Tuesday, January 4, 2022

"Surely you won't die" (the liars say)as the LIARS beguile you ....

 Submitted by: Jackie Juntti

As I sit here watching LT of AND WE KNOW and seeing the many clips of the children dropping dead after getting the JAB I am reminded of the children that were dying after getting their first baby shots in the 80's.  Back then they *diagnosed* all those deaths as SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)


The reason I remember it all so well is one of my grandchildren was a VICTIM of the so called SIDS after getting his first batch of Big Pharma poisons injected into his body.  Michael was a super HEALTHY boy with no underlying health issues.  I remember the first time I heard the so called health authorities saying he died from SIDS and never having heard of it before I did my usual research on SIDS.  After my first findings I began questioning the health people, asking them what he really died from and they would reply, SIDS.  I would tell them NO  they aren't being truthful as SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) was the RESULT of his death, not the CAUSE.  I wanted to know the CAUSE of his death.  Never did get any truthful response from any medical person.  Like today it is either their total IGNORANCE of FACTS or they are part of the LYING propagandists.   Today the total denial of the JABS and the Big PHARMA poisons being THE PROBLEM in these deaths and permanent injuries to people is really a REPEAT of the SIDS game from the 80's.

As many of you know - I've written many times of my step-dad dying after getting the Swine Flu Shot in 1977 - then my grandson in 1987 and one of my gal friends first grandchild in 1987.   All deaths related to being injected with the Big PHARMA poisons.


This entire Planedemic  has really been going on for many, many decades - each NEW *virus* gets worse each time as they increase the speed of the global depopulation agenda by the Servants of Satan.  I think the previous issues from decades ago - the Spanish flu - the 1918 Flu -  The Swine Flu - and even Polio have all been part of the BIG PLAN - each getting worse than the previous outbreak. 


We have been made aware of the $$$ connecting so many in government (politics) - big tech owners - with huge financial ties to Big PHARMA poison makers  (Bill Gates - FRAUDCHI - etc).  They have been shown to be deeply involved for decades - these are NOT  new or recent connections.  Look at the stock investments by many in Congress to the Big PHARMA outfits.  I have not believed a word that comes out of the CDC or any government agency or spokesman.  I don't trust the medical personnel of the local medical providers I rarely make use of.  I refuse most all prescription drugs they have tried to get me to take for years and I refuse any and all *Jabs* for anything.  I learned how to avoid ALL bacterial and Virus illnesses in the early years in TX by maintaining my body in an ALKALINE LEVEL that kills off virus and bacteria if it happens to enter my body.  My ONLY anti-biotic is Colloidal Silver (a natural anti-biotic with no side effects) and the use of Oil of Oregano for many things.


Big Pharma makes no $$ from me and my health is fine.  My only problems are with the skeleton I live within...  bones...  born with a broken back which has only deteriorated as I age.  


God gave us the natural things to heal our bodies with - and He also gave us the foods to prevent illness (stop eating and drinking the man made JUNK- GARBAGE that is known as FAST FOOD  - 'Fast' at killing us).


The Servants of Satan have been preparing this latest attack (Covid and it's offsprings) for many decades.  All of which is told to us in the Bible - by the Prophets of old.  If you watch the TV news - read the MSM papers - then you are supporting the FALSE TEACHERS  rather than the Word of God.    Think of the earliest BEGUILEMENT when the Serpent told EVE - "You won't SURELY die". Todays serpents are telling all that they need the JAB so they won't get sick.  LIARS LIARS LIARS.


The *TIME* is growing so very short on this earth.  I repeat my plea to those of you who are not Born Again Believers in Jesus Christ to do so NOW.  Do not ignore the warnings in scripture and by failing to make that decision of your eternal reservation you end up by default in the Eternal LAKE OF FIRE.


TODAY is the Day the Lord hath made - Rejoice and be Glad in it.


Jackie Juntti


It isn't who You are - it is WHOSE you are ! ! ! !  

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