Tuesday, October 9, 2012

RedState Briefing 10/09/2012

Morning Briefing
For October 9, 2012

Before you even get to the first post below, please click here.  This is very important.  The picture you are looking at is a screen shot relevant to my first post below.  It is the information I submitted to Barack Obama's campaign.  It is completely and totally made up.  It is nonsensical.  Nothing adds up.  But Barack Obama's campaign processed that donation anyway.  Look at it again and remember that just basic controls would have never even allowed this donation to be processed.

Okay, now you can read the related post as the first item!

-- Erick

1. I Donated to Barack Obama
The President has come under fire for the shoddy verification processing his campaign does for donations.

In light of this Newsweek story about the Illegal-Donor loophole with Team ObamaA while back, among conservatives, it was even a story that he was doing this shoddy credit card verification for overseas donors.
So, after talking with some lawyers about the process, etc. I donated to Barack Obama. Sort of.
It is rare that I do something where I feel the need to talk to lawyers first. But giving money to Barack Obama was one of those times.
I didn’t actually do it. I made up a name, made up a passport number, made up an address in Russia — hell I made everything up except my credit card number and expiration date.
Got that?
Everything was bull**** except the actual credit card number and expiration date.Everything.
Go try that with Target or Amazon or Apple or Mitt Romney’s campaign and see what happens. Here’s a hint: it’d get rejected.
When the zip code does not match, it would get rejected.
When the name on the card does not match, it will probably get rejected.
When nothing matches, it will get rejected.
Barack Obama’s campaign processed my very generous $5.00 donation.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post 
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2. If The Election Were Held Today, Mitt Romney Would Win
Just under a month ago, I noted to much criticism that were the election held that day Mitt Romney would lose. The right did not like it, but it was the simple truth. At the time, Romney was flailing about badly without a coherent message. I wrote that he could turn it around, but at that time he had not.
Well, who knew Mitt Romney’s October Surprise would be mopping up Denver with Barack Obama. I still haven’t been able to calculate how many calories Mitt Romney consumed eating Barack Obama’s lunch that day.
Nonetheless, it made a difference. What is so telling is that throughout the debate Romney hammered the most consistent message he has had since he finally found a consistent message — too many people are out of work and we can do better now, not by waiting for Barack Obama to get his act together. The commercial Romney did in the past few weeks looking into the camera, talking about our problems, resonated with swing voters. It particularly resonated with women. His debate performance solidified it.
Liberals are now in full meltdown and the press is doing “how can Obama turn it around” profiles now. . . . please click here for the rest of the post 
3. Despite What Pundits Say, Romney Still Has Underdog Advantage
The past few weeks have been chalk-full of conservative pundits voicing their concerns with the Romney-Ryan campaign.
Let’s review.
It began with a POLITICO story citing numerous sources blaming the impending fall of the Republic on Romney strategist Stuart Stevens. Then came the holy trinity of conservative columnists  . . . please click here for the rest of the post 
4. Obama Succeeds. Salafists Move To Gain Power in Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia.
[T]he Obama regime, as part of its feeble attempt to play a weak and malleable man as a heroic figure, desperately needed a victory where they could show up the evil George Bush by accomplishing what was done in Iraq with a fraction of the effort.
As a result we have transformed three countries — Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt — from null sets or allies into hotbeds of islamic radicalism. . . . please click here for the rest of the post 
5.Ukraine Continues To Seek Independence
As tensions continue to rise in the Middle East, so does the price of oil and concerns that energy supplies from the region may be disrupted.  U.S. dependence on Middle East oil has long been a topic of concern, with little being done to alleviate the situation.  Presidential candidate Mitt Romney has said that he will move forward with the Keystone XL pipeline project that would bring oil from Canada to the U.S.  Meanwhile President Obama has taken only symbolic and essentially . . . please click here for the rest of the post 
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Sincerely yours,

Erick Erickson

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