Sunday, April 3, 2022


 Submitted by: Cheryl Battles






Sharing articles (see below) on Who Wrote the Bible. 


We don’t need to know the authors (40-plus authors of 66 books in the Holy Bible); We don’t need to know how many manuscripts exist, or any of the rest of the ‘manuscript evidence’ to know and  believe that the Bible is God’s Word.  The Bible speaks for itself with great power and ability to transform my life and the life of anyone else who believes the Bible.  God’s Word is truly like a hammer on our hard hearts.  Getting a modern Bible that’s easy to read and understand (like Good News Bible), makes it possible to read the whole New Testament through in one afternoon.  No joke!  The Bible is a book for people looking to know God, to know Truth, and to find out how to navigate the narrow and difficult road through life that leads to Heaven and avoids Hell at the end.

WOLVES:  Shocking to know that many of the leaders in the Christian churches are not even Christian, and believe in secret society Satanic doctrines.  They ignore plain teachings as tho they do not exist at all, and read things into the scriptures that actually do not exist, and are in total contradiction to the Bible.   These are ravenous wolves, posing as sheep, and gobbling up souls for Satan.


THE WORD IS HARMONY:  The message in the Bible is a unified message that is meant to be taken as a whole, not ripped apart and private interpretations attached to words and/or phrases twisted out of context.  It’s very sad, very destructive, to wrest the scriptures, and run off with a few phrases to build a whole new, private false religion. 

Imagine: to take a few twisted words and come up with a whole sick view of God – and to write literal volumes of demonic blabber (ie Calvin’s Institutes, or the writings of Augustine) – blabber that is treated as higher than scripture; not to mention the horrors of the Talmud which is even more blatant Satanic blabber, and  roundly and specifically condemned by Jesus as having been written by a ‘den of vipers’ who have made the Word of God of none effect with traditions of men.” 

CALVIN and AUGUSTINE, soldiers for Satan:  The writings of these two so-called Christian men (Calvin and Augustine) alone have caused a whole literal library of lies, fairy tales and terrible corrupting heresies to be erected to supersede/replace the holy scriptures.   The teachings of these two soldiers of Satan alone undercut the Bible, teaching the exact opposite of the Bible’s overall message, and do so ‘in the name of Jesus.”  Such a travesty. 

PAPAL SOUL STEALERS:  Add to their horrible heresies the ex cathedra pronouncements of Catholic popes, and we have an army of Bible destroyers and soul-stealers anointed by Satan to capture the foolish for Hell, to work to  distract and lure us away from the Truth, and push us off the narrow and difficult road that leads to Heaven and on to the broad and easy road to Hell instead.

BACKSLIDDEN CHRISTIANS:    Perhaps worst of all are Christians who know better who practice fornication, which the Bible specifically warns this sin above all will destroy the body, and discredit the Truth that such Christians believe but forsake for the moment to their own destruction.

MORE WOLVES:  Yet, this is what so much of religion is all about these days, with people more interested in what Augustine or Calvin or Joseph Smith, or the latest pope or Marian apparition has to say, than what God said in His own Word:  ie, the Holy Bible given to all of us through God’s own ‘holy men of God’ who ‘wrote as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.’ 2 Peter 1:21    The Catholic church warns its people to avoid the Bible, to stay away from it, that it is a dangerous book that ‘in the wrong hands’ can and will destroy their souls.   Catholics are taught to hate and fear the Bible, and Catholic church fought to destroy the Bible, to kill those who wanted to own one.  The Catholics have always been the Bible’s biggest enemy. 

Protestant wolves: teach Christians to despise the Bible in more indirect fashion, to avoid the words in red of Jesus, and stick with the pastor’s interpretation of the long sentences of St. Paul that can be cherry picked to teach OSAS  (Once Saved Always Saved)  and other heresies .. and to avoid the landmines of soul saving warnings of Jesus.   Protestants refer to the teachings of Jesus as ‘silly parables” and avoid them like the plague.

CALVIN:  Satan has all the bases covered.  To get an idea of the literal library that goes along with learning the teachings of the murdering savage John Calvin who imprisoned his best friend in a dank dungeon for a year, and then had him burned at the stake with green wood—just one of many of the cruelties of this maniac – but the books he wrote and that others wrote about him would fill up a big private library.    

AUGUSTINE:  To get an idea of the works of and by Augustine here’s a link for you: 

And Mormons and Catholics:  have more mountains of blasphemous blabber to distract and debunk them away from the Bible. 

