Thursday, September 13, 2012


9/11 Eleven Years Later: Islam Massacres Americans and Obama Apologizes to Islam

by lisarichardsrocknrollpolitics

On the September 11, 2012, the eleventh anniversary of 9/11, Islamic Libyan mobs broke into the American Embassy and brutally massacred American diplomats. Rather than condemn Islam for its violence against non-Muslims, President Obama did what he does best in the face of the enemy: he slapped America in the face, hurled us under the enemy's tanks by apologizing to the enemy and treating the latest horror as a situation where we don’t want “to hurt religious feelings.”
One would assume  September eleventh would be a red flag warning to the State Department: Islam will commemorate 9/11 by attacking Americans. Instead, Obama commemorated the date with a cold shoulder to Israeli Prime Minters in favor of visiting David Letterman and  Vegas.

Thanks to Obama, for the first time in my life, I'm not  feeling proud!

The anniversary of September eleventh should have been a red flag to the U.S. government. The government should have considered the fact that violent mobs would use any excuse to attack U.S. soil in Islamic countries. Embassy workers should have been removed the week prior to the 9/11 anniversary. But security doesn’t seem to have been tight enough to protect  Americans inside the Libyan compound.

Fear not, golf course security in America is always secure!
This week's tragedy starts in April 2011: Ambassador Christopher Stevens and his team went into Libya when uprisings against  against Muammar Gaddafi began. They and set up their post in the most violent area of Libya, Benghazi. This was Obama’s war: go into Libya, a place America should have avoided, but Obama refused, despite playing up the anti-war candidate back in 2008. Stevens is said to have not feared al-Qaeda. He believed he had things under control. Certainly Stevens  thought his compound was safe, secure,  and secretive, otherwise why be there?
The horrible murders of the four Americans happened during a rocket attack on the car rushing Stevens and his team from the U.S. Consulate where Islamists  stormed the building over this comedic Mohammad film. The same film is blamed for new uprisings against the Cairo, Egypt embassy where Egyptians hoisted a black flag after tearing down the U.S. flag and burning it, as well as in Yemen.
As if Egyptians weren’t rioting like animals last year during their so-called liberating Arab Spring praised by Obama while Violent Egyptian Muslims stormed Tahrir Square, burned the streets, killed each other, as a mob of over 200 Islamic brutes gang raped CBS reporter Lara Logan for being American.
Obama refused to admit the Egyptian uprisings would  usher in the Muslim Brotherhood, now in control, and a Sharia theocracy versus not freedom.
One year later, on the anniversary of the worst attack on U.S. soil, Obama continues denying Islam’s real agenda. At least he's consistent in his lies.
Now An American ambassador and his diplomats are dead, and a movie is being used by Obama and the media as the excuse for 1400 years of violence against the West and Jerusalem.
America’s ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three embassy diplomats were brutally murdered by Islam. According to Lebanese news outlet
U.S. ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, who was killed by gunmen that stormed the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on Tuesday, was reportedly raped before being murdered.
Ambassador Stevens was killed and representation of his body in a manner similar to what happened with Gaddafi, such as murder.
Libya - USA Ambassador in Bengazi sodomized and killed by his own al-Qaeda puppets.
Obama never mentioned any of this in his news conferences. He simply apologized in case America hurt religious feelings.
These violent acts are  Islam.  Islam is not not peace--unless you are dead. The violence we have all just seen is what Islam does to human beings: they torture, raped, and drag their victims through the streets like garbage. And Islam is using the lampoon youtube video about the prophet Mohammad as its latest excuse to do what it has always done to mankind—murder.
Let’s be honest, does Islam really need a motive to act vicious, violent and murderous? Does Islam need an excuse to rape, pillage, plunder and conquer? No, because all of those things are exactly what Islam was founded on, and garbage is exactly how Islam views all human beings.
Despite these recorded facts, Barack Obama refuses to condemn Islamic violence.  But he is oh so quick to apologize for America’s existence.
Yesterday Obama spoke about the attacks as if he were discussing a school yard fight:
The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims—as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions…We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.
Don’t hurt Islam’s feelings! Muslims may feel insulted as they push “infidels” on to their knees and remove their infidel heads from that infidel body!
Maybe all Islam needs is a time out.
Excuse me if I don’t find a comedy making fun of Mohammad offensive! I consider the murders of Ambassador Stevens and his team offensive!
Also, notice Obama never spoke directly concerning the 9/11 Cairo attack or the lives taken there, the destruction of the American flag, replacing it with an Islamic flag on American property. No, Obama and Hillary Clinton chose to focus on the Mohammad movie and condemn it as offensive.
Well, we can forget that war on women and women being the pre-existing condition, Islam has designated all Christians and Jews a pre-existing condition that must be eradicated immediately. And Obama and Clinton prostrate themselves to this violent political movement murdering Americans, Westerners, Christians and Jews.
So much for foreign policy under the Obama Administration.
Christopher Stevens has now become the quintessential symbol of what U.S. foreign policy is doing vis-a-vis the global jihad, and of what ultimately will be the outcome for the U.S. if this continues. His story also demonstrates yet again how the establishment Left creates monsters that then devour their creators – as well as numerous bystanders.
Obama never mentioned the attacks were committed on U.S. soil, nor did he state they happened  11 years to the day of the most brutal attack on Americans.  Obama never displayed outrage against the atrocities committed against Ambassador Steven's body. Where was the call for retribution for this innocent man and his team whose lives were violated before brutally murdered? Nowhere. Where is Obama's threats against an attack on U.S. soil? That is what an American Embassy is. Obama is more interested in his interview with Letterman, Vegas and a round of golf.

Obama’s response to the violent murders committed by Islam against Americans on the anniversary of September 11th shows Obama doesn’t care unless Muslims feel offended and feel the need to attack the world for offending Islam. In that case Obama will posture himself to the enemy.

Obama's reaction to Ambassador Stevens and his team's murders is proof we need to sanction Obama on November 6, 2012!

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