Monday, July 23, 2012


Soros Pledges $5 Million for 'Take Down'
Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) is challenging Barack Hussein Obama, Nancy Pelosi, AND the Marxist Congressional Black Caucus – but NOW he has to take on George Soros, too!
Allen West is "most wanted" on the "TAKE DOWN THE TEA PARTY TEN" hit list of a Soros funded, uber-leftist Super PAC known as CREDO. More about them below. But that is not the biggest news from the radical Marxist fever swamps.
Reports and "confidential memoranda" are swirling that another brand new, super special Super PAC called DUMP WEST is being formed specifically to defeat Allen West – and that George Soros has committed $5 million to drive West out of Congress! We MUST help build grassroots patriot support AND a national supply line for Representative Allen West NOW. It is time for Tea Partiers, patriots and Frederick Douglass Republican allies to UNITE and man the barricades!
As reported by Florida's hot political blog, The Shark Tank:

"Top national Democratic operative Charles Halloran has been retained by a new George Soros-backed super PAC to target Congressman Allen West for defeat this November. Halloran is a former aide to President Bill Clinton and is one of the most respected voter targeting/turn out experts in the Democratic Party. Halloran ran the successful campaign of Democrat Tim Mahoney that won the seat of former Republican Congressman Mark Foley."
This three page memo to "interested parties" that has circulated, details the battle plan for launching these vicious attacks on West with intense voter contact through Internet advertising and other web-based operations – and WE MUST HIT BACK.
According to reports, Halloran has brought in Democrat direct contact advocacy and communications firm American Directions to manage the Super PAC's Internet driven, small donor fundraising, polling and voter contact operations. They are planning to tap into maxed-out donors for Congressman West's opponent, Democrat Patrick Murphy for funds. Murphy has raised a sizeable war chest and those donors who have given him the federally allowed limit of $2,500 are viewed as potential donors to the "Dump West" PAC.
WE MUST ENSURE that exposure of the Soros backed anti-West Super PAC is blasted far and wide – and inspires a surge of pro-West support from patriots everywhere! "It's not surprising that the hard left is seeking to beat West," Florida Tea Party leader Eric Von Tausch told The Shark Tank. "West's a conservative hero… We need to spend dollar for dollar with the liberals to re-elect Allen."
American Directions (previously known as the Clinton Group) is run by Walter Clinton and Wayne Blanchard and is reputed to be among the heavier-weight, hardball playing Washington DC vendors. It touts cutting edge, sophisticated technology for voter contact through text messaging and email, as well as state of the art voter mailings.
Meantime, CREDO Super PAC continues on its merry way with its broader project against our Tea Party stalwarts elected to Congress in 2010, "Take Down the Tea Party Ten"! CREDO is a radical group bankrolled by progressive billionaire George Soros that likes use the words "odious" and "extremist" to describe people with whom it disagrees. These words actually describeCREDO. It has launched a massive campaign raising unlimited sums of money to try to "take down" some very good men this election – including Representative Allen West.
Here is a sample of their highly dishonest and disagreeable propaganda:
Take Down the Tea Party Ten in 2012!
Sometimes the actions of elected representatives become so odious that urgent action is required. Many of the Tea Party-affiliated House Republicans were elected in 2010 on a wave of concern about a very troubled economy and with millions of dollars in expenditures by political groups associated with Karl Rove or the Koch brothers. Their actions in Congress have been beyond the pale.
They voted to deny the science on global warming, to change the very definition of rape, to deny funds to Planned Parenthood for the provision of contraception, to expand tax breaks for the top 1%, and to eliminate Medicare and leave seniors and the disabled at the mercy of the insurance industry.
It is with a passionate and long-standing commitment to social change that CREDO announces the formation of the CREDO SuperPAC, which will have a singular goal: To defeat ten of the most extreme Tea Party-affiliated members of the U.S. House of Representatives in 2012 so at least a limited measure of sanity may be restored to our national politics.
The CREDO SuperPAC will run a grassroots campaign in ten districts. We will mobilize our members to inform voters of the Tea Party incumbent's perfidy, to peacefully confront and question them at public gatherings, and to turn out thousands of volunteers for door-to-door canvassing and member-to-member phone calls.
