Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Obama's Child Soldiers
By Ben Johnson,

The left-wing protesters in Wisconsin have insisted they are only calling in sick for work, getting paid for protesting, and demanding excessively generous benefits for “the children.” To drive this point home, they have surrounded themselves with children in the protests. Many of these young people say they feel “forced” to attend and admit they have no idea why they are there. There is a simple reason for this: The Left has long used children as political props for its radical political agenda. No one who really cared about children would want to expose them to the hate-filled profanity-fests that represent the average liberal rally.

The Left uses children as their political soldiers because children do not know the platitudes they are mouthing are nonsense; they are more sympathetic than union thugs; and they give the Left a sense of innocence and moral legitimacy entirely unmerited by their ideology, means, or goals.

Marion Wright Edelman, who founded the Children’s Defense Fund and acted as Hillary Clinton’s mentor for years, admitted, “I got the idea that children might be a very effective way to broaden the base for change.”

Wisconsin has put Edelman’s lesson to use….
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