Saturday, January 2, 2021


                                             The SEVEN Deadly Sins

Throughout our Bible, all the way from Genesis to the Book of Revelation, we are advised of sin and the necessity to refrain from sinning. Adam and Eve were the first sinners and their sin was so grievant as to remain a stain on the newborn amongst us. Although the Bible does not set forth what man names as the, "Seven Deadly Sins," it does name even more.
To begin our time together I will now list the, "Seven Deadly Sins,' and later I will name even more. 

You, as a Christian, must know that Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, died for our sins so that we may be forgiven. Hear this, forgiven is by belief in God, His Divine mercy, His love and through true repentance.
1. Pride - Pride equals vanity. Humility is the direct opposite of pride.
2. Envy - Envy equals resentment. Love is the direct opposite of envy.
3. Anger - Anger equals impatience. Kindness is the direct opposite of anger.
4. Avarice - Avarice equals greed. Generosity is the direct opposite of avarice.
5. Gluttony - Gluttony equals self want. Temperance is the direct opposite of gluttony.
6. Lust - Lust equals destructive desire. Self control is the direct opposite of lust.
7. Sloth - Sloth equals complacency. Zeal is the direct opposite of sloth.
To many these are seen as the 'Capital sins.'  Although all sins are contrary to God's will, through confessing our sins to God and repenting of those sins God will forgive us repeatedly. 
A recent computer poll conducted by a religious group revealed that their results showed that the existence in the lives of those polled were:
            Lust - 35 percent            Anger - 18 percent            Pride - 12 percent            Sloth - 10 percent            Envy - 10 percent           
           Gluttony - 9 percent            Avarice - 6 percent
Within the New Testament, Matthew Chapters 5 through 7 covers what we see as these sins.
Now, let us really define what the sins are within the confines of 'The Seven Deadly Sins.'
1 Pride: Excessive belief in one's own ability.So much is that sinful belief no credit is given to God for being the Creator of a trait,  or gift, given to anyone. Pride goeth before the fall.  Be humble, God created it, appreciate His creation. Why not simply rejoice?
I Peter 5:5 ..."God sets Himself against the proud, but He shows favor to the humble."  
2. Envy: The desire to possess what others have whether it be material objects or character traits(talents). If you want something, get out and earn it. If it is a trait or talent, use it or develop it.
3. Anger: The rejection of love and being hateful. Going into a rage over imagined wrongs suffered. Practice being kind.
4. Avarice: An excessive desire for material or monetary gain. Instead of being a taker, be generous. Be seen as one who is not desirous of anything unearned.
5. Gluttony: Consuming of more of anything that is needed. Eating too much, drinking in excess and simply trying to enjoy excess is not only sinful but morally distasteful. Be temperate in all you do.
6. Lust: The desire to experience sensual physical pleasures to excess. Sex, drugs, seeking of illicit pleasures are but some of the traits of the lustful. Use self control. Self control is demanded in all that you do.
7. Sloth: While most often identified as laziness, apathy more correctly defines this sin. When a person is apathetic he/she no longer cares about doing their duty to other men/women or to God. Love thy neighbor as you love yourself cannot be practiced by the slothful.
There you have them. All seven of them. But, you must know, there are even more sins that you must be aware of and avoid.
Breaking the Ten Commandments
Murder            Adultery            Deceit            Lying            Foolishness            Slander            Boasting/bragging            Backstabbing           
Despair            Twisting of God's Word        Blasphemy        Theft            and the deadliest of all
Blasphemy of The Holy Spirit .
Man, in his follies of seeing himself as wise and smart in the ways of the world best realize that by accepting those ways, he risks damnation. The thought of being on earth only as a 'visitor' would be more wise.
Fight sin. Fight sin with all of your might. As a friend once told me:
Fight Satan until hell freezes over, then, fight him on the ice!
(Closing prayer)
Almighty God, it is You we praise. You alone are the Most Holy, the Creator of heaven and earth. We ask that You make us ever aware of our actions. towards You and towards our fellow man. As You have taught us, please know that we repent of our wrong doings and ask for your forgiveness and mercy. 

Father, we are weak but You are strong. Help us to come nearer to You. We thank You for all that we have received and for the gifts You have chosen to endow us with. May we be seen as ever thankful and may we be seen as true children of Yours.
These things we ask and pray in the name of Jesus Christ, who is One with You and the Holy Spirit. One God, forever and ever,
Amen, amen and amen.  

Pastor Lee S Gliddon Jr
God's Word Christian Ministry
Conservative Patriot

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