Imagine hating and fearing the Bible so much – God’s own Word, and the words of Jesus when he walked among us, that the words of Jesus are all pretty much off limits to these cults.  Nonsense blabber is offered instead.   No wonder the Baptist and Presbyterian churches are full of Freemasonry, and Catholics are into Augustine and any other religion that is not Christian, as in ‘anything but the Bible’ is good.  And the biggest sinners of all, the Bible Baptists insist only the King James Bible is pure enough to read and believe, but they do not read or obey it themselves.  Bible Baptists believe in the outrageous heresy known as OSAS, once saved always saved, and that is License to Sin, worse than no religion at all.

Shocking.   Sad.   Where will all these millions of souls end up who follow such wolves in shepherd’s clothing?  

In the end, it’s a choice we all make for ourselves.  So those who love the Truth will seek and find it, as Jesus taught.  Those who ‘love and make a lie,” as the Bible states on the very last page, will be ‘outside Heaven’s gates.”   (outside is not a good place to be) 

One of the best Bible teachers is Dan Corner online!   Thank God for our computers!  (Hell warnings by Dan Corner.  Good stuff for the soul!


So the article below talks about who the ‘holy men of God’ were who actually wrote the Holy Bible.  In any case, you can be sure it was not one-demon possessed man who stuck his head in his hat, and blabbered on nonsense inspired by Devils, [as Freemason Joseph Smith did with the Book of Mormon].   Also, nobody went into a cave one day and the next day came out with the Holy Bible.   Didn’t happen.  

The Bible was written over a few millennia, and the writings were copied over and over, by Jewish scribes who would throw out a page and start over if they made one error in copying, so we end up with many copies of copies of manuscripts that match.  One thing tradition credits the Jewish scribes with being good at is copying manuscripts.

THE AUTHORS:  The article below deals only with the authors, the ‘holy men of God who wrote as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.  2 Peter 1:21  I’m just trying to be helpful here and to prod people into looking into God’s Word for their reason to live, for the bottom line Truth of why we’re here on this earth now. (ie to be tested)

SATANIC BLASPHEMIES TAUGHT AS ORTHODOX CHRISTIANITY:  There are some churches that spend the majority of their time defending the scriptures, and studying the history of the Bible and its subsequent translation into English and other languages, or ‘manuscript evidence’ as they call it.  The Bible is the only holy book that has such manuscript evidence covering two millennia.   Bar none.   But even in such a church, focused on defending  “manuscript evidence,” you will hear many wicked and destructive heresies built on wresting/twisting scripture, or simply trashing/mocking scripture (ie stating “we don’t build doctrine on silly parables,” shamelessly MOCKING the words of Christ in this manner!)  Of course these churches hate the teachings of Jesus, because Jesus taught us to fear God, to obey and abide in Christ to bear good fruit or that we would wither on the vine, be broken off the vine and burned.  This is our job, not God’s job, to abide in Christ.  This personal responsibility that Jesus calls us to conflicts with the fatalist, Antinomian beliefs in being chosen or rejected before birth by a ‘sovereign’ God who is totally in control of everything and everyone as tho we are just a dream in God’s mind.  The belief in ‘once saved, always saved,’ OSAS, Antinomian heresy of license-to-sin, is all twined up with the belief in total control by God of everything and everyone and every thought.   Mention the word ‘free will’ or ‘free choice’ to any of these Antinomians and they will consider you a flaming heretic who is ‘lacking in faith.’  The belief system can be summed up:  It is a sin to stop sinning. 

BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH BOOKSTORE FAIRY TALES REPLACE THE BIBLE:  A church supposedly standing on the inerrant Holy Bible, written by ‘holy men of God moved by the Holy Ghost,’ with copies of copies of manuscripts that match, going back many centuries – still, this church would scrap their ‘perfect and superior’ Bible in favor of fairy tales written by countless heretics, whose books could be purchased in the church bookstore.  The Bible Baptist church will have a complete book store, full of such books.  They also will bring in speakers, even authors of such books, like “Dr.” Peter Ruckman, and gave these wolves in shepherds clothing a forum to promote all kinds of hateful heresies that taught the opposite of God’s Word:   specifically, the Greatest Commandment in the Bible which is to love God and love our neighbor.  Instead, this church will teach bigoted, racist heresies built on Satanic lies intended to get us to hate our fellow man based on DNA, on things that are not in our own control or choice, and that do not even matter to God in any way at all.  Even these churches use their platform of trust (as God’s leaders) to undercut, to mock and dismiss the words of Jesus written in red in our Bibles as ‘silly parables’ and they say, “We don’t make doctrine on silly parables written ‘in code to the Jews’ and ‘we cannot understand them,’ and they are written ‘for another people in another time.” 


