Tuesday, August 23, 2022



The American Gestapo

Are Americans so weak that they will keep their heads down and hope the evil passes? Are they so propagandized by the Democrat’s media comrades that they believe what is happening is righteous? Or are they oblivious to the very threats of evil occurring in our nation and around the world?

By Kelleigh Nelson


How and Why Republicans Lose Elections

Bombarded with messages from the Obama campaign and the Soros-funded propaganda machine, including the Super PACs he funded, voters found Romney’s private sector experience on Wall Street and wealth more objectionable than Obama’s record as a Marxist president.

By Cliff Kincaid


The World of the Left is Like a Well-Used Litter Box

Anyone who has ever had pet cats will understand this reference immediately. If you have not, try to extrapolate, and take my word for a few things. The box can contain some pretty ugly “surprises”. It may look only slightly used on the surface, but when you dig…well, you know.

By Kat Stansell


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