Sunday, December 19, 2021



Democrats Demand America Becomes Socialist, Part 2
We now have an administration that doesn’t just want us to go down the path towards communism but demands that we do. If we didn’t have the 2nd Amendment we would already be there. Look at Australia if you doubt that. The plan to do this goes back a hundred years and we were warned by Republican Senator George Malone from Nevada in a speech on the Senate floor in 1957...
By Roger Anghis
Truth: The Ultimate Stress
The animal hardens itself against environment by growing stronger than the stress. The human being must reverse this process, and not harden himself against the stress of the Truth; instead he must allow himself to be absorbed by that Truth, progressively responding to it.
By Roy Masters
This Sifting Season We’re In
This is part of the season we are in; the sifting has started. The interesting part is it’s going to vary person to person. The chaff that I need removed from my life is probably not the same chaff you need removed from your life. God is a personal God, and the powers of darkness are not ignorant to the weaknesses and compromises of humans either corporately or individually.
By Ms Smallback

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