Our goal is simple, to defeat ten Tea Party-affiliated House Republicans and begin to change Washington.
To accomplish this, we'll also need you to volunteer, donate and help us spread the word. Please sign the pledge to help us Take Down the Tea Party Ten so we can count you in and follow up with opportunities to get involved. We also need your financial support. Please be as generous as you can – and make a contribution of $5 via ActBlue.
Becky Bond, CREDO Political Director
Brought to you by: 
Pledge to hold Tea Party extremists accountable
P.S. If we do nothing, the 2012 election will be the same as 2010 – waves of unlimited money from groups associated with the likes of Karl Rove and the Koch brothers will keep Tea Party extremists in power. And we'll again be forced to watch as these radicals dismantle our democracy in vote after vote. –Becky
Operation Black Storm can't stand by silently in 2012. We need your help:
  • To make sure that shady political spending doesn't drown out the truth about the Tea Party record.
  • To fight back against this radical takeover of our Congress and our democracy.
You can see how they will defame, lie and character-assassinate to try to defeat those who defend America! The need has NEVER been so urgent for YOU TO SUPPORT ALLEN WEST and OPERATION BLACK STORM!
Our STORM needs to become a WEST WIND! Let's blow these lying leftists off the map with gales of righteousness and thunderclaps of truth SUPPORTING CONGRESSMAN ALLEN WEST!
It is widely speculated that DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz is largely behind these efforts to politically destroy Congressman West – as she has a long, rancorous history of being personally challenged and called out to accountability by him.
But sources have told The Shark Tank that it was Democrat House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi who asked former Congressman Larry Smith, now working as a lobbyist, to help line up initial funding for the group – because West has called her to accountability too, and he is said to be at the top of Pelosi's hit list for November.
Allen West doesn't suffer fools gladly and Nancy Pelosi cries out for the reality checks he has been known to send her way. Pelosi was asked about her opinion on the Supreme Court's decision that the individual mandate constituted a tax after the Obama regime had been arguing that is wasn't a tax. Nancy Pelosi basically said "who cares what it is called as long as it was upheld." Pelosi dodged the tax question with a non-answer – here are her exact words:
"Call it what you will – it is a step forward for America's families. And you know what? Take yes for an answer. This is a very good thing for the American people. What you're talking about here is Washington talk."
She went on to talk about how the Supreme Court majority opinion that the mandate is a tax was a "technical term" and it shouldn't really mean anything to the American people. Pelosi ducked answering the question because she knows middle class families will be hardest hit by the ObamaCare ObamaTax, and she knows Barack Obama promised not to raise taxes on the middle class. But for all the leftwing redistributionists, the end justifies the means, "so who cares what the mandate is called."
Fortunately for us, Allen West cares! There is a wonderful interview he conducted after Nancy Pelosi made her inane comments where he politely called her "somewhat delusional" and wondered aloud if how she would take it if "Washington talk" meant the government ordered everyone to buy a 9mm Glock or face a tax penalty.
Apparently, Nancy Pelosi didn't take it very well! Now West has TWO Democrat Super PACs gunning for him!
Rep. West went on to denounce the ObamaCare opinion as a "horrific decision" by the Supreme Court, and stated that it is "behavior modification by way of taxation."
You can see the video HERE.
It's not just ObamaCare that we need champion like West to stand tall against! Obama's violations against the Constitution, communistic, "progressive" usurpations of Congress' lawmaking powers, and raw aggression against Judicial Branch impartiality ruling on the Constitutionality of cases are CRIMES aided and abetted not only by his corrupt Executive Branch lackeys like Eric Holder, but by virtual communists and the "blame America firsters" of the liberty-hating and equality-undermining Congressional Black Caucus (CBC).
As Obama intimidates the Supreme Court into blatantly UNCONSTITUTIONAL opinions like upholding ObamaCare and ruling against states' rights in much of Arizona v. U.S.; as Obama effectively declares Amnesty for over a million illegal immigrants in the U.S. and repudiates what little in the Supreme Court's decision on Arizona v. U.S.defies his despotic power; and as the CBC slavishly follows Obama's every tyrannical directive – it is now fully evident that Obama is zealously determined to defy the Constitution in any and all matters that obstruct his Marxist agenda!
