Friday, November 11, 2011


Congress is facing a deadline to have a vote on a Balanced Budget Amendment before the end of the year -- but that could mean HIGHER TAXES unless we force them to QUICKLY pass one that takes tax hikes OFF THE TABLE! 

As a result of the August debt limit debate, the Budget Control Act of 2011 requires that a vote on the Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA) take place in both chambers of Congress before the end of the year. It is critical, however, that the amendment brought to the floor provide strong protections for taxpayers and ensure . 

House Republicans led Congress into a new era of fiscal discipline by cutting spending from previous levels for the first time in history. And thanks to patriotic conservatives LIKE YOU, we made sure that the debt limit debate focused solely on the government's spending problem. The vote on a Balanced Budget Amendment represents another opportunity for our Representatives to demonstrate their unwavering commitment to taxpayers. 

The introduction of a weak Balanced Budget Amendment -- an amendment that doesn't require a supermajorityto raise taxes or instill sufficient spending restraint -- will be nothing less than an abandonment of this commitment. 

We FINALLY have a real chance to get a Balanced Budget Amendment passed through Congress -- but we need YOUR help to force Congress to pass a STRONG BBA that does NOT raise our taxes! 

CLICK HERE to send Blast Faxes to EVERY SINGLE U.S. SENATOR AND REPRESENTATIVE, to DEMAND that Congress pass a STRONG Balanced Budget Amendment with NO TAX HIKES! 

As hard-hitting anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist noted recently, a Balanced Budget Amendment MUST keep the focus on the government's spending problem. Passing a BBA that allows a tax hike by a simple majority would allow lawmakers to "balance" their budgets on the backs of taxpayers, rather than forcing Congress to rein in spending. 
Washington has an overspending problem, not an under-taxing problem. Historically, outlays have averaged about 21 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) while revenues have amounted to about 18 percent of GDP. Due to the Obama Administration and Congressional Democrats' spending binge, outlays now average almost 25 percent of GDP, and are projected to stay around 23 percent... FOREVER! 

Unless tax hikes are taken off the table, reckless lawmakers will increase taxes to pay for these new bloated spending levels, rather than bring spending in line with revenues. A so-called "clean" BBA -- where "nothing is taken off the table," including tax hikes -- provides the excuse big spenders seek to raise taxesand grow government

Any lawmaker committed to restoring American solvency CANNOT seriously vote for a BBA that does not include asuper-majority requirement for tax increases. But there are already proposals in Congress to do just that -- which is why we need to FORCE Congress to pass a strong Balanced Budget Amendment with these protectionsbefore the Budget Control Act deadline. In fact, When asked Speaker of the House John Boehner last week if the Republican leadership had ruled out voting on a balanced budget amendment that did not cap federal spending as a percentage of GDP or require supermajorities in both houses to raise taxes, "Boehner said the leadership had not decided what type of balanced budget amendment it would bring to a vote."

THAT is why we need to take action NOW, to FORCE Congress to pass a STRONG Balanced Budget Amendment, that will NOT raise taxes! 

CLICK HERE to send Blast Faxes to EVERY SINGLE U.S. SENATOR AND REPRESENTATIVE, to DEMAND that Congress pass a STRONG Balanced Budget Amendment with NO TAX HIKES! 

Remember the "Cut, Cap and Balance Act" we tried to get Congress to pass this year? That bill, which passed the House and received unanimous Republican support in the Senate, was REJECTED by Senate Democrats -- who apparently would prefer to bankrupt the country than reform spending. 

strong Balanced Budget Amendment would place the onus of responsible budgeting on lawmakers, rather than passing the burden onto taxpayers who are already shouldering the weight of failed "stimulus" programs and bailouts. It would do this by requiring any net tax increases to overcome a two-thirds supermajority in each chamber of Congress. 

This clause is vital to keep the debate where it should be: federal overspendingAmericans are not taxed too little; Washington spends too much. In the same vein, the spending restraint in the
 amendment SHOULD NOT be waived unless a two-thirds majority agrees to do so. 

Interestingly, Edwin Meese, who served as attorney general under President Ronald Reagan, recently stated that, "It's also very important that the balanced budget amendment provide that the courts would NOT be empowered to enforce the provisions of the balanced budget amendment, because that would turn over to the courts the ability for them to raise taxes perhaps or to exercise powers that the Constitution gives to theelected branches of the government, and that is adopting the spending plan for the federal government." 

In other words, Meese, like many other conservative analysts, believes that a balanced budget amendment that does not cap spending, requiresupermajorities to raise taxes, and curb the power of federal judges to preempt the tax and spending powers of the elected branches, will be a formula for bigger governmenthigher taxes and a diminishing of representative government in the United States. 
"We've already seen that happen in the states where they have balanced budget amendments, where courts have said they have to raise taxes," said Meese. "We have seen federal courts even try to raise taxes in the states to accomplish certain objectives. Fortunately, that was overruled by the Supreme Court."

"But, in any event," said Meese, "if you had ... a balanced budget amendment without the protections against judicial interference, the courts could then arrogate that power to themselves through a lawsuit, as they have for example in the area of national security, where they have invaded what has always been powers reserved to the elected branches."
On the other hand, a strong balanced budget amendment that caps spending, restrains taxation, and curbs courts would help restore limited government... and that is what we have the chance to force Congress to finally pass! 

FINALLY, THIS IS WHAT WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR -- a chance to pass an actual Balanced Budget Amendment! BUT -- we have to FORCE Congress to pass a STRONG one, that will NOT raise taxes! 

CLICK HERE to send Blast Faxes to EVERY SINGLE U.S. SENATOR AND REPRESENTATIVE, to DEMAND that Congress pass a STRONG Balanced Budget Amendment with NO TAX HIKES! 

A strong balanced budget amendment is a protection against a runaway spending binge by the federal government such as we've seen particularly in the last few years. IT'S TIME TO FINALLY PUT AN END TO THAT!We've made it EASY to make your voice heard LOUD AND CLEAR on this issue -- please take action NOW


Conservative Action Alerts 

P.S. As Ed Meese stated, "A balanced budget, requiring Congress to balance the budget on an annual basis, means that first of all we get a budget--we haven't had one for a couple of years -- and secondly it means that that budget would be within reasonable limits, spending limits as well as limits in terms of not being balanced by taxation. So, that's why a strong Balanced Budget Amendment with protections in regard to taxation, and in regard to spending, and in regard to court interference is absolutely critical if we're going to preserve the kind of a country and the kind of constitutional republic that we have at the present time." 

PLEASE, take action RIGHT AWAY to DEMAND that Congress pass a STRONG BBA -- Thank you! 

CLICK HERE to send Blast Faxes to EVERY SINGLE U.S. SENATOR AND REPRESENTATIVE, to DEMAND that Congress pass a STRONG Balanced Budget Amendment with NO TAX HIKES! 

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