And others too (ie serpent seed cults, and they are everywhere!)



Imagine:  Going to church to build our faith and learn the Bible, to understand and obey it, but only to be taught by the ‘experts’ that the Good Book is just a bunch of nonsense “written in code” to somebody else (ie the JOOZ) … that we are told to ignore Christ’s teachings as ‘silly parables.’ 

Imagine:  Going to church to learn how to love our neighbor more, but while we are there we’re taught instead to hate our neighbor based on imagined DNA that accuses our neighbor of being a literal child of the devil, carrying the devil’s own DNA in their/our bodies. 

Imagine:  Going to a church you think is Christian, but the undertone of secret society teachings is of Satanic Freemasonry and Racism.

Imagine to go to such a ‘church’ and be taught that salvation comes from having DNA that is superior to someone else’s, and that we are saved by our DNA and not by the purity of our hearts and our faith in God!  Yet the ‘official’ teaching is that salvation comes from faith in Christ.  Meantime, secret society Freemasonry teachings permeate the belief system by way of books and teachings from speakers brought in special.  Insiders embracing Satanic Freemasonry run and control the church, and the teaching pastor does not confront or expose anything.   Racism is rampant, wives are mistreated, and people succumbing to the heresies believe their DNA is their salvation, and that others who are not white enough are ‘serpent seed’ as a result of the Freemasonic belief that Eve had sex with the serpent in the Garden and conceived Cain as a result.

BAPTIST FREEMASONS SAY SATAN FATHERED CAIN:  The Bible seems to go way out of its way to make a strong point that Cain was the child of Adam and Eve, and conceived after the Fallafter Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden.  Did God know that people would look for reasons to hate their brother and make shocking claims about Satan and Eve in the Garden of Eden, and so-called ‘serpent seed’ DNA being the result?

Genesis 4:1 says:  “And Adam knew (sexually) Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain.”   I think that’s pretty specific details to tell us who are the parents of Cain.  But Freemasons and racist bigots have other ideas, and are all too eager to bring them right into the so-called Christian church.  Also, Genesis 4:1 takes place after Adam and Eve are expelled forever from the Garden of Eden. 

But Bible Baptists like to ignore that this is written after the Fall, and claim that Eve was tempted in the Garden by fruit that was a sexual encounter with the snake.  No joke.   They believe it.   Even tho the Bible plainly states that Adam ‘knew’ his wife and she conceived (as a result) and bore Cain.   I guess they like to insert “conceived (by Satan)” into the Bible, even tho it says that it was Adam who ‘knew’ his wife, and what followed was that she ‘conceived’ and ‘she bore Cain.’  

How much plainer does the Bible have to make this?   If these guys can’t read plain English that is spelled out in every direction and still they come up with something else entirely – they shouldn’t be teaching the Bible.   They shouldn’t be messing with people’s minds, let alone their hearts and their souls -- teaching their people to hate one another based on how white they are.  And this is upstate NY, not Texas or some southern state teaching this horrific stuff!

GREAT FALLING AWAY:  If a church standing on historical proofs of Manuscript Evidence and accurate English translation cannot read or will not read the detailed words in the first few pages of the Bible, what credibility do they have to teach on anything following?  It is a travesty of hypocrisy and apostasy.  Does the Bible teach that Satan knew Eve his wife and she bore Cain?  No way.   But a so-called Bible Baptist church claiming an inerrant Bible, that plainly states (Genesis 4) that after Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden, that in Genesis 4: “Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived and bore Cain” – that somehow they can construe that to mean something other than what the plain words say. 

Such hubris, such disrespect and contempt for God’s Word!  According to the new, hateful, racist, Freemasonic, Secret Society Bible Baptist beliefs that have infiltrated at least that Christian church – these secret society heretics would rewrite/reinterpret those plain, specific Bible words  to say instead:  Adam knew Eve his wife and she (insert these words here: had sex with the Devil in the Garden) … and Eve conceived and bore Cain.  