And the CBC are among his storm troops! Rep. Allen West tells it like it is: Obama's defiance of the rule of law, and the shameful conduct of the CBC is RACIST; it is fueled by hateful, bigoted Marxist ideology that holds America's principles of justice and human equality in contempt!
Of the recent "walk out" by the hard-left wing of Congress during the bipartisan Contempt of Congress vote in the House – seeking truth and justice for slain U.S. Border Agent Brian Terry and his family – Allen West says, "Today the Congressional Black Caucus and other liberal Members of Congress judged the Attorney General by the color of his skin, and not by the content of his character. I am disappointed my colleagues would rather engage in a political stunt to distract the American people from knowing the truth behind the Attorney General's disregard of the law and disrespect of congressional oversight to provide requested documents."
Last month, 17 Democrats joined all but two House Republicans to find Eric Holder in criminal contempt of Congress, while 21 Democrats joined all House Republicans to find Holder in civil contempt of Congress. Yet, despite the bipartisan support of these charges against Holder, the official Obama Democrat and leftwing media claim is that the actions taken by Congress to bring Holder to justice, and to uncover the truth about the Fast and Furious scandal, are purely a partisan political effort.
Allen West is boldly defending truth and justice in this Congressional investigation. He argues that Holder has only provided Congress with 7,600 pages of documents, many of which have been redacted or fully blacked out, selected from more than 140,000 pages the DOJ has identified internally related to Operation Fast and Furious. He states flatly that the family of slain U.S. Border Agent Brian Terry is SHAMEFULLY being deprived justice by Holder, and the Obama administration.
"Lady Justice wears a blindfold because she represents objectivity – in that justice is or should be meted out objectively, without fear or favor, regardless of identity, money, power, gender or race," West said.
But our institutions of justice and liberty are being distorted! Allen West warns that under Obama statism – unless the People take our nation back from the Marxists – we are losing America!
Allen West spoke recently at the Florida State Lodge Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) 63rd Annual Conference. He explained the current condition of our great nation, and how we are losing it.
He started his talk saying bluntly:
"I'm 51 years of age and I've never seen our country in the situation that it finds itself right now. We are losing the United States of America. We are in a country that is 16 trillion dollars in debt. We are in a country that is borrowing 42 cents on every dollar. We are in a country where people say the unemployment rate is at 8.2%. The unemployment rate in the United States of America is not 8.2%; it is closer to 15%."
Rep. West has argued correctly the Constitutional position – that our national plight arises from those in Washington abandoning founding principle; it is the result of FAILURE of leadership.
The Constitution is clear, for example, that any significant changes of policy or enforcement such as Obama just issued as Executive Branch diktats on immigration ARE ILLICIT! Any such changes properly are to be matters of legislation, residing as the sole responsibility of the Congress. At the very least, such a profound shift in the obvious intent and effect of standing law as originally passed by Congress would require the subsequent approval of Congress as legislative amendments BEFORE implementation.
"We have representative government," West said in a statement, "and I think right now this shows that we're getting away from government that's based upon the consent of the American people, and we're starting to live under a rule by edict or Executive Order."
As the Republican Congress tries to respond with a renewed REPEAL strategy to the incredibly political, incredibly damagingUNCONSTITUTIONAL Supreme Court decision on ObamaCare, and as political combat over the future course of America again erupts, West is battling to help win the war of ideas – leading the charge as a proud Frederick Douglass Republican.
As a strong patriot voice and stalwart citizen advocate in Washington for Liberty, our Declaration Principles, and the U.S. Constitution – Allen West needs OUR SUPPORT!
In a clarion call to action that also provides something of a "sitrep" (situation report), Col. West had earlier published a commentary in the Washington Times that rejects ObamaCare, repudiates its destructive, paternalistic claims to "benefit" Americans, and fearlessly asserts: "The fundamental structure of our government, with three co-equal branches and a careful system of checks and balances, is being usurped. Our freedoms and liberties are being chipped away, bit by bit. Our country is being transformed step by incremental step into a centrally planned, stringently controlled bureaucratic nanny state, and what I find most frightening is that a portion of our populace willingly dons the shackles, and like lemmings, marches to our demise."
