Thursday, March 24, 2011


Written by: Debbie Warren with Tea Party Submission

Napoleon is attributed with making the famed comment; when your enemy is destroying himself, don’t get in the way.
That is a lesson the GOP has never learned and most Republicans in congress seem genetically incapable of learning.  What is the GOP doing now?  Read about it here, on Tea Party Nation.

My post on 3-24-2011
First of all; budget shortfalls from local to Federal levels correlate to the cost of supporting Illegal Aliens, immigrant parasites, subversive groups that support them and money that is handed over to corporate and financial thieves as well as countries and leaders who pray for our demise.  Granting Amnesty would be a travesty and solid reason for a real and true Revolution.

People are investigated and arrested everyday with far less probable cause than we have on the B.Hussein situation; and they are prosecuted and punished.  The 'old guard' is guilty on so many levels, including dereliction and cowardice, and they are willing to allow their Tar Baby to have his day in the sun in exchange for being their scape goat.  How else would this slum dog sewer rat have been able to live as he has, do so much damage, break our laws and trash our Constitution and skitter off with massive wealth when his part is done?  Unless we do what needs to be done and see him in chains; he will skitter off into a rathole as others like him have done.  And devote the rest of his life to destroying everything that represents what we are.

The GOP is shameful and not the Party my parents and grandparents thought they were supporting and that I trusted for most of my life.  Once again, evidence and probable cause makes the case that they are not so much cowards as co-conspirators.  We knew when the real TEA Party freshmen took office there would be a tremendous amount of discontent amongst the rotting corpses in the old guard and some have complained loudly about the difficulty of reigning in the newbies.

We have made it clear that Amnesty is not an option and we will not stand for it.  We have watched the theft and coddling of these INVADERS and stood helplessly by while our Fiduciaries robbed our bank accounts and jobs to illegally fund them.  Gifting these criminals who violated our borders and committed massive crimes collectively against us and threaten us while they make public demands with blanket citizenship would be a crime of massive proportions.  That would reduce us overnight to a true banana republic with no means to fully support ourselves and the parasites who came with malicious intent to accomplish this.  No matter how you cut it; if I broke into your home to steal on the basis that it was the only way to 'have a better life' is still a crime.  I would be prosecuted, would I not?  When one premeditates theft from another; does that not constitute malicious intent?  We don't reward criminals; we punish them...don't we?

Not only are American citizens opposed to this; but it is a slap in the face of every legal immigrant who has waited and paid their dues to become citizens.  EVERY single Hispanic along with every legal immigrant I have spoken to is possibly angrier than the average Natural Born citizen...the real ones, mind you.  They learned the language, applied and waited, paid their own costs, took the government courses and stood up with their hand over their heart to Pledge Allegiance.  They got their Social Security numbers and so on legally and they are proud to work and produce and claim their citizenship.  They hate illegals because they feel it reflects upon them.  They came not to conquer, but to become one of us and are very vocal about it.  Amnesty would not secure votes from these true immigrants.

Our representatives, leaders and officials who have been lying and colluding for a long time will continue to do so unless we expose the circumstances and people behind the fraud that put B. Hussein in office and that allows him to wreak more destruction upon us by the day.  This is the SINGLE most important issue and not merely a distraction.  He may very well be an Illegal Alien, himself.  Why people will not stand behind this effort is beyond comprehension as it not only symbolizes, but emphasizes the fraud and corruption across the board in our government and our agencies.

The huge effort we put behind electing conservatives and those who promised to uphold our Constitution was not undertaken so they could conform and integrate into the corruption or to see them meekly stating our case; their job was to continue with the strength and conviction we saw while they were campaigning.
What a huge disappointment it is to watch the lot of them disrespect us and play into the schemes that are destroying us.  There are a few who have stayed on point on some issues; but REFUSE to undertake or even speak on the most important issue that would knock down the house of cards with one breath...and expose the culpable frauds we need to banish from power.
Debbie Warren

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