Friday, November 27, 2020


 Submitted by: Joseph Grisafi Jr

by Joe Grisafi - 11/27/2020

This is not easy for me to write. Yes, I do have a disclaimer – I hope I’m wrong but looking out over the landscape says otherwise at this time. I will ask many questions for you to contemplate. Many questions are still unanswered at this time but it gives you something to think about. When I use the word “left” think of it as anything other than American no matter the ideology.

I was never a Trumper but hoped for his re-election. In my opinion he was the "lesser of two evils". But he's all we have. As you know from previous emails, I've always mentioned the bad he’s done as well as the good. Yes, Trump has done some good things but he has also done some bad things. He signed the USMCA for one and the Pact Act. I’ve always had misgivings about Trump. There was something about him that rubbed me the wrong way. It was a gut feeling.

This is now hindsight. Here’s my opinion of how this all went down. The left has the ability to plan long term strategies before it becomes hindsight. They have been doing it for decades and here we are today feeling some of the effects and the effects are getting worse. The left can see around corners and over hills. They look far into the future and figure out ways to manipulate the masses and how to control them. A recent example is CV19, which was planned years ago. They are exceptional at understanding human behavior. This is just one instance of hundreds, thousands that they have used in the past 100 years.

Let’s consider the last 100 years as a 100 year war. The left has lost many battles and conflicts along the way – WWI, WWII, and others. These were battles, not wars. Look at us today. Who is on the offense and who is on the defense? In this 100 year war, we, the right, have won many battles, but who is losing the war – the left or the right? The 100 year war with the left was not fought with guns. It was fought with silent strategy and silent tactics. We can even go back further than 100 years. The left has used “INCREMENTALISM” wisely and successfully.

Notice how the U.S. has accepted more and more socialism. The socialist leader Norman Thomas explained, “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program UNTIL ONE DAY America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened.” “…until one day…” (Emphasis added. Is today that “one day”? Is one day next year that one day?)

Trump gets elected. Some promises were kept and some were not. His most important promises that appear to affect him personally as President and our country were not kept. He promised to drain the SWAMP and that never happened. I believe that not doing so, among others, affected his re-election bid. Was his SWAMP or “advisor’s” always true to him? Were they helpful or a hindrance?

During his four years in office his supporters grew and his followers became more passionate. As I have stated in previous emails Trump did some constructive things, but he also did some harmful things. One in my opinion was the USMCA. This agreement was a follow-up to the SPP, which puts the U.S. on the path to the North American Union – a union comprised of the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. It would be similar to the European Union. Borders will be eliminated and U.S. sovereignty gone. We would have a common currency called the “AMERO”.

Another wrong move was Trump not stopping the insurrections: the riots, the burning, the looting, and the killing earlier this year by Antifa and BLM. It allowed our enemy to dig in and re-group. And now, 11 months later, we find ourselves facing an even bigger challenge because it wasn’t taken care of back then. Why didn’t Trump do it? Was he told not to? Did he have stand-down orders? Who from? Our enemy has seen how we react to them and their lawlessness. And they have taken advantage of every move. With all the lawlessness that has occurred this year how many are in jail? Who has been held accountable for their wrong-doing?

Here are a few issues that need to be identified:

1.      Sanctuary Cities – Why aren’t mayor’s and governor’s in jail for aiding and abetting known felons?

2.      Warp Speed – Trump is leading the pack for forced vaccinations.

3.      Government Healthcare – It does not need fixing. It needs to be eliminated. Our Constitution does not authorize government to be in the healthcare business.

4.      5G – Trump is pushing this even though scientists have said it’s harmful to humans. Some countries have banned it.

After four years Trumps party has grown. Re-election is here and the fight begins. Biden and Harris are the comedy team for the DemonRATS. Biden can’t remember from one day to the next and Harris is not eligible to run. Is she black or Jamaican? She is not an American born citizen. But that doesn’t matter. There is no out-crying from either party, the constitution is put on hold, if not, made null and void and lawlessness continues without it. Both sides get intense. The attacks at times get vicious. The more the left attacks Trump, the more intense Trumpers become. The left attacks even more and Trumpers get even more intense. Trumps accomplishments grow from one page to twenty in a matter of weeks. Trump is now placed on a pedestal. Trumpers will not be out-done. One poster of Trump put him in a cloud giving him an aura of god in the heavens. Another poster made him Superman. The man of steel who can bend steel with his bare hands, leap tall buildings at a single bound and is more powerful than a locomotive. Now, who wouldn’t vote for Trump? 

The DemonRATS and ALL OF THEIR CO-HORTS forge ahead with their fraud plans. Everyone seems to know fraud is afoot but nothing gets done until after the polls close and the counting begins. Good planning on the right. Yeah, right. And what is really upsetting is that the DemonRATS don’t seem to want to hide their shenanigans. Some is out in plain sight. The left is controlling the election. They don’t want anyone to watch i.e. the poll watchers. They claim to end the counting for the night so everyone goes home, right. Well, not everyone. The left, being in control, work into the wee hours of the morning doing what they do best – EVIL. So the left remains in control while the right sleeps. Hmmmmmm seems about right.

Now here’s the thing: I believe that the left knows Trump is going to win. Planned??? So what do they do? Fraud is intense. And being that they believe Trump is going to win they don’t want to hide the fraud taking place. Why? Not only that, but some of the fraud is easy to find. This is planned. All of this “evidence” was found in days, not months or years.  This all serves a purpose. Delay tactic? Forces the Trump team to engage in legality? It puts on a good show for the masses? Planned? Who’s in charge? Who’s on the offense?

The Trump legal team forges ahead with the legalities. Find some easy-to-find fraud - some a little harder. Start suing this or that, this state or that state. Is Powell part of the team or not? In the beginning the belief was that she was part of the team. This was never questionable until…….. Now “the team” is distancing itself from her. Is she starting to cast doubts or shadows? Is THIS part of the plan?

Here’s another burning issue I have. Everything that has and is happening seems to be scripted. It’s hard to explain but the ups and down’s all seem to fall in place. Way before the election, fraud was on everyone’s mind, yet nothing was done to oppose it. It was only after the fact that the rush to counteract it began. Of course the fraud taking place put Biden in the lead. It now presumes that President elect Biden will take the White House. Planned??? Much evidence has been found to prove fraud. But will this put Trump back in the White House? Planned??? Was ignoring the fraud in the beginning planned?

Biden wins, we lose. Trump wins. Do we win? For Trumpers, of course we do. But we’ll find out as time passes. We know Biden and the demonRATS so we know what’s coming if he gets in. Do we really know what’s coming with Trump - Really? He is now a lame duck President. I believe we all know what a lame duck President can do. Anything he wants.  

Trumps Presidency has been a hoax since day 1. He was a Trojan horse and is a Trojan horse.

We can speculate over the next four years if / when Trump gets in. Will he use his “lame duck” power for good or evil? We will find out.

“Globalism has always been the long-term goal of occult religions. At the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago in 1993, 6000 delegates came from all over the world to discuss the need to unite the religions of the world. The assumption was that religion and government can solve these problems. A global ethic was adopted, in which the word God does not appear, but the word EARTH is capitalized throughout. The document says that there cannot be a transformation of earth unless there is a transformation of consciousness.” Erwin Lutzer, Hitler’s Cross (Emphasis added.)

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