Tuesday, September 7, 2021


 Permission to Forward:



Last week on TV Col. Oliver North SLIPPED in a closing comment UNRELATED to the questions being asked of him and used the word:




In a subsequent communique that I issued on behalf of our Confederate Society I noted that

Colonel North was “saying SOMETHING as does one when they are trying to have you ‘read or ‘listen’ between the lines’. “


Today our Brother, author Robert Firth sent out a communique entitled “America is in Serious Trouble.”

Here is a segment of that communique:


No doubt America is in serious trouble perhaps more so than even in the dark days of the revolution.

It's my opinion that Biden (those in the administration (both visible and not) who are lucid enough to pay attention and obey) are following the orders of Chairman XI.

I think with the success of the vote flipping and getting rid of Trump, a process involving all the Biden DNC playerscontrol is most certainly in China's hands.

The Biden bunch today find themselves totally compromised and easily blackmailed.

Why and how?

China can simply back up (totally expose) the vote flipping story anytime they want and destroy the DNC leaving them all open to charges of high treason..


It's obvious that Biden did the maximum harm to America possible in his handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal.

So, who's the world's principal beneficiary?

Clearly China!

Biden and all those involved are indeed guilty of high treason!

Can a charge of treason by proven in this case?

It would depend on how the orders from Chairman Xi were conveyed.

If by an in-person private courier, which is the most likely then, proof is likely not possible. If electronically, (unlikely), then perhaps NSA et al have the evidence.


Since no other explanation is remotely possible, I would arrest the entire ring of perps and sweat them one by one until the truth is told.

One of them, with sufficient pressure, will crack and the rest will fall in line.

I'm not talking about physical torture here, but the use of psychologically powerful techniques perhaps employing certain drugs.


Ed Note:

Two come to my mind and one was used by the Nazi’s- Scopolamine.

The other & more modern used one is Sodium Thiopental.


I'm sure that once the dust settles from this debacle, the Biden regime will be finished.

The level of anger has reached way past the point where any talking can possibly help.

Hundreds of operatives are leaving the military under the vax mandate and they will likely form the point of the spear in what I see as an unavoidable coming kinetic conflict to rid

America of this corrupt and traitorous government.




Biden is China’s whore and his DemonRat Comrades know & understand this only too well.

As such, this Tri-Fecta of Evil,

Via BLACKMAIL that Ollie North was NOT entirely succinct about,


Destroying Us at present & Everything We Ever Held Dear!




The Red Chinese LAP DOG of Beijing!




Check Your Watch China Joe- Your Time is Coming!





We Must Separate!

Deo Vindice!


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