Sunday, March 6, 2011


Reminder to Glenn Greenwald: The Islamists You Defend Want You Dead

by Lisa Richards
Posted on March 5 2011 4:56 pm
Lisa Richards is a life-long conservative Reagan girl educated in Political Science at Sacred Heart University. She resides in CT with her family and assortment of rescued pets.
Salon‘s Glenn Greenwald has come out swinging his left fist against conservative protests of sharia law as he buries the left side of his brain in the sand in defense of Islam.

It makes no difference to Salon’s Glenn Greenwald that America is under constant threat of attack by Islamists, and that thousands were murdered on 9/11. And never mind that radical Muslims brutalize their women through rape, torture, and murder referred to as “honor killing.” Greenwald feels Americans have no right to condemn Islam, call it violent, protest the Hamas-linked Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), or enact any legislation that would prevent Islam from imposing its sadistic sharia law on America.
In Greenwald’s latest column, he writes as if Islam has been attacked and bloodied by Americans, referring to Islam as the victim of American hatred.  And Greenwald is slamming hard at legislators investigating Muslims in America who are tied to terrorism, as well as congressional attempts to prevent sharia from becoming part of American law:
Next week, House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Peter King (R-NY) will convene a Congressional hearing to investigate the loyalty and ‘radicalization’ of American Muslims.  Earlier this week in Tennessee, a bill was proposed to make it a felony to follow Sharia law –which would essentially criminalize the practice of Islam in that state.  Last year, mosques in Tennessee, Oregon and Georgia were targeted with apparent arson.  The case against the Park51 community center—including from mainstream TV journalists—was grounded in the warped premise that Muslims generally bore guilt for the 9/11 attacks.   All of these sentiments are regularly bolstered by a deranged cult-leader/TV personality followed by millions.
Greenwald is distressed that Islam is being ganged up on by “Tea Party members and other protesters [who] bombarded a charity event sponsored by a Muslim group,” demanding sharia law not be instituted in America.
If Muslims “bombarded” a Jewish Passover feast or Christian Easter Sunday worship, would Greenwald call that deranged?  If Julian Assange spied on Islamic terror cells, would that be criminal?
Greenwald obviously suffers from leftist amnesia.  He defends a radical movement that wants America conquered and non-Muslims converted or murdered. No TV journalist invented Islamic violence, Islam did.
This leftist needs a memory recall.
First: All 19 terrorists who attacked America on 9/11 were Muslims acting on their beliefs; they were not members of the Vienna Boys Choir singing the Requiem Mass. Islam demands jihad (holy War) against all non-Muslims.  Therefore, Congressman King and House leaders better stand up against Islamic terror on American soil.  Murder in the name of Islam is not religious freedom.  But when it comes to Islam versus its protesters, Greenwald, like all leftists, turns a deaf ear and blind eye to the truth.

Second: Islam is entirely radical; it demands bloodshed against non-Muslims. This sometimes takes the form of honor killings of those trying to leave Islam, even in America. Notice Greenwald ignores this.
Third: Greenwald’s column conveniently ignores attacks on America by Muslims since 9/11: the Fort Hood massacre committed by Major Nidal Malik Hasan, who murdered 13 and wounded 32 as he screamed Allahu Akbar, Fort Dix, Times Square, the Shoe Bomber, The Christmas Day Underwear Bomber, the Little Rock, Arkansas Shooter, not to mention the list of Saudi terrorist communities in America.
Greenwald handily disregards Islamic terror in America, focusing blame on Americans protesting Islam’s violence:
[L]aws to criminalize a minority religion, formal government investigations into disloyalty from a minority group, violent attacks on their place of worship, and the intensity of the hate-mongering is anything but ‘glib.’
Note to Greenwald, it’s Islam’s sharia Americans are against, not the Muslim individual. It’s Islamic terror the government wants investigated, they are not outlawing religion.  Let’s get it straight. Americans are not attacking mosques or Muslims.  It’s the other way around.  Protesting Mosque building and sharia law is not aggression, nor does it deny freedom of religion. Islam’s sharia law, however, does deny freedom of religion and the Constitution to Muslims.  Muslims must follow sharia or suffer execution.
Fourth: Greenwald completely overlooks the fact that Islamic nations persecute and murder Christians and Jews: bombing Christian churches (1, 2, 3), attacking Christian homes in the Middle East, and demanding that all Jews be killed.
Greenwald conveniently shoves his left brain in the sand on those truths. His defense of Islam holds no ground and he sides with a radical movement that denies freedom of religion and freedom in general.
Leftists like Glenn Greenwald constantly feed Americans lies, demanding the country apologize for Islamic attacks on America.  Leftists never admit Islam is violent, they never own up to the fact 9/11 is the fault of Islam. Instead, they try to convince Americans they are Islamophobic hatemongers.
This is the Left’s unholy alliance with Islamists.
Second: Islam is entirely radical; it demands bloodshed against non-Muslims. This sometimes takes the form of honor killings of those trying to leave Islam, even in America. Notice Greenwald ignores this.
Third: Greenwald’s column conveniently ignores attacks on America by Muslims since 9/11: the Fort Hood massacre committed by Major Nidal Malik Hasan, who murdered 13 and wounded 32 as he screamed Allahu Akbar, Fort Dix, Times Square, the Shoe Bomber, The Christmas Day Underwear Bomber, the Little Rock, Arkansas Shooter, not to mention the list of Saudi terrorist communities in America.
Greenwald handily disregards Islamic terror in America, focusing blame on Americans protesting Islam’s violence:
[L]aws to criminalize a minority religion, formal government investigations into disloyalty from a minority group, violent attacks on their place of worship, and the intensity of the hate-mongering is anything but ‘glib.’
Note to Greenwald, it’s Islam’s sharia Americans are against, not the Muslim individual. It’s Islamic terror the government wants investigated, they are not outlawing religion.  Let’s get it straight. Americans are not attacking mosques or Muslims.  It’s the other way around.  Protesting Mosque building and sharia law is not aggression, nor does it deny freedom of religion. Islam’s sharia law, however, does deny freedom of religion and the Constitution to Muslims.  Muslims must follow sharia or suffer execution.
Fourth: Greenwald completely overlooks the fact that Islamic nations persecute and murder Christians and Jews: bombing Christian churches (1, 2, 3), attacking Christian homes in the Middle East, and demanding that all Jews be killed.
Greenwald conveniently shoves his left brain in the sand on those truths. His defense of Islam holds no ground and he sides with a radical movement that denies freedom of religion and freedom in general.
Leftists like Glenn Greenwald constantly feed Americans lies, demanding the country apologize for Islamic attacks on America.  Leftists never admit Islam is violent, they never own up to the fact 9/11 is the fault of Islam. Instead, they try to convince Americans they are Islamophobic hatemongers.
This is the Left’s unholy alliance with Islamists.

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