A  BRAND NEW BIBLE AUTHORED BY SATAN:  Inserting those words (had sex with the devil) into the plain words of the Bible, now we have a whole new Bible, one that teaches salvation by DNA, a Freemasonic, Satanic Bible.  A new kind of Bible that has words that mean the exact opposite, words that teach secret doctrines, that so-called Christians are now to hate our neighbor (based on DNA), and in direct contradiction to all the teachings in scripture that our duty and our mission in this life is to love God and our neighor as ourself. 

Does anyone in their right mind, claiming to believe and trust the Bible, really believe that, after Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden, that Adam had sex with his wife and she conceived SATAN’S BABY instead of his?   Where does anybody get the right to insert such an outlandish crazy conclusion, that the scripture is so specific that it refutes that whole crazy idea. 

The very scripture the Masons use to come up with this hateful doctrine refutes it!  

SECRET SOCIETY RELIGION:  No wonder secret societies are so secret.  The things they say and do are revolting, and the Club only is looking to recruit people like themselves, people full of hate and pride and with an agenda.  They don’t go around looking for converts, because their doctrines are secret and evil.  Instead, they whisper their lies behind the screen of respectability and Truth of the Holy Bible, and recruit people based on lies and hate of their fellow man, and another gospel of salvation by race.

Talk about inventing reality to suit one’s pride and prejudice.  How are such so-called Christians going to explain any of this to Jesus on Judgment Day?   Can’t you just hear Jesus speaking, while looking them in the eyes, and saying:   “Can’t you read?   How much more specific did I have to be when my Spirit spoke to Moses to write down what happened at the Fall and afterwards?”  And then Jesus will say to that person who is protesting that they were such great Christians, “Lord, did I not do this and that, etcetera,” – and Jesus is going to say, “Depart from me.   Didn’t you ever read the last few pages of the Bible you have claimed to know so well?   You know the part about all those who ‘love and make a lie’ – that part, my last plea to you in the Bible?   The part that says you people with your own private Bibles you wrote to please yourselves – you didn’t read the real Bible that says you all will be ‘outside Heaven’s gates because you love and make a lie?”   Jesus will say:  “Didn’t you read that part either?   You just invented your own Bible, and your own Truth, and you never cared what I said or did?  You thought you were smart enough to invent the Truth?  You think you are smarter than God?   We already went through that mess with the fallen angels, and we’re not letting anybody into Heaven that is going to think they are smarter than God.  You have been tested and found wanting.”

KIND vs. SPECIES:  Science explains how DNA works, and that there are many combinations of DNA that can form from the same ‘kind.’   For example, Noah needed only to take two wolves on the Ark, and from those two wolves we get the foxes and coyotes and all the different breeds, sizes, colors of dogs.  They are of one kind.

The genetics of the  first parents, Adam and Eve, connected in different ways to produce different shades of skin tones.  Just like two wolves could produce all the different varieties of dogs, foxes, coyotes, etcetera – so did the first two parents of mankind have all the genes that would eventually result in all the races.

The  races originated at the Tower of Babel, when God confounded the language because mankind was getting too rambunctious and getting ready to build a Tower to Heaven.   So God confounded the languages, many thousands of languages, and divided mankind up into all these tribes, now separated in such a way that they could not understand each other and were isolated.   Thereby, their children began to resemble a race, as the gene pool was shrunken and the recessive genes could emerge.  This is scientific fact on genetics, and any dog breeder can explain this further, on how isolation and shrinking of the gene pool brings out recessive genes.  Ken Ham has made it his life’s work to demonstrate this in his huge enterprise of reproducing Noah’s Ark and teaching the science of genetics in his videos and lectures.   Race horse breeders isolate their horses carefully and interbreed them to purebreds, whose genetics have been brought to a point of desirability for one purpose, racing   Same goes for dog breeders.   But human beings are not thoroughbred horses, and we don’t need pedigrees to be found worthy of living or value. 

It is not possible for two different ‘kinds’ to interbreed.   Perhaps there are monsters being bred in the deep underground military bases (DUMBS) resulting in chimeric monsters like the Grays and other such creatures, but these are abominations, nothing God ever had a part of.  These chimeras are one more reason why the world is coming to an end.  God will only tolerate so much, and then it’s over, just like with the Great Flood in Noah’s day.

Note:  The Bible states that fallen angels who mated with human women produced giants.   Not a black skin.  And the Bible says in the Last Days (which we are living in now BTW) there will be giants, as in the days of Noah.)

