Saturday, October 2, 2021

COMPROMISE – The Progressives Weapon

 Submitted and  written by: Joseph Grisafi Jr

COMPROMISE – The Progressives Weapon

By Joe Grisafi

Definition of compromise: A settlement of differences reached by mutual concessions. To adjust or settle by partial mutual relinquishment of principles, position or claims. In an effort to reach a mutual agreement both sides agree to give up something while gaining something in return. It’s a deal of give and take.

Let’s say you’re either buying or selling a home at a fair market value. The buyer may try to negotiate a lower price and accept the decaying fence, which the buyer will replace at a later date. Both buyer and seller were on a level playing field and were willing to give and take to reach an agreement. The seller agreed to a reduced price so he would not have to replace the fence.

Compromise also works in government, but to be fair to both sides they must start with a level playing field. With left leaning liberals and right leaning conservatives a level playing field is unthinkable.

We hear about “crossing the aisle” in government. This is a means of trying to compromise on passing a bill. What are both liberals and conservatives willing to forfeit to pass the bill? What are they willing to gain or at least not lose? Liberals try to compromise on a bill that may diminish or abolish any one of the first 10 Amendments to the Bill of Rights such as the 2nd Amendment. In fact, you cannot compromise on any of our rights. Any bill written against our rights only diminishes that right. Nothing is gained.

2nd Amendment: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The question becomes: How does one compromise on the 2nd Amendment? When liberals write a bill to change the meaning of an amendment or diminish it in any way, their intent is to strip us of our right – our right to keep and bear arms. Should we compromise on this right? What is the left giving up or forfeiting in this compromise? As I see it, NOTHING. They wrote the bill that includes everything that will be forfeited. Their only compromise is to eliminate from that bill some of those forfeitures that they wrote into the bill. Conservatives gain nothing. So what are conservatives ultimately giving up? They are giving up part of our God given right to defend ourselves, our family, AND our right to defend our country when necessary. So in essence, the conservative side gained nothing while the liberal side gained everything minus some of the loses that they originally wrote into the bill.

When liberals have an issue with one of our rights, they write a bill against it and then try to compromise with conservatives. If conservatives protest, liberals complain that the right does not want to compromise. Sadly, conservatives give in too easily and ultimately compromise away part of our right. This process happens over and over and in time nothing remains. This method of stripping away our rights over time is called “incrementalism”.

The 2nd Amendment has been particularly used in hopes of some day totally abolishing this God given right. 

The 1st Amendment is a close second. Liberals will use any means possible to lie to the American people in an effort get them on their side. Since 1968 when the gun ban bill was originally introduced liberals have been on a vendetta against all gun owners.

Government propaganda brainwashes people to believe in “gun violence”. A gun is an inanimate tool that is useless without human intervention, as is a car, a knife, an axe, a pen or scissor. Yet we never hear about “car violence”. Millions of Americans leave for work every day driving their car without thinking if they’ll make it to work or home at the end of the day.

Laws and regulations are written to restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens. Many of these bills have been passed through compromise by rogue congressmen and women. Most of congress has been beholding to special interest groups and lobbyists.


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