Monday, June 27, 2022

 Submitted by: Robert Bowen

DEVASTATING! 90% of the Global Population Will Die - Globalist Agenda June 21, 2022



This is just horrific and how on earth do they think they can do this to the entire world?  Evil and demonic people who think they will make it out of it all themselves! NOT!  I find it hard to think that humans would take the time to be so ignorant and terrible to as many as possible-but I guess we have to face that there is good vs evil and always has been!

But how do we fight those that are so evil and stop them?  By the grace of God I think!  The stuff another World War may be made of?



Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2022 6:11 PM

Subject: Dr. Rima Laibow - DEVASTATING! 90% of the Global Population Will Die - Globalist Agenda June 21, 2022


Linda Goudsmit WRITES: This is an extraordinary interview - chilling - but validating for those of us who are willing to see the unseeable, know the unknowable, say the unsayable, and acknowledge the horrific globalist plan for world domination. - LG


Dr. Rima Laibow - DEVASTATING! 90% of the Global Population Will Die - Globalist Agenda


The True Agenda





"Useless eaters" was a term of art in Nazi Germany. Person who introduced eugenics, ethnic cleansing, was John D. Rockefeller Jr. He sponsored Kaiser-Wilhelm Institute. The scientific study of ethnic cleansing/eugenics. For the good and safety and health of population it was important to get rid of the contaminators in society. Useless eaters were defined as the people who would bring down the health of the society. Every modern totalitarian system has coopted the medical system. Mao did it, Pol Pot, Hitler, and Fauci is doing it.


Useless eaters were people who were determined to be defective. Children’s killing commission was set up in Berlin and used special wards in hospitals. Defectives were not considered human. Program extended to age 17 and then cradle to grave -> AKTION 4 program in pre-war Germany where they were experimented on and killing chambers were installed. 


Hitler was chosen, supported, and trained by a committee of American industrialists including John D. Rockefeller Jr., Henry Ford, FDR, Averil Harriman's forbearers, and George W. Bush's uncles. John D. Rockefeller Jr. sent his own personal public relations man, John Ivey, to Europe prior to Hitler’s coming out party. He conducted a little finishing school for Hitler, Goering, and Goebbels on how to run propaganda operations and take over large populations’s minds and behaviors. Well-coordinated and well-planned but it failed.


The globalists reformatted the League of Nations into the United Nations and began again.


John D. Rockefeller Jr owned controlling interests in Germany’s pharmaceutical companies. The heads of the pharmaceutical industries went back to work as pharmaceutical industry executives and started creating additives for foods because whoever controls the food supply controls the world.


In 1952 heads of big-pharma wrote a letter to UN saying that the United Nations should take over the world’s food supply. That is when they created  CODEX alimentarius - the food code. It is what controls the food supply. So, big-medica with big insurance, big-ag to make you sick, and big biotech to further make you sick, and then big-pharma (the same cartel) rushes in to make you “healthy.” The sicker you are the better it is for the globalists. Agenda 21 says we need to cull population and reduce by 90%. All private industry organizations funded privately by Bill Gates. This is not a conspiracy theory, it is a conspiracy in fact.


Reduce population by 90% and then compress the remaining serfs 10% into 1% of transit villages where each person will be allotted 16 square meters for life. Only bicycles for transit without a permit. The remaining 90% will be rewilded. 


Agenda 21 -> Agenda 2030. Any child who grows to their genetic potential and consumes more than their fair share of resources of the planet will be intentionally underfed. Any child who grows to their full intellectual potential and consumes more than their fair share of the resources of the planet will be under-educated. They are developing an undernourished, undereducated underclass to serve the globalist elite. Already there is a ban on growing your own food in Australia. If you hunt you cannot share the meat with others. Living in small houses and children eating bugs are all part of the plan.


The most vicious totalitarian hierarchical abusive system the world has ever seen being introduced through food and medicine. Read their documents 2002, 2003, 2004 - it is all there. People on freedom side are thinking tactically, not strategically. They are responding to events after a battle is lost. So, the Laibows they closed their medical practice, sold house, and created the Natural Solutions Foundation to fight back.


July 14, 2006 - every country in the WHO signed an agreement - in event of a level 4 pandemics, all world governance devolves to the WHO. That is exactly what happened. The new Pandemic Treaty or WHO Constitution of the World Government will say the same. International Health Regulations are legally binding - so are the amendments.


Monkeypox is another name given to smallpox to hide the fact that smallpox was never eradicated. Gates and the United States funded the Danish Serum Institute in Denmark where they funded gain of function research on monkeypox. 


Biological dangers of mRNA jabs - there are things that can be done to assist people who have been injected with bioengineered toxins that are known. The problem are the unknown toxins in the jabs, especially the self-asembling nanotechnology that has been introduced in the jabs. They are patented to be contagious - transfecting “vaccines." It is vaccine slaughter.


Research must be done NOW to find ways to protect those who have been jabbed.


Psychopaths do not use normal logic. If you collapse the entire infrastructure of society those whoo survive will beg for food, shelter, and sustenance. They will be taken in if they accept the jab or chip or whatever the condition. Man-made famine is being constructed to collapse the rest of society. This is an intentional holocaust of proportions we have never seen. We must fight back now. Just like we did with the Biden regime amendments.


Our existence as human beings is at stake. 


Dr Rima Laibow’s husband, Major General Albert (Bert) Stubblebine, was murdered (Feb 8, 2017) to shut them up. She remains a warrior for health freedom. This is a battle for the existence of humanity as we know it. The operative word is NO!

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