BLACKS in the BIBLE:  Moses was married to a black woman, and Acts 8 speaks of Phillip who was translated to sit with the Ethiopian eunuch while he was reading the scriptures in his carriage, and that Phillip explained the scriptures to the Ethiopian, answered his questions, and the Ethiopian believed on Jesus.   Phillip was then translated away.   If the Ethiopian was a ‘serpent seed’ as the hateful cultics of Freemasonry have convinced themselves, then why was God so interested in saving and enlightening the Ethiopian that he translated Phillip into the eunuch’s presence to explain the scriptures the eunuch was reading?   The Freemasons probably have another fairy tale to explain away that event that’s told in scripture also.   Freemasons and Mormons are particularly bigoted towards non-whites.

Adam and Eve are the parents of all of us, and within their bodies was all the DNA combinations necessary to create any variety of hair and skin color, body type, talent and temperaments.  But all these genetic plans contained in DNA were all bottled up in two human beings, Adam and Eve.  There was no ‘serpent seed’ in Eve or Adam, and Eve did not mate with the serpent in the garden or out of it.  All the races were contained in two human bodies, plus none.

The scripture referring to the woman’s seed crushing the head of the serpent and the serpent’s seed brusing the feet of Jesus, has to do with the crucifixion of Christ, and that Jesus would triumph over Satan and crush his head, win the victory, by his sacrificial death and shedding of his holy, soul-saving blood, that would wash away our sins, break our sin addictions, and give us a new life, and freedom to start over with God.


Loving and making a lie is grounds for disqualification from Heaven when we finish our race:  those who invent big fat lies to appeal to their own pride and to nurse hatred toward their fellow man will mean a big “fail’ at the end of the race.  (Rev. 22:15, almost the very last words in the Bible, God’s last plea to all of us.)

Revelation 22 King James Version (KJV)

22 And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads. And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever.

And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done.

Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book.

And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things.

Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God.

10 And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand.

11 He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.

12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. 13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. 14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. 15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.

17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.



One of the best, most honest and accurate Bible teachers, is Dan Corner, online.  Dan Corner’s succinct advice and motto that he urges everyone to adopt for themselves is:   Avoid Hell at all cost.   Really, in the end, that’s number one.  (Hell warnings by Dan Corner.  Good stuff for the soul!

There is not one single word in the Bible that says that people are saved by their DNA.  Jesus did call the Pharisees a ‘den of vipers’ – but he meant that in a figurative way, not that the Jewish leaders were really serpent seed reptilians, whatever. 

Imagine a church having a library where people could go to buy these kinds of books teaching these horrible, hateful racist heresies, claiming they come from the Bible!  Imagine how angry God is with these wolves, and the horrible day they face Jesus to give an account for using their pulpit to destroy people’s souls instead of saving them!  All of us who name the name of Jesus must depart from iniquity, or we are more liable than others for our sins!

Imagine – that you could buy these books right in your own church bookstore – books that insist the Bible teaches that only white people are descendents of Adam and Eve and everyone else is a serpent seed or ‘beast of the field.’ 

Imagine: A church where speakers were invited to come in and teach this kind of stuff, or at least promote their books that teach it, and to discuss these Satanic secret society heresies privately with others if not blatantly from the pulpit. 

Imagine if you were somebody who was not 100 percent pure ‘white’ and went to a church like this and were part of the church’s Christian school – and imagine if you had to endure this kind of prejudice in your classroom from your classmates.   What if your skin wasn’t pure white?   How would you like to endure the withering hate of fellow so-called Christians who would think you were a child of the devil? 

Did Satan set up these Wolves in Shepherd’s clothing to lead people into Hell?   You can bet your life Satan did exactly that.   Even if the teaching pastors didn’t start out that way, when they saw that’s where the money and the power was, they $old out quicker than Judas, trashed the Bible, and sold their people into Hell!

HARMONIZATION, (not Hermaneutics, Exegesis, and other Blabber):  It’s good to know the solid foundation of Truth that is our Bible, but if we don’t read it and take it as a whole (rather than ripping out a word or phrase to build a philosophy which contradicts the whole rest of the Bible) … then what good does it do to have the best translation of the true Bible? 

