Sunday, March 6, 2022



ur Only and Last Hope
As we saw the video coverage by citizen reporters on the scene, we were shocked at the brutality that police were inflicting on the people who were assembled there — peacefully seeking a redress of grievances with the politicians that supposedly represent them. But we’ve now learned that many of those “police” were not Canadians at all — they were...
By Rob Pue
What Happened to the Integrity Of Our Elected Officials, Part 3
I have not seen a democrat since JFK worthy of a vote from the American people. Lyndon Baines Johnson was a racist POC and escalated the Viet Nam war for, I believe, his personal benefit. Jimmy Carter hated Israel and was not capable of understanding how an economy works, not that any democrat that I have seen does. Clinton was and is a...
By Roger Anghis
Another War, Another Buck, Part 2
Nevertheless, despite all efforts and pressures upon the people and a couple of years of scare tactics and lies, most people began losing their fear of the virus and tried to go back to some sense of normality. Obviously, this was a source of great concern to the globalist conspirators. But, with his war against the Ukraine, Vladimir Putin, has become their best ally in the production of a new terror.
By Servando Gonzales

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