Monday, February 21, 2011


Submitted by: Donald Hank


The hallmark of the liberal control of the American government from 2007 through 2011 has been staggering unemployment.  Officially, the unemployment rate hangs at ten percent.  The real rate of unemployment, including under employment is closer to twenty.   When you include those who have given up on searching for a job, the number becomes even more staggering.
Many in the GOP field claim to be the economic savior of the county.  Perhaps the loudest self-cheerleader seems to be Mitt Romney.    He has been making the rounds asking, "who is going to put 15 million people back to work?"
Romney of course, wants to imply that it will be him, given his vaunted business background.  Given his political background, giving Massachusetts "Romneycare" and running for the United States Senate to the left of Ted Kennedy, Americans should be worried.  When you look at his track record as a businessman, worry should turn into all out alarm.

Much of Romney's wealth comes from something called "Bain Capital."  Bain Capital is a private equity firm that loaned money to businesses.   Their tactic was to use money they loaned to the businesses, to help the businesses boost their short-term earnings so they could borrow even more money.   Those companies then paid out dividends to Bain Capital, so Bain Capital profited handsomely.
You don't need to have an MBA from Harvard to figure out how those stories ended. 
In interviews with the New York media, Romney has denied having taken money from two companies that went bankrupt.  He has said that a company (Like Bain Capital) should not take dividends from companies when that puts the company at risk of going bankrupt.
Yet, according to those interviewed for stories in the New York media, that is exactly what Romney did, time after time.   
Romney made hundreds of millions of dollars for Bain Capital but the end result was the bankrupting of multiple companies and thousands of workers losing their jobs. 
Most of the mainstream media is giving Romney a pass.  Why?  He is Obama-lite and if Obama loses the 2012 election, having Romney in the Oval Office is the next best thing, even if he is a Republican. 
The media has excoriated Sarah Palin for every fault she has, both real and imagined.   Yet Romney, who has a very checkered business past, is getting a free pass.
As we have said before on Tea Party Nation, Romney is no conservative.   For the Tea Party movement to accomplish its goals and save America from socialism, we need a President to take over in 2013, who is committed to dismantling socialism and dismantling what Obama did.  We need a President committed to the destruction of liberalism.
The jury may still be out on who the best candidate for us in 2012 will be, but there is no question, Mitt Romney is not a conservative and he is not the candidate we need in 2012

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