Friday, January 27, 2023



Domestic Genocide in Iran

In short, we have an excellent opportunity to topple these parasitic terrorists once and for all. History will judge us all. At Munich, Chamberlain got an international agreement that Hitler should have the Sudetenland in exchange for Germany making no further demands for land in Europe. Chamberlain said it was 'Peace for our time'.

By Amil Imani

Time For The Pundits to Explain the Big Ruse

Day in and day out, we are inundated with articles and video about what is “wrong” in our country. Ground breaker in talk radio, Rush Limbaugh made millions telling us about it, why and how. Presumably so do people like Hannity and Levin – not to mention so many others. Is it just for the money? Are they really “patriots”?

By Jeffery Dover

Governed by Idiots

How did we wind up in Stupid World? And more to the point, how do we get out of it? When they’re not physically assaulting us, they’re assaulting our wallets. How many stores have had to close because prosecutors won’t prosecute rampant shoplifting?

By Lee Duigon

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