Tuesday, August 10, 2021



The John Birch Society
Critical Race Theory is a dominant ideology in America today. From corporate boardrooms and church pulpits to government agencies, entertainment, and even schools, there is no safe space to hide from the escalating madness. 

Relegated for many years to universities and obscure academic journals, over the past decade CRT has increasingly become the default ideology in our public institutions. From the universities to bureaucracies to k-12 school systems, Critical Race Theory has permeated the collective intelligence and decision-making process of American government, with no sign of slowing down.

In the cover story for the latest issue of The New American magazine, Alex Newman provides numerous, eye-opening examples of Critical Race Theory already being used in the military, school systems, and many government organizations around the U.S.

Donald Trump famously banned CRT training within the federal workforce but the fact that it was going on even during his presidency highlights the fact that this sneaky weapon was already very advanced in destroying the nation before most of the public caught wind of it. In any case, Trump's CRT ban was short-lived. Joe Biden overturned Trump’s executive order on his first day in office and the dangerous CRT brain-washing continues. 

Critical Race Theory is now very prevalent. Mega corporations across the nation are forcing their workers into training sessions where CRT dogma is pounded into them. Those who dare to disagree can be drummed out of their jobs, denied promotions, and more. Perhaps more alarming is the infiltration of CRT into the churches and school systems.

Nowhere is the CRT extremism more out of control than in government schools. As detailed in The New American’s June 21 Special Report on education, CRT is now the lens through which everything from math and science to English and civics is taught. Racial propaganda and Black Lives Matter dogma are taught literally from pre-K to university in every state in the union. 

Critical Race Theory is happening all around us and we need to put it to an end. Ultimately, the goal is the complete overthrow of the free market, freedom of speech, Christianity and Christian culture, federalism, Western civilization, separation of powers, the U.S. Constitution, and our God-given rights. 

If the evil forces behind CRT succeed, America will go the way of many nations before it like China, Cuba, Germany, Russia, North Korea, and many others. Because CRT increasingly has a bad smell associated with it, new terms and phrases are constantly being dreamed up including terminology such as “equity,” “social justice,” “inclusion,” “diversity,” and so on. 

No matter what the disguise, it must be opposed and exposed. Defeating CRT will require a multifaceted response. Tens of millions of Americans, including millions of teachers shaping the minds of America’s youth, now see the world from a Marxist-CRT worldview. 

At the political level, Congress, governors, legislatures, and even local governments must root it out. Not one cent of taxpayer money should flow to any institution or individual promoting this evil, anti-American ideology.

In the business world, consumers should avoid doing business with any company that promotes CRT or any of its derivatives. Churches that embrace CRT should be corrected or, if that proves impossible, abandoned. And parents must get their children out of government schools before another generation of children is raised to believe these lies. 

It's also important that we tell the true story about America, Christianity, and Western civilization and how it's superior to Marxism and CRT.  Although America has had its flaws, and still does, it is also unique and amazing. 

America is amazing, and it is worth not only preserving, but celebrating. Help us defeat these dishonest Marxists and end the Critical Race Theory narrative that has plagued America.
TNA Insight!

Critical Race Theory, all the rage in America’s government schools, is just re-hashed Marxist Critical Theory attempting to divide the country along racial lines.

Get your copy of the latest issue, Critical Race Theory: Marxist Poison Infecting America
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