Saturday, March 5, 2022



In this issue 6 must-see items...

In Virginia, the new governor has seen open disobedience by radical school boards.

They are ignoring his executive order to stop the forced masking of children and to respect parental rights.

Governor Youngkin won the election with the help of parents wanting to stop the indoctrination of students in such things as Critical Race Theory (CRT), forced masking of kids, and other radical policies
Now the governor is suing the school districts for their open rebellion against his executive order. They are refusing to obey.

In fact, they are suspending, arresting and discriminating against kids refusing to mask based upon state law.

The largest gathering of close to 3,000 conservatives, libertarians, and Christians took place in Florida.

They voted on who they wanted for President in the next election.

I find it interesting to compare their poll...

It’s just not right.

In fact it’s wrong…and dangerous.

The federal government is using your tax money to fund radical, pro-socialist groups.


To change the outcome of the 2022 election and transform our culture and politics into a “socialist utopia.”

I just got off the air with Money Talk and the host was shocked. Here are a few key points from the interview...

FOX News and its hosts and advertisers are under attack with a coordinated, organized campaign to destroy the network and to banish it from the airways. 

We are organizing through the Turn American Around Fund a campaign to have you be part of stopping the injustice and protecting freedom of speech...

What a speech…

What a powerful talk…

I highly recommend you listen and be inspired.

Incidentally, his first words when he came out on stage were:

“As always, the very thing I’m going to do is I’m going to thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Because Jesus Christ is the reason why we live in this blessed and prosperous land. I don’t care what anyone says. The United States of America is a Christian nation founded on the principles and wisdom of Jesus Christ…so we give him thanks, first and foremost, above everything.”

What a quote...

You can watch his talk by clicking HERE.
Please share this newsletter or these articles with as many people as you can. Thanks so much.

That's it for this issue of Reality Alert! Stay tuned for our next issue when we look at more local and national news affecting you and your family.

Yours in love, faith, and hope,
Craig A. Huey
Reality Alert/Election Forum
Where the Spirit of the Lord Is, There Is Liberty (2 Cor. 3:17)

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