Wednesday, September 26, 2012


THE UNITED NATIONS: America’s Official Mental Institution for Terrorists and their Supporters

by lisarichardsrocknrollpolitics

A political Lithium deficiency was unleashed this week at the UN with radical left-wing, anti-Semitic leaders prostrating themselves to each other. But hey, don’t walk out on a terrorist giving a speech; you might cause the U.N. to develop the Aunt Pitty Pat vapors.
Wednesday’s insanity, which was displayed over two days, began first with Barry Obama cleverly apologizing to the world for America’s very existence. But that’s to be expected from a man who coddles terrorists while apologizing to them for their nation’sviolence against America:
The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. Yet to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see when the image of Jesus Christ is desecrated, churches are destroyed, or the Holocaust is denied. Let us condemn incitement against Sufi Muslims, and Shiite pilgrims.
That right there was appeasement double speak, as well as typical insanity displayed at the U.N.

In typical Obama fashion, he Aunt Pitty Patted with the vapors over an asinine Mohammad film he blames for Islamic violence and Ambassador Stevens’ gang rape and murder. The problem is Obama never went into detail concerning exactly what happened to Ambassador Stevens. Obama ignored the rape and torture by apologizing to the UN and Islam:
Let us remember that more Muslims have suffered the most at the hands of extremism. On the same day our civilians were killed in Benghazi, a Turkish police officer was murdered in Istanbul only days before his wedding; more than ten Yeminis were killed in a car bomb in Sana’a; and several Afghan children were mourned by their parents just days after they were killed by a suicide bomber in Kabul.
Obama demoted everything that happened to America’s U.S. Ambassador and our diplomats.  He turned Islam into the victim of extremism.
Islam is the extremism, just don’t say that, it’s considered intolerant and offensive to extremists who want to murder mankind.
Obama had the audacity to faux eulogize Stevens, while at the same time referring to his death as a “killing,” but never going into detail about what Islam did to that man! No, Obama said his administration will “track down the killers and bring them to justice.”
That’s what you with 7-Eleven robbers, not murderers!
Those extremists, as you have referred to them Obama, are not killers, they are mass murdering terrorists. But it would be insane in the mind of a radical leftist to admit the truth, so just talk about Ambassador Stevens’ murder as if it were a home invasion gone wrong.
Obama had the chance to condemn Islam for its extremism, but he did not. Obama had the chance to demonstrate America’s fury over the rape and massacre, but he did not. He called for peace, tolerance, unity, and a whole boat-load of left-wing pandering lunacy that surrendered America and Americans to U.N. governing and Islam.
This is the same apologetic president who told the U.N. that “Attacking an Embassy won’t create a single job.”
What the hell does job creation have to do with the massacres of Americans inside our Embassy? Nothing, but this is Obama’s leftist mentality. It is also the mentality of the United Nations General Assembly Council’s filthy lying goons who want murderers left alone and America governed by the United Nations.
Obama may have subtly condemned Iran and Ahmadinedjad, saying Iran should not be allowed to acquire nukes, but Obama turned right around and said countries should be allowed to acquire nukes peacefully. That's just more Marxist double-speak for letting Iran have its way against Israel and America.
Obama simply enable the Bearded One, who the next day, referred to Israel as a “cancerous tumor.”
The current abysmal situation of the world and the bitter incidents of history are due mainly to the wrong management of the world, and the self-proclaimed centers of power who have entrusted themselves to the devil.
Obama and his administration sat and listened. They did not get up and walk out in protest against America being referred to as the devil. After all that is what the bearded lunatic meant by “the devil.”
The Bearded One further claimed:
Arms race and intimidation by nuclear weapons and weapons of mass-destruction by the hegemonic powers have become prevalent: Testing new generations of ultra-modern weaponry and the pledge to disclose these armaments on due time is now being used as a new language of threat against nations to coerce them into accepting a new era of hegemony. Continued threat by the uncivilized Zionists to resort to military action against our great nation is a clear example of this bitter reality.
That  statement claims America and Israel are the aggressors forcing their will upon the world and this is why Iran must build nukes. But Obama ignores this, because Obama sides with Iran and the U.N., not America, and certainly not Israel.
Ahmadinedjad, however, is not happy with the fact the U.N. has not pushed his agenda further:
The UN lacks the efficiency to bring about the required changes. If this inefficiency persists, nations will lose hope in the global structures to defend their rights. If the UN is not restructured, international interactions and the spirit of collective global cooperation will be tarnished and the standing of the UN will be damaged.
It’s about time someone in Washington admits we need to take out lunatic terrorists rioting and bombing. We need to take out Ahmadinedjad. Strategic bomb dropping istechnically cheaper than going to war.
The fact of the matter is the United Nations is one gigantic insane asylum that gathers together terrorist thug rulers and their supporters whose main goal is tearing down freedom, liberty and humanity in order to rule as a one world government.
Forget the fact the United States is the nation that always rescues and aids those in need and bondage, giving money, food and medicine, while rebuilding everybody’s nation as America sits back and waits for repairs. The United Nations has never fed Africa or fought HIV AID’s—America does. The U.N. supports Communism, Socialism, Fascism and terrorism, while crying outrage when America wants to stop “evil empires” we are supposed to pay off  and give money to.
In that case, this insane asylum is a mafia.
So is anyone really surprised by the insane and deplorable speeches by Obama and Ahmadinedjad this week at the UN?
This week, Obama stood in front of the General Assembly and kicked God in the rear and promoted Islamic extremism to that of victimization. He praised Arab Spring and Egypt as promoters of “calm” and “change,”  not America or Israel. Obama said  Arab Spring has captivated the entire world to seek this transformation brought about by the Egyptian and Tunisian riots.
Ahmadinedjad took to the stage and did the same—condemned America and Israel. But the Bearded One actually comes right out and openly declares  his hateful insanity. The Marxist cleverly code phrases his rhetoric to sound like a "uniter.".
Either way, both coddled enemies and praised the U.N. that has never done anything good for the world except push propagandist lies against America and Israel, while conning the world into believing this mental asylum should govern the world.
The only difference between the U.N. and a real mental asylum is hospitals inject crazies with anti-psychotic meds; the U.N. ingests Champagne and Scotch.
America does not need a president and a bunch of insane rabble rousers in Armani suits telling America what to do. We don’t need the U.N. and its thugs telling the world that making fun of the prophet Mohammad must be banned world-wide.
We don’t need an organization run by anti-Semitic thugs who rape children and sign deals with terrorists and communists, live like Bill Gates while their people starve, deciding whether America has the right to fight dangerous threats to its soil and the world.
Furthermore, America should never forget nor forgive 1979 and Ahmadinedjad for what he did to our people. We need leadership that says to the U.N.: If Ahmadinejad or Middle Eastern terror nations  think they are safe from invasion, think again. America and Israel have had it with kidnapping, torturing, murderous terrorists.
Perhaps America should declare the U.N. a separate nation, invade it, take it over, and give the building to our military as housing.  Let the thugs go live in the nations they starve and rape.

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