Thursday, March 25, 2021


 Submitted by: Craig Maus

Sharing w/All bcc herein Compatriot's w/Permission to Forward:


​I watched the Video (SHOCKING but Not Surprising) and while viewing it, MANY questions were cycling through my head.


> How could this Country allow itself to be led like lambs to the slaughter routinely & without so much as a what for (???) over many generations by a Body Politic that had systematically abrogated itself from us and the Sworn duties associated with their offices?


> How could a nation allow itself to be led by a combination of political zealots whose intentions couldn't have been any clearer?


> And from this political zealotry, we were reduced to a level of such abstract servitude, the equivalent of the 'blind leading the decapitated' and again, without question?


> And who would imagine that from this maelstrom of political abnormality, this hegemony of total power would Worsen?


> I suppose this is the natural expectation when one crossbreeds Power with Idiocy- it ultimately produces the likes of a Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schummer and a variety of Freaks who can't see beyond their pints of ice-cream in their refrigerators because their 'Walls' do NOT allow for any semblance of REALITY from entering their combines of pretense & deceit?


> What's worse.... is that our vaunted military is similarly standing by allowing for this Freak Show to continue as the ramparts & bulwarks that We the People built decades ago are eroding faster than one can say- WTF?


> Even as a Confederate wherein we knew what "Those People" were up did any of us ever expect them to become such a black mold capable of such obvious and outright dissolution in the face of ALL common sense and get away with it with such impunity & disregard for ANY of us?


   We knew them to be a BAD, DECEITFUL, CORRUPT and DISINEGENUOUS Lot but.... to the degree they would expose themselves as the scurrilous SCUM we knew them to be with such an abhorrent & obvious disdain for us.... I don't think anyone ever anticipated even that! 


> Biden & Harris- what a Statement on the American condition?


   It epitomizes the phrase: One lies and the other swears. The definition of GUNK but the product of a political assembly of swine that raised them like one Rasing poison ivy and advertising it as the next 'nectar of the gods'.... but as PT Barnum once said- "There's a Sucker born every day"...


Do we REALLY have that many SUCKERS in America ?

I guess we Confederates will find out....




Our Only Hope!

Deo Vindice,




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