Saturday, July 14, 2012


Christian convert from Islam beheaded on Egyptian national TV

by Joel McDurmon on Jul 14, 2012
The Family Research Council writes,
Since Mr. Obama's entry into office, Christians have been slaughtered throughout the Bloody Crescent with hardly a peep from the U.S. State Department or the White House. Nigerian human rights activist Emmanuel Ogebe recently reported that more Christians have been killed by Islamist Boko Haram than NATO troops have been killed in Afghanistan .
Hundreds of thousands of Christians have fled Iraq . They've fled into Syria , of all places. Operation Iraqi Freedom has not protected them. In fact, their lot has been made much worse since the Bush administration toppled Saddam Hussein and allowed, in fact, required a new Iraqi constitution containing a repugnancy clause. State Department advisers insisted upon this clause. It says that notwithstanding anything else in the new constitution, nothing shall be done by the Iraq government that is "repugnant" to Islam. Well, among the things repugnant to Islam is saying "Jesus is Lord." That will get you killed.
It did get a young Tunisian Christian killed. Recently, Egyptian TV showed the horror of a young convert from Islam to Christianity being beheaded. The Egyptian new anchor, to his credit, cried out: "Is this what we want here?" And he asked the anguished question: "How will these people govern?"

Sadly, the answers are in the broadcast. Yes, it is what the Egyptian voters want in Egypt . Fully 84% of Egyptians have told pollsters that apostates from Islam should be killed. They just voted for it. How will the new Islamists govern? By publicly cutting off the heads of their opponents. Simple enough.
Only a few organizations have picked up the story of this beheading. It seems to have been largely ignored by the American media. Here's a report from the Barnabas Fund:
Video footage of a convert from Islam to Christianity being murdered by Muslims has been shown on Egyptian TV. The graphic incident, which is reported to have taken place in Tunisia , was aired on a programme called Egypt Today. The footage shows a young man being held down by masked men with a knife to his throat. One man chants a number of Muslim prayers in Arabic, mostly condemning Christianity. The man holding the knife to the Christian convert's throat begins to cut, slowly severing the head amid cries of "Allahu Akbar" ("god is great")

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