Monday, November 8, 2021



Verdict Is In: Jury Finds Kyle Rittenhouse 'Based' And 'An Absolute Chad'

MADISON, WI—After minutes of deliberation, the jury in the murder trial of Kyle Rittenhouse has rendered the verdict that the defendant is in fact "Based" and "An Absolute Chad."... Read more

Conservatives Stop Saying 'Let’s Go Brandon' After Realizing It Makes Liberals Sad

A message from Morning Brew

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Report: Hillary Clinton Tried To Prove Trump Was Colluding With Russians By Colluding With Russians

Playskool Unveils 'Vaccinate Me Elmo'

Libertarians Propose Controversial New 'Do Whatever You Want' Mandate

Oh No! You Went In For A Handshake And The Other Guy Went In For A Hug And Now Your Hand Is Sandwiched Between You Like A Limp Piece Of Ham

Conservative Parents Catch Rebellious Teenage Daughter Sneaking Out With Friends To Wear N95 Masks

Babylon's Best

Don't be like the MLB. While they're playing woke games instead of baseball, our friends at The Patriot Post speak the message of Liberty to all people. Conservative perspective on the most important issues is what's needed to fight the woke mob. Click here to join the Patriot's Post mission and download their free Patriot's Primer.*

Financial catastrophe coming. Jamie Dimon has warned America that there's a "cascading catastrophe of unbelievable proportions" that could damage the economy for 100 years. Learn how to protect your wealth today.*

If you could be anyone, who would you be? The Sphinxing Rabbit series of books continues with Book of Hours, a delightful and amusing solution to a concern Tocqueville had for American equality - that the absence of an aristocratic class led to a lack of progress in the arts and theoretical sciences resulting in no true intellectual class. Again, spot the allusions to a few famous works of art as well as several blockchain applications. Get your copy today!*

*This is sponsored content.


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