It’s a big lie that we have to study Greek and go to seminary (aka semetery) to be able to understand God’s Word.  The biggest liars and deceivers are those who have actually had this ‘training’ – and in the end it’s training in how to ‘debunk’ the Bible, and put other meanings and interpretations on the plain words of scripture so as to appeal to itching ears (2 Tim. 4:3).   Rick Renner does this little trick better than most, using ancient Bible ruins as backgrounds to deliver his lectures.   This ‘Bible expert” cannot even figure out from the scriptures when the Second Coming will occur (ie at Armageddon), something that anyone with basic Bible knowledge would plainly know the Second Coming comes at the End, at Armageddon, when the dead in Christ are raised FIRST, and then we who are alive, etcetera) … but Mr. Expert Bible Interpreter speaking from Bible Ruins with all his knowledge of Greek, doesn’t know this plain basic fact that any child in Sunday School would know!!!

The Bible is not a mystery book:  We don’t even need to know how to read to understand the Bible.  These days we can listen online, or buy tapes and videos, and listen to the Bible if we can’t read for some reason or other.  Even the blind can read the Bible with Braille.  For children who cannot yet read, there are even cartoon Bibles and story books that are helpful to get up to speed with what the Bible says and that we can learn the stories of the heroes of the Bible.  

We don’t need, instead, Bible gurus with fancy seminary degrees, to tell us we need to study the Greek, the customs of the times, or any other such things, in order to understand the Bible.  We don’t need these supposed ‘wise oracles’ also telling us that the teachings of Jesus are ‘silly parables’ – that we should ignore them, because they are, as they say, ‘mysteries that cannot be understood and are written ‘in code to the Jews.’   The wolves in shepherd’s clothing are as helpful to our spiritual health as the medical doctors with their poison meds and invasive procedures are to our physical health.  Avoid them both!   They don’t care about you, body or $oul, and are only intere$ted in one thing.

JUST ONE OF MANY SATANIC HERESIES:   Calvin’s writings comprise a whole library of shocking, corrupting, fatalist heresies.  Augustine the Gnostic is the first to come out with prolific corrupting blabber about how our flesh is so evil that we cannot fight it, and we live in sin but our spirits are pure.   Yeah, sure.  Is that not teaching people to be unrepentant hypocrites, whose conscience doesn’t work because we are taught we have none, except in our ‘other side,’ the spiritual side.   These two monsters--Calvin and Augustine—are the biggest soldiers of Satan to debunk the Bible and corrupt people straight into Hell.

ASK FOR A REFUND:  These pa$tor$ who went to Bible college to learn Calvin’s and Augustine’s devious, Bible-debunking lies should demand their money be refunded, and sue the seminaries for their wasted time there as well;  sue for the attack their Alma Maters waged upon their own faith in God that was delivered to them in lieu of a religious education.  Same goes for doctor$ who went to medical school to learn how to heal, and were taught a bunch of fairy tales and destructive theorie$ and procedure$ to maim, torture and kill instead, so-called Standard of Care that cannot be deviated from without loss of licensure; a ‘standard of care’ that puts doctors in a straitjacket that will not even ALLOW them to heal by natural means.  Smart healers go to school to become a chiropractor instead, but that’s another story for another time.

What a mess this world is in!  No wonder the Bible tells us DO NOT LOVE THE WORLD!   How about you?  Do you love this evil world?   Just DON’T.   Life is a test, not a lottery.  It’s short and deceptive and we are being winnowed out so that Heaven will go on forever and ever with no more heavenly rebellions by people who don’t love the Truth and get full of themselves and get thinking they are smarter than God.   Jesus said it:  “The Meek shall inherit the earth.”  



by David Baker

The Bible is an amazing book, recorded by around 40 men over about 1,500 years. But it claims there is one ultimate Author: God. The men who wrote the most books are Paul (13 or 14), Moses (5) and John (5). Below is a list of the possible writers of all 66 books of the Bible.

The Bible is one of the most reproduced books of all times. It has been translated into hundreds of languages and can be found in all parts of the earth.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, “Although it is impossible to obtain exact figures, there is little doubt that the Bible is the world’s best-selling and most widely distributed book. A survey by the Bible Society concluded that around 2.5 billion copies were printed between 1815 and 1975, but more recent estimates put the number at more than 5 billion. By the end of 1995, combined global sales of Today's English Version (Good News) New Testament and Bible (copyright for which is held by the Bible Societies) exceeded 17.75 million copies, and the whole Bible had been translated into 349 languages; 2123 languages have at least one book of the Bible in that language.”

The Bible is also the earliest mechanically printed full-length book; the Gutenberg Bible was printed in Mainz, Germany, around 1455.

