Monday, November 15, 2021



Think “Vaccine Passports” bad? This is Already a Done Deal, Part 1
There are two more critically important components to this nightmare which I will cover in part 2. One deals with COVID-19 and the other is the Real ID which will be a shocker to Americans who are worried about what’s going on. This is not something down the road it is here and now.
By Devvy Kidd
Biden: Working On Becoming The Worst President, Ever!
Jesse Watters declared Joe Biden a "horrible president" Saturday on "Watters' World," highlighting the president's failed promises and low approval ratings at 38 percent. You have to wonder who those 38 percenters are and what are they thinking?
By Frosty Wooldridge
Only Two Things Americans MUST Do
To be certain, once these top two things are accomplished, and only then, there is a laundry list of critical things Americans will need to fix if they ever want the USA to have a chance at freedom, liberty, justice, and decency again. But before we can afford to worry about that laundry list, Americans must...
By Lex Greene
The Supremacy Clause & Tenth Amendment v. Mandates
The problem with the Texas executive order is not that it’s superseded by federal law, but that it violates the constitutions of both Texas and the United States. It is perfectly legal for Texas to tell Washington, D.C. that their mandate violates the agreement the states have, and therefore cannot be enforced within the state.
By Paul Engel

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