constitutional.  They “granted” themselves that authority in 1803.  It is actually the duty of each state to interpret the Constitution and decide if it or its citizens submit to federal demands.  It is for the individual states to decide if its citizens must submit to making social security payments, quarterly tax filings, draconian demands of the EPA, FDA, BATF, and other nefarious unconstitutional governmental ministries.
Next we elect constitutional sheriffs who will stand with their county citizens and interpose themselves between them and federal thugs.  As the only elected law enforcement officers in America, the county sheriff is uniquely authorized to actually arrest federal officers for harassing citizens.  There is much to be done and learned about this at  
While this is ongoing, we “pilgrims” are arming ourselves and training to be the most formidable state militia this side of Switzerland.  And we do this NOT to fight against the US military but so that we will not have to.  We become an awesome political and military force unto ourselves and maybe even get some arms manufacturers to open plants in our state without the federal government being able to intervene on sales and possession within the state. 
So what does that give us?  A fairly self-sufficient state that trades among the other states without the impediments of unconstitutional federal encumbrances.  We will create a business paradise!
What will the federal government do?
My personal belief is that the government and the media will completely ignore us as a state.  The media will pompously declare, “There is nothing to see here folks, move along.”  When it becomes clear that there are actually Americans living in the country enjoying freedom and liberty more will come.  Most likely, our population will grow so large that we will actually begin taking over neighboring states and aborting the communists, forcing them to congregate into “takers’ states”.  Ideally, our philosophy of liberty spreads throughout the country making the communist areas smaller and smaller until they shrink away to nothing.  Or, in 50 years or so, the 10 communist states that are left declare war on the liberty states and lose badly since the military, being a force for freedom sides with the good guys and the communists find a country of their own or secede themselves. 
What if the federal government gets really pissed off at us?  Ok, what could/would they do?  Well, I’m certain the military would refuse to engage us simply on constitutional grounds alone.  What about the federal thugs of the BATF, SWAT, DHS, and all the other American Gestapos?  Maybe.  Would the president, especially one that admits responsibility for absolutely nothing take the risk of enflaming the entire nation by ordering a statewide bloodbath?  Imagine Waco X 100,000.  I doubt it, but we just might have to die for the cause of liberty as our forefathers did. 
Some suggest Obama might send in UN troops.  That might be the best outcome of all.  I can’t imagine our military would stand still for that.  It might even cause the military brass to encourage their troops to go AWOL to come join us.  The worst response would be the most likely and that would be to infiltrate our ranks and commit atrocities for which they could blame state citizens to use as some phony excuse to “save the children” or some such BS to come after us.  But that too could be handled.
What we need is to choose a state and move there.  My suggested parameters for an ideal state would be;
A)    Already conservative
B)     Have a coastline
C)    Temperate, (I hate humidity, but that’s me)
D)    Farmable
E)     Few large cities and military bases
F)     Not too close to Washington
If there is another solution to the guaranteed tyranny of an out-of-control oppressive oligarchy we will endure for at least another four years I’d love to hear it.  We should make this a 2 year plan. Let’s put our ideas, thoughts and opinions together and form a solution.  Let me hear from you. I’m open to doing anything but nothing.  Something must be done, if not us, who and if not now, when?
© Gunner Penobscot
November 11, 2012

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