Sunday, August 26, 2012


Submitted by: Richard Ruhling

This is the question asked by the leading Christian internet news source--
The Bible records Abraham's negotiations with God to save the wicked city of Sodom from impending “and deserved“ judgement.
The deal ... 10 righteous men and God would spare it. But there weren't 10.
Will these faith leaders “uniting to negotiate with God on their knees“ be able to avoid what they see as impending “and deserved“ 'cataclysmic judgment' on America? 
If you visit the link, you can see plans for 40 days of fasting and prayer starting September 28, ending the day of the election. Others are taking the survival of America seriously. I'm taking it seriously too, and feel led to write a book, How to Survive the Fall of America. It parallels the Bible message Babylon is fallen...all nations drink (America is #1 because "Judgment begins at the house of God," 1Peter 4:17)
Please claim God's promise in Ephesians 3:20, that He will do exceeding abundantly, above all that we ask or think, in regard to the book.
I've had one token that He is doing it, in the willingness of a Jewish publicist to consider my book proposal--this is the HalleluIA praise part of my requesting prayer for Jeff Herman and his wife Deborah that the information I sent her on Crohn's Disease will be helpful.
Richard Ruhling
PS: I need testimonials for the book and I would be happy to send first, last and any other chapter to anyone wanting to sample it. The contents are compelling (attached), thank you!

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