Sunday, April 4, 2021

A list of "woke" ('cancel culture') companies to avoid, if you can

 Submitted by: 1stCav

First it was football, then basketball and now baseball and all media outlets, except for NEWSMAX and Fox, though at times they have crossed the line and then ratings dropped.  I refuse to us FB, Google, Amazon, if I can possibly avoid them. 






The companies on this list (link below) are promoting an anti-American, anti-Caucasian, anti-Semitic, tyrannical state in which they want to be corporatist handmaidens to the government's attempts to abnegate our birthright Bill of Rights, the US Constitution, free market capitalism and religious tolerance. Some of these businesses are hard, if not nearly impossible, to avoid. So, do your best to find alternates that don't feed the Beast and thereby make your mark, and do what you can to save our children .......and their children to come. 


We're now living in a statist bully-society where there are oppressive "cancelers' andstatist damaged 'cancelees.' We are returning to the days of 1930's fascist Nazi Germany where people were encouraged to snitch on anyone not in agreement with the views of the Party. This is analogous to what we see happening on social me and 'woke corporate" tyrants who exploit their near, or even total, monopolies. even sports leagues fall into the latter category, because the racist antics of the NBA, NFL, NHL, MLB, and NASCAR. Taken together, they have a virtual monopoly over the high-dollar professional sports.  Ditto to the social media outfits led by  progressive hucksters such as Zuckerberg, Gates, Bezos, and Dorsey, they represent the death of personal privacy, freedom of choice, free will,  and free speech.  They and the other tech billionaires will laugh all the way to Davos and enjoy the fruits of your labor.


Here just below is the list of the worst of these liberty abusing offenders. They are currying favor with the DSP (Democrat Socialist Party) and doing the things the DSP wants done but lacks the authority to do because, for now, the Constitution still constrains them. That will likely not be the case in the future, but for now, the DSP's marriage to corporatists and media moguls will do. They want to curry favor because they believe we are entering into a period of single-party oligarchic rule and they need to be on board with what the DSP wants them to do. I'm certain there are some other "Cancel Companies" which are not yet on the list.      If I get an update, I will send it out again. This is an excellent piece of work someone did !


[I wish someone would make a list of recognizable businesses that still respect honor, God, personal responsibility, life, honesty, the Constitution and human rights. That list would likely be much shorter

than the list below]  AVOID all companies on this site.  When you promote them, you’re cutting your countries throat and that of your family.   NO one ever does well under socialism.   Why do you think everyone wants to come to the US?


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