It is the most influential book ever written, making incredible claims regarding the future. It promises that humans can live forever and become members of the family of God. It explains why humans suffer and the real purpose of human life. It explains how suffering will come to an end and announces a time when there will be no more pain, sorrow and death. Its promises and messages concerning the future are astounding.

So who wrote the Bible?

The most succinct answer is, God did. One of the men responsible for a large portion of the New Testament, the apostle Paul, wrote: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

Scripture is “given by inspiration of God” (theopneustos, literally “God-breathed”). God, through His Holy Spirit, inspired men to record His message; and therefore it has divine authority for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and for instruction in righteousness.

God inspired men from diverse backgrounds and generations to record His message for mankind. For a period of more than 1,500 years, God inspired prophets, judges, farmers, shepherds, fishermen, doctors and kings to record His thoughts, much like a manager might dictate instructions or a letter to an assistant or secretary. At times God allowed the human writers to use their own words or terminology, but all received divine inspiration from God—who is really the One who wrote the Bible.

The apostle Peter wrote, “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:20-21).

Scripture is not a matter of man’s own interpretation; the writer does not write from his own initiative or impulse, but as he is moved or inspired by the Holy Spirit. Thus, the Bible is God’s message communicated by men as they were moved by God.

The word of the Lord

Sometimes that message came in a direct form, introduced by such phrases as, “the word of the Lord came to me.” One Bible researcher counted more than 3,800 times when the writers of Scripture used some variation of the phrase, “the word of the Lord came to me, saying ….” In other words, the prophet stated with clear authority that God, the Creator of the universe, actually communicated His message personally to the prophet.

For example, Isaiah records: “And the word of the LORD came to Isaiah, saying, Go and tell Hezekiah, “Thus says the LORD, the God of David your father: ‘I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; surely I will add to your days fifteen years’”’” (Isaiah 38:4-5).

In other cases prophets described their own experiences and offered different perspectives on the same event. They presented the message of God in different styles and languages, and yet the Holy Spirit guided their thoughts and minds to present God’s divine truth and not merely their own humanly devised message.

Some writers claimed to see God and speak to Him face to face (Exodus 33:11). Hundreds of thousands if not millions heard His voice (Exodus 20:1-22).

When the Author came to earth

The Bible also claims that God emptied Himself of His divinity and walked the earth in human form, eating, sleeping, laughing, crying, touching, healing, teaching and finally dying. Multiple thousands witnessed these events, and some of Jesus Christ’s trusted disciples recorded His words and teaching.

The apostle Paul claimed to have seen Jesus after His death and resurrection and professed that his teaching came directly from Him (Galatians 1:11-12; 2 Corinthians 12:2; 1 Corinthians 15:8).

The human writers

Even though it is really God who wrote the Bible, He used humans to write it down for us. In many cases the human writers are named, but other times we look to tradition or other clues to determine who the writer might have been.

The books of the Bible and their possible writers are:

Old Testament:

New Testament:

Can we prove that God is the One who wrote the Bible?

An internal study of the Bible points to its divine origin, but how can we know for certain? How can we know if the Bible is the inspired Word of God or just a humanly devised book? The key is found in the Bible itself.

Christ gives us the key for determining the validity and truthfulness of the biblical writings. He stated to those who questioned Him, “My doctrine is not Mine, but His who sent Me. If anyone wills to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine, whether it is from God or whether I speak on My own authority” (John 7:16-17).

The biblical formula for proving the truth of the Bible is to do what it says. We can prove to ourselves the claims of the Bible by obeying the commands given by God contained in its pages.

For more on this, read the articles in the section: “The Practical and Priceless Benefits of Bible Study.”

7 Keys to Better Bible Study

About the Author

David Baker

David Baker

David Baker is a pastor for the Church of God, a Worldwide Association.  He is currently serving as regional director for the Philippines, Asia and Australia.  He is happily married to his wife, Dorrie. They have been married for more than 32 years and have two children.

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Why The Bible Is Called The Bible? Is It Really Holy? by Jack Wellman · Print Print · Email Email

Where did the name the “Bible” come from?  Why is it called the Bible and is the Bible really holy as it claims?

The Meaning of the Word Bible

The word Bible comes from the Koine Greek word ta biblia or “the books” because the Bible contains 66 books.  It is literally ta (the) biblia (books) and sometimes called in the plural, biblias or biblios. It is a collection of 40 authors written over at least 1,500 years.  Most authors of the different books of the Bible did not know each other, yet the accuracy and consistency is miraculous.  The Hebrew Bible contains 24 books that are in the Old Testament in the Protestant Bible.  The Catholic Bible contains more than 66 books because it holds books of the Apocrypha or Deuterocanonical books like Tobit, Judith, and 1 and 2 Maccabees.  The word Apocrypha actually means “hidden.”

