Saturday, February 4, 2023


                                                               Equal Shares





Years ago I had a friend that had played on an NFL Team that had won the Super Bowl. Just as his teammates had been awarded Super Bowl rings, so had he. The problem was, in his words, “I did not get to play a single down in the game and feel as if I did not earn the ring.” When he wore it he would place his hand that did not have the ring upon it and almost hide the ring.


When I heard his words and saw him trying to conceal his ring I reacted immediately. First I asked, “How many games did you play in and either scored a touchdown or made a gain that allowed a touchdown?”


His answer was, “at least 4 or 5.”


My next words were to tell him that Shakespeare had addressed this in a work of his. I forget which one but I do remember the line he wrote.


“Those who serve that stand and wait.” Then added, “Do you think you guys would have made it to the Super Bowl if those gains and touchdowns had not been realized?”


What does that infer? What is the meaning?


If a man is held in reserve as another plays the game, he must realize that the player in the game knows that if he gets hurt there will be someone to take his place. With that knowledge he can play to the utmost of his ability and go, as footballers say, ‘”All out.”


From that day forward my friend wore that ring with satisfaction of being part of a team that won the Super Bowl and knows he earned it!.


In the days of the Bible, as I later learned, there were times when, “those who stood in wait,” were given an equal share in the goods realized as ‘the spoils of war.’ Just as Shakespeare had written, maybe getting his thought from the Bible, as  Moses and King David directed that the dividers were to see to it that the goods were divided equally between the warriors who fought the battle and the people that “stood in wait.”


Numbers 31:27 Then divide the plunder in two parts, and give half to the men who fought the battle and half to the rest of the people. (Moses speaking)


1 Samuel 30:24 …We share and share alike-those who go to battle and those who guard the equipment. (David speaking)



Now, you may be asking yourself, ‘How does this affect me?’


OK, read on.


There are men and women in the world that go to foreign lands and teach the Word of the Lord. We call them Missionaries. Often they are subjected to great dangers as they are faced with extreme persecution and death simply due to their teaching Christianity. Not everyone can go and not everyone is called to go. Our Head Coach, Jesus Christ, has not called your name and said, “Get in the game.”


Just as not everyone has been called to be an Elder, a Sunday school teacher, a worker of miracles, a healer, and anything other than a Christian, we, the remainder can be seen as “Those who stood in wait.” We were prepared to go into the game, if called, but we weren’t. But, what did we do?


We were the businesspersons, lawyers, doctors, managers, government workers, salespersons, mechanics, food service workers, labor forces that provided everything the Missionaries needed to be supplied with to do their jobs. We donated our money, and supported them in any way we could. The greatest contribution we made was to PRAY for their efforts and their safety. In short, we gave the greatest gift we could, that gift being our LOVE.


There is not one of us that should suffer frustration for not being in a foreign country on a Mission for God. The Lord will never bring condemnation to any of His people as He placed you in the position you are in. Rest assured, if the Lord wants you in a Missionary position He will fill you with the Spirit and call you.


If you truly think you have been called by the Lord to be a Missionary, answer that call. If you have not been called but want to be more supportive, find a Missionary church group and donate either support time or money, or both. The main thought I wish to convey is even in a support role you are truly, “a person who stands in wait.”


Every Christian should realize that their being supportive of a prayer for the Missionaries is a true honoring of God and no matter their role, He will grant them an equal share in His heavenly reward.


(Closing prayer)


Almighty God, maker of all there is, God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and us all, we praise You and thank You for the lives You have granted us. You alone are Lord, You are the Holy One.


Father, we pray for our Christian brothers and sisters at home and abroad as they seek to tell of Your Good News and of Your glorious Being. Lord, we ask that You protect them and be with them as they do Your work. Lord, please know that we stand in wait to do Your bidding. We watch over the equipment that allows them to do their jobs and we pray that Your love will tide them over until they gain rest in Your Mighty Arms.


Father, we are ever thankful for the opportunity You afford to be in Your service. There is no greater calling to answer than to be named in Your Book of Life as a Christian and a servant that You have named as saved.


Lord, we ask that You continue to look over our sons and daughters in the military, our elected officials, our security services, judges and police forces. Guide their paths and allow them to be Your servants. Keep them from harm and be with them in times of their need. You alone have the power to answer our prayers and to guide our lives.


These things we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, who is One with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever,


Amen, amen and amen.     

Pastor Lee S Gliddon Jr
God's Word Christian Ministry
Conservative Patriot

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