Saturday, October 20, 2012


Why The Left Loves Viet Nam and Depends on War: Protesting Is The Left’s Only Real Job

by lisarichardsrocknrollpolitics

Have you ever noticed the Left never marches to save unborn child? Have you observed leftist never protest euthanasia or elderly abuse? And they certainly never rise up against Eminent Domain except when it’s to remove drug dealers from their cribs.
The Left never fights against high taxes and over regulation, but they’ll fight welfare reform so non-working leeches can live in the pockets of hard-working Americans. It’s important the disposable income-ed poor have $400 dollar sneakers every month.
However, there is one thing the Left will march for and protest until the end of time: Viet Nam.
Whenever America is at war, the Left converges upon the biggest city they can crowd, marching through streets, and decrying any war as a Viet Nam against brutal, ruthless enemies trying to exterminate mankind.

There doesn’t even have to be a war for leftist to march against war in the name of Viet Nam. If left-wing Jacobins can find any excuse to hurl a Molotov cocktail at anything breathing, that’s good enough.
But the Left will rally themselves into an anti-war protest march simply because it’s their life’s work, their cause, and the only platform they have to deprecate—other than money, which they despise, but have in endless supply to fund their protests.
The Left needs wars. Without wars, they are jobless with nothing to scream over except race. Eventually the Left figured out how to turn race into a war and have made a fortune using blacks against themselves.
Leftists don’t hate war, they love it. War gives the Left something to throw all their hatred for America upon and make a fortune: America’s not socialist enough, its war! America not communist, we need a revolution! America’s too rich, class warfare!
The Left loved Viet Nam and they still do. It gave a bunch of spoiled well-educated brats something to do with the rest of their bored lives: protest. And they have made a career protesting over the past 50 years.
Left-wingers love war, because without war, leftists have nothing to work at complaining about. Without the enemy running wild, without death and destruction upon innocent people, whom leftists don’t give a rat’s ass about, they become restless. Hey, everyone needs a job!
Leftists need jobs--screaming about hating war.
The Left needs starving, bloodied innocents crying out for help so they can blame America as the evil villain. It's hard work screaming over nothing for a living.
Of course, when America rushes in to rescue the innocents leftists keep suppressed through their high holy UN,  the Left rises up in anger screaming Viet Nam, Viet Nam, and more Viet Nam!
Viet Nam is the left's birth of Christ and Crucifixion.
But Viet Nam is old. The Left can no longer con us with false   “Genghis Kahn” stories,made-up stories about soldiers pillage and raping villages full of innocent women and children. Sorry lefty darlings, but the U.S. Military and United States rescued Vietnamese when Saigon fell, including Operation Babylift—humanitarians and military placing thousands of Vietnamese babies on U.S. choppers to get them out of Nam and to American families for adoption—as well as U.S. Military doctors who stayed to take care of those the military could not get onto ships.
But we are not supposed to remember that. We are supposed to look at Viet Nam as America murdering innocent communist brutes who massacred their own stupid people. The fact Nam was an anti-communist war is all the more reason to protest it and turn it into a glorified career for leftist protestors.
Leftists needed Viet Nam as the back-drop for all their modern-day protests. Had Viet Nam never happened, America would not see protests against the War on Terror with Hollywoodites in the lead declaring America an evil colonial occupier and troops as brutal murderers.
Without Nam, Jane Fonda would never have her official title Hanoi Jane. She would have been the talent-less nobody daughter of Henry Fonda, whose career was crappy until she made a movie with her talented father.
Ever since Viet Nam ended and Saigon fell,  Leftists have continued marching against everything and anything in the name of Viet Nam.
Whenever America must defend herself and other nations against evil, lefties rush into the streets screaming Viet Nam!
Things fell silent for on the Left a while, until George W. Bush was elected president and invaded Iraq. Fianlly! Another Nam job!
When Bush invaded Iraq, Ted Kennedy, brother of the man who escalated American aidto Viet Nam, declared “Iraq is George Bush's Vietnam”.  Notice the Left never blames President Kennedy for sending more U.S to Nam or stating:
In the final analysis, it is their war. They are the ones who have to win it or lose it. We can help them, we can give them equipment, we can send our men out there as advisers, but they have to win it, the people of Vietnam, against the Communists. . . . But I don't agree with those who say we should withdraw. That would be a great mistake. . . . [The United States] made this effort to defend Europe. Now Europe is quite secure. We also have to participate—we may not like it—in the defense of Asia.
That’s because Americans sided with Eisenhower and Kennedy. Until the radically left-wing Johnson escalated the war out of control. Finally, the Left had something to complain about for the rest of eternity: A war against their race—communists.
That is why all through Saddam’s reign, leftists never marched through the streets protesting the millions massacred by Saddam. Feminist never decried Saddam’s and his violent son Uday Hussein’s rape and torture upon innocent women and children, and the UN never thrashed Saddam for violating 17 resolutions and starving millions of people.
No, it was George W. Bush’s fault for getting America into another Viet Nam!
Cries of outrage rang through America’s streets by the Left  in defense of the harmless Saddam who never bothered the world. Apparently it is OK to exterminate your own people as long as you contain the massacres and pretend not to be working on ways to eliminate Jews and Christians from the planet.
Thank God Bush went into Iraq, or leftist protestors would be jobless and working at actual jobs!
No matter what, everything is a Viet Nam for the Left.
Whenever babies are aborted, leftist FemiNazis praise the death of something unnecessary to a woman’s lifestyle. If  women decides to keep unborn children, it’s another Viet Nam!
If Americans eat meat and wear fur, it’s another Viet Nam—against animals. If violent killer dogs must be put down, PETA Leftists will hold anti-war Dog-Killer rallies screaming it’s another Viet Nam!
If Americans—other than Bobby Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, Chris Dodd, Hollywood celebrities—drive SUV’s, it’s Viet Nam!
If Al Gore did not receive the Nobel Peace Prize, leftists would have called the incident another Viet Nam!
If Obama did not win the 2008 election and a race-carded ass-kiss Nobel Peace Prize, Oh My God! Racist Viet Nam!
If a Romney becomes president, it will be another Viet Nam and marching leftists will Nazi up the streets with hand made signs reading: "Romney Nams Women';s Bodies!"
But, as I stated, Nam has become outdated and tiresome.  Americans  are sick and tired of the Left playing the Nam card. We know the facts.
So now what? Escalate another war, that way the Left will have another 50 years of “community service.”
You see, the Left truly are the pro-war, anti-peace activists. They want carnage persisting and will work at committing violence in order to keep warlords and dictators in power.
Well thanks to Barack Obama they finally have another Viet Nam: Afghanistan.
Obama promised to end the war in Afghanistan, instead, to the anger of the far left anti-war protestors, he escalated Afghanistan out of proportion and more soldiers have been killed by the enemy.
The Left should be thanking the Messiah,  Obama has given them the fuel they need for future protests against enemy invasions and threats, as well American soldiers fighting those dangers.
Ah joy! Now the Left will be able to scream Afghanistan! Which technically sounds more foreign intellectual than Viet Nam.
The Left will never side with justice, injustice is all they have to go on. They lack real educations (despite expensive Ivy League college degrees) other than protesting. They lack brains and compassion for anyone and anything decent, that’s why leftists protest America fighting wars against evil. If America is able to stop terrorism, the leftist voice will cease to exist. Their very existence depends upon hunger and violence growing in the world and America being overtaken by socialistic communism left-wingers fully support.
The truth is without any war to scream about, the Left is exposed as what they truly are: Useless.

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