Strictly speaking then, the Bible is called the Bible because it is a collection of books and these books are inspired by God and said to be written by the Holy Spirit so the Bible is actually God speaking (2 Timothy 3:16).

What the Bible Says about Itself

The Bible is God speaking.  Why do we say that?  Because there are 418 times that the Bible uses the term “Thus says the Lord” and then there are 48 sayings of “God said“, but if you add the times when it said, “And Jesus said” we have over a thousand more sayings that the Bible is God’s Word or God speaking.   The total amounts to about 2,000 times that the Bible declares that God is speaking, either in the text or by Jesus Christ Himself, Who is also God.

Here is what the Word means to me:

I read the Bible but the Bible reads me
I go through the Bible but the Bible also goes through me
I have gone from cover to cover in the Bible but the Bible uncovers me
I know the Bible but the Bible also knows me
The Bible gets to the heart of the matter and the matter gets to my heart

Why do I say these things?  Because as Hebrews 4:12 says that, “the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. God’s Word has power and it has effectual power.  That is, it has power to affect a person and convict them of their sin.  God has said that the word that goes out from my mouth:  It will not return to me empty,but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it (Isaiah 5:11)

The Word of God is like a seed…it is planted in the human soul and causes growth.

The Word of God is like a seed…it is planted in the human soul and causes growth.  It is like a hammer in that it breaks up the stony, hard places in my heart.  It is like a fire as it refines, purifies, and burns away the dross (the impurities).  It is like bread because it gives us our daily sustenance and allows us to survive. It is also like a sword as mentioned in Hebrews 4 because it cuts to the quick and penetrates our thoughts and intents that are unseen by human eyes. There is so much power in the Word.  The power is in the message but never in the messenger (the preacher).

Is the Bible Holy?

Most covers of Bibles have written, “The Holy Bible.”  Why is this so?  The short answer is because it is holy.  Anything that is of a divine source is holy because God is holy.  Isaiah 6:2 says, “holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory. This is the only place in the entire Bible where an attribute of God is mentioned three times and that He is holy, holy, holy.  You never read, God is merciful, merciful, merciful, or God is love, love, love.  Why?  Because above all His attributes I believe that He is holy and above all things created.

Because God is so holy, everything He says is holy and since God the Holy Spirit is the author of Scripture, we must conclude that all the words of the Bible – in fact all of the Bible is holy.  Holy means many things but it certainly means perfect, without fault, without blemish, like Jesus was said to be the spotless Lamb of God – without blemish. He is altogether otherness, distinct from all His creation, and set apart from all that is.  It is written that God can not lie because it is not in His nature for He is true, faithful, just, and completely perfect in each and every way.

The Bible is holy because the Author is holy.  Second Peter 1:20-21 is clear about this as Peter wrote, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, 21 for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.  Many criticize the Bible because they say it was written by man but not so!  God says in His Word that these men were moved (Greek indicative means “taken control of“) by the Holy Spirit.  Here is an example.  The keyboard really wrote this article and that can not be disputed but who is the real author of this article?  The keyboard?  No!  It is the man behind the keyboard and so it was with the holy words men written under the “control of” the Holy Spirit as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.


Since the Bible is God speaking to us, it is therefore holy because God Himself is Holy. It is God-breathed as 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, “Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”  Jesus Christ is holy and He is also the Word and the Word was God and the Word is God (John 1).  God is holy and tells us that we too must be holy.  Only those who are declared righteous are allowed to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  That presents a problem because without holiness no one will see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14b) but here’s the solution.  In 2 Corinthians 5:22 it says that For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” Problem solved!  We can enter the holy of holies because of the blood of the Lamb of God, slain for us before the foundation of the world no less (1 Peter 1:20)!  Put your trust in Christ today and you can be declared holy and blameless before God because God will then see you has having Jesus’ righteousness.

Yes, the Bible is holy because God is holy and His word is holy.  The fact is that anything that is of God is holy and that absolutely includes the Bible, which is the Word of God and nothing less.  Come to Jesus today because the Word of God died for you to make you holy so that you could enter that place that only those who are holy may enter.  Why?  Because God is holy and everything about Him is holy, which means that the Bible is holy. Of that I am thoroughly convi

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