Of ObamaCare, Congressman West bluntly concludes: "Our nation was founded on the Declaration of Independence… The concept of this absurd and dangerous law surely ranks with the grievances laid down 236 years ago."
We need MORE fighters in Congress who like Rep. West will come out swinging against Big Government outrages such as ObamaCare – against EXECUTIVE BRANCH USURPATIONS AND INTIMIDATIONS; against government paternalism, government nanny-statism, government coercion, government intrusion, government compulsion, government oppression. As West has declared: "ObamaCare is unconstitutional, anti-constitutional and, most certainly, an awful piece of American policy." West IS a Frederick Douglass Republican, in whom it may truly be said, brightly burns liberty's flame!
Our Frederick Douglass Republican takes Obama and his faction head-on,fearlessly repudiating the left's baseless yet very destructive cries of "racism" against all who resist their communistic transformation of our legacy of liberty and freedom.
The endgame of Obama's strategy is the Marxist "transformation" of our democratic Republic. But Obama and the corrupt Democrat Party cannot tell the truth about what they are REALLY doing. So they just call all who oppose them on their policies and principles "racists" and "Uncle Toms."
And the Obama agenda is UNACCEPTABLE to the vast majority of Americans! Obama does not love America. He does not have America's best interests at heart. He is a delusional narcissist with contempt for the Constitution and no regard for the rule of law. Obama is indifferent to the dangers to which he exposes America in his ruthless, grasping quest for office, and the destruction he wreaks to our ordered liberty and institutions of self-government.
Obama, the Campaigner-in-Chief, is willing to divide America on matters of race, creed and color like our nation has not seen since the rending wounds of the Civil War. Obama will NOT rest until the United States of America becomes the Socialist States of America and his radical agenda is in place with every Citizen dependent on Big Brother because there will be NO jobs, NO national harmony, NO unity.
Since their election in 2010, Operation Black Storm Candidate Allen West have taken Washington by storm by bringing the FREEDOM principles of Frederick Douglass Republicans and the LIBERTY message of Constitutional Conservatism back to our nation's Capital. BUT ALLEN WEST NEEDS YOUR HELP to carry on the fight in the halls of Congress!
This is exactly why Operation Black Storm exists, and why WE are supporting and endorsing Allen West for Congress!
We MUST send Representative West back to Capitol Hill. Since his election in 2010, Operation Black Storm Congressman Allen West has rocked Washington DC, by bringing the principles of Frederick Douglass Republicans and the message of principled black conservatism back to our nation's Capital. Representative West has often been the only member of Congress unafraid of the racism charges favored by the Tyrant in Chief, unabashedly calling out Obama and the Black Congressional Caucus for their disastrous policies and obvious race baiting.
Representatives West cannot "hold the line" alone. He needs YOU to stand with him to defeat the race baiting, plantation politics of the left. Allen West is fighting every day as a solid moral and fiscal conservatives to restore the Republican Party to its true constitutional roots. Let's break the bonds of dependency, big government, and racism – once and for all!
As we head into the stormy heart of perhaps one of the most important – but racially and economically polarized election cycles of our lifetime – we need to stir up our own "WEST WIND" of victory, and continue our success in carrying the message of freedom. We need to UNITE, STEP UP and FACE DOWN the haters on the left, with all their deep-pocketed money bags like George Soros!
Help us fill Congress with dedicated, liberty loving, social and fiscal minority conservatives who can free America from the bondage of leftist class warfare and shameful RINO "me too" Republicanism. We are proud to endorse Rep. Allen West, candidate for Florida's 18th Congressional District – and we implore YOUR support for this patriot and our OBS efforts NOW!
Operation Black Storm is dedicated to replacing the plantation politics of the left with liberty, by electing more Frederick Douglass Republican, Constitutionalist conservatives like Rep. Allen West, candidate for Florida's 18th Congressional District. Please join us!

God bless America,
Lynne Roberts, Executive Director

If you prefer to send a check, please mail to:
Operation Black Storm
P.O. Box 131327
Houston, TX 77219-1327

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