Wednesday, December 14, 2022


The home for grassroots conservatives leading the battle to educate and mobilize family, friends, neighbors, and others to defeat the anti-God, anti-America, Marxist New Democrats.


ConservativeHQ Exclusives:

‘Go Big’ Excerpt #4: Newt’s Four-Part Plan


By Richard A Viguerie, CHQ Chairman

Today, I want to share a fundamental tool that will help you build a successful organization or campaign and in the process, help save our country. My heritage is Cajun. Ask a Cajun chef how to prepare any Cajun dish, and he or she will each start with the same sentence, “Well, first you make a roux [a sauce].” My advice before starting any important project is, “Well, first you start with what I call ‘Newt’s Four-Part Plan.’”


The Real Domestic Terror Campaign The FBI Hasn’t Stopped


By George Rasley, CHQ Editor

The security of our electrical grid is a national security matter, not a matter for local law enforcement who thinks “vandalism” when the power is knocked out at one of America’s most important military installations. We urge the new House Republican majority to hold hearings and conduct vigorous oversight to hold the administration’s feet to the fire and find out why the FBI has spent thousands of manhours chasing January 6 protesters but hasn’t identified even one suspect in a decade of attacks on our national security infrastructure.

More From ConservativeHQ:

The Right Resistance: Democrats diss on Iowa as first-in-the-nation to save Joe Biden in 2024

By Jeffery A. Rendall
Joe Biden’s move to shift the order of early voting states ahead of the 2024 Democrat primaries is all about making sure that his strong base of support – black voters – has the first say in whether he will get another chance to run against the Republican nominee. The liberal establishment loves the idea, because it will close out the possibility of an outsider beating Joe.

‘Go Big’ Excerpt #3 Branding Conservatives – Branding Democrats

By Richard A Viguerie, CHQ Chairman
In excerpt #2 of Go Big I introduced readers to my Four Horsemen of Marketing and the idea that to your audience, you must get all four right, and if you do, you will win. Get one wrong and you’re not likely to succeed: POSITION, DIFFERENTIATION, BENEFIT, and BRAND. Today, I want to share some practical applications of those concepts.

Has The US Military Become A Paper Tiger?

By Laurence F. Sanford, American Security Council Foundation
Climate change, Covid 19, and extremism in the ranks are all strategic dangers, according to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. What about China, Russia, and Iran? What about aging Navy and Air Force ships and planes? Instead of forcing service people to have Wuhan Virus injections that are not scientifically justified or proven safe, he should be concerned about the dangerous drop in recruitment and retention numbers.

The Right Resistance: No, Trump is not purposely trying to kill the GOP’s chances in ‘24

By Jeffery A. Rendall
I don’t believe Trump would take down the country because he’s mad at the way he’s been treated. And he doesn’t care what his enemies think about him anyway. Like a dwindling hurricane that suddenly regains strength by moving onto warm ocean waters, something will propel Trump to his old potency he once exhibited. Trump has more political lives than a cat. And you can bet the house that he wants to win.

Conservatives Demand New Leadership At The Republican National Committee

By George Rasley, CHQ Editor
At a time when there are increasing calls for a new conservative political party, reelecting Ronna Romney McDaniel, who has proven herself to be an ineffective Republican National Committee Chairman would be an act of institutional suicide for the GOP. We urge CHQ readers and friends to go here to sign on to the campaign and to urge your RNC representatives to vote for Harmeet Dhillon for Chairman.

Senator Rand Paul Explains Antitrust Hypocrisy In One Short Speech

By George Rasley, CHQ Editor
We like sticking it to The Big Business Man as much as anyone but using Big Government as the tool to do so is extremely ill advised. As we have seen time and again with the Big Government Leviathan, when business urges that government be given additional teeth to go after a competitor, it is not the best product, but the best lobbyist who wins, and consumers and market innovation become the ultimate losers.

Today's Headlines:
The GOP requires a stronger House speaker

Rep. Andy Biggs, Washington Examiner (Restoring America)

Republicans must slow down Biden’s policies by finding, protecting, and using procedural leverage. My disagreements with Kevin McCarthy are rooted in my desire for a stronger, better Republican Party, one that prioritizes the needs of our voters, resists the pull of establishment influences, and is unified in both its ideological and political goals. That’s the kind of party that can set this nation back on the right track.

Now What?

Julie Kelly, American Greatness

Elon Musk’s one-man crusade to expose the inner workings of the technology giant he now owns is admirable at a time when the level of courage needed to confront the massive beast of government, Silicon Valley, the Biden regime, and traditional media is frighteningly low. Courage, as Billy Graham once said, is contagious. Let’s hope the newly elected House Republican majority can catch a really potent case of it, and soon.

The Plaintive Wails of the Irrelevant

Scott McKay, The American Spectator

The examples listed above is anything but an exhaustive sample of the squawkings of the Left over some very minor setbacks — Musk’s Twitter purchase and subsequent disclosure of its internal machinations, and the GOP takeover of the House majority. These are not world-changing events, though they do carry significance, but to the Democrats, they seem to be cataclysmic, or perhaps cause for hissing and strenuous objections.

Mark Levin: ‘Mr. Gun Control Biden’ Just Became ‘One of the Biggest Arms Merchants in the World’
Craig Bannister, CNS News

In a prisoner swap, Biden released infamous arms trafficker Viktor Bout to Russia in exchange for the return of U.S. professional women’s basketball player Brittney Griner on Thursday. Biden should stop relentlessly lecturing Americans about his desire for greater gun control, now that he has become “one of the biggest arms merchants in the world” and is responsible for any deaths resulting from Bout’s release, Levin tweeted.
Rep. Lauren Boebert Wins Reelection, Recount Confirms
Zachary Stieber, The Epoch Times

Conservative Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) will serve another term in Congress after a recount showed she triumphed in her reelection bid, Colorado officials confirmed late Dec. 12. The mandatory recount, triggered because the margin between Boebert and her challenger was within 0.5 percent, “reconfirmed that Representative Lauren Boebert is the winner of the race,” the office of Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold said.

Republicans Made Midterm Gains with Young Voters
Just the News (Laurel Duggan), The Star News Network
According to AP, Republicans made gains in the midterm elections among voters under 30. Young voters swung 53 percent for Democratic House candidates and 41 percent for Republican candidates, according to the AP. The result marks a decline from recent elections: voters under 30 chose President Joe Biden over former President Donald Trump 61 percent to 36 percent in 2020, swung for Democrats 64 to 34 percent in 2018 House races.

Take Action:
Preserve conservative values by taking action using the links below.

2020 Election Year Campaign Survey


CNN and the Dishonest Media, Democrats, The Corrupt Washington Political Cartel, & The Anti-God, Anti-America Left . . . Will stop at nothing to destroy President Trump and destroy America . . .

Stop Socialism Today


When President Trump vowed America will "NEVER be a socialist country" during his State of the Union Address, leftists in the gallery like U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders scowled . . .

ATTENTION: TRUMP Declares Border Emergency


Now we need your help to urge ALL Republicans to stand firm and support President Trump's Border Emergency Declaration . . .

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