Saturday, November 7, 2020


 The BERTRAND REPORT The War For Your Mind and Soul Continues

                               News That Matters

Subject: If Trump Does NOT Concede to Uncle (Pedophile) Joe Biden and Blue States Secede From The Republic, How Will That Affect You and Your Social Security / Life Style?

[Q] has gone silent.....the fake media and social media are banning everyone from discussing the COUP underway by the Communist Democrats and (their) CIA scheme to undermine our election system nationwide. 

Pennsylvania, the most corrupt state, in this election......rewarded Biden the electorate, taking the Communist / Treasonous bastard across the 270 threshold. Biden's corruption over the years is being kept from the general public and WE are to believe, everything is fine....the election was fair and "everyone loves Uncle [pedophile] Joe."

Hillary Clinton is double dipping her vodka with absolute joy, figuring her chances of being Kamala's V.P. if and when Biden gets the 25th amendment boot, is her revenge and safety from prosecution.

Supposedly, there is a "sting operation" by the FBI to reveal soon a magnitude of treasonous and fraudulent vote counting crimes that will in-fact launch the Civil War by the Dems in hopes of forcing a remedy and cover for their latest actions.

We know that Trump has the Deep State playbook and we can calculate and analyse the benefits of forcing the Dems to activate BLM / ANTIFA in days to come.

The two trains on one track, coming at each other, are about to clash......

Trump and his allies in government can use a massive unrest, while announcing investigations and indictments within weeks....thus, forcing Trump to enact the 'Insurrection Act' and declare Martial law.

Trump knows and WE know, it will take Nuremberg style [military] arrests to deal with what has become America's nightmare scenario, even if a Biden presidency pardons them all, the exposure is enough to create massive chaos in the new government, enough to sustain a Civil War footing.

Everything the Deep State has committed by rogue elements in the CIA, FBI, Media, within his Cabinet and the stealing of this election....equates to TREASON and the overthrow of the Presidency and United States with a foreign government [China] in-waiting without launching a nuke !

Certain military rogue generals and others within the Republican Party are telling Trump to concede the election to Biden, but most important....what will Trump do, and could he survive his own party that wants to sell him-out, considering if he has enough loyalty from the military and most in his Party?

Trump is facing the same scenario as Abraham Lincoln, which a Civil War ensued. 

Pelosi already stated, "Trump will be fumigated from the White House either way, and if he refuses to leave, Congress will swear-in Biden" going-on to say, the "swearing-in can take place in any geographical location." I suspect....that could be Denver.

What Pelosi is matter what an investigation or indictments proving fraudulent elections exist or coming, there could in-fact be two presidents within the United States [Venezuela style], therefore, the likelihood of certain [Blue] states seceding from the Republic is a possibility. Same scenario as Venezuela and America's first Civil War when the South seceded from the North.

If Trump does NOTHING and concedes the election (as it stands) he will basically be handing America over to China and their Communist cohorts in the Democrat Party.

In any event....Civil War II can be averted if Trump concedes the election, mainly because the fluoride heads in most of America's population have no back-bone to fight for this nation, and do not want their social security, EBT food stamps, and welfare disrupted, let alone watching commerce shutdown and the lack of toilet paper [(again) a beta tested  COVID-19 acclimation created for what is coming.

COVID-19 was and is a China Communist (Fauci, Gates / W.H.O.) created Bio-Weapon to acclimate the population for the take-over. The Deep State and their CIA / Chinese crime syndicate(s) with social media giants and fake United Nations [W.H.O.] conspirators, created the biggest hoax in the history of America with a specific agenda. The common cold / flu is nearly gone, replaced by COVID-19 symptoms, and their cover is the face diaper and distancing, plus draconian [Blue State] lock-downs across the country. 

Basically.....forget about the great economy Trump created and be very scared of being one of the 1% that does not survive this plandemic hoax. And to really scare the ignorant, the world has to play the game as well !

Therefore....the biggest concern, is NOT if America will be turned-over to a China Communist 2.0 Nation, but how does a good old Uncle Biden affect (my) lifestyle?

Most can ask themselves that question and you will discover, there really isn't much that will change your daily living habits unless you fall under certain categories, i.e., a gun owner, business owner and if you don't travel and care less about $4/gal fuel as taxes are raised and the oil industry becomes extinct !

BUT what many will have a concern about, and is only speculation on my part is.....what happens if certain [Blue] states secede from the Republic and depending upon what state you live in, will your social security be affected? Will you have to move to a [Red] state to receive social security? Will a Biden / Pelosi regime begin paying a universal monthly check in [Blue] states? And of course, we know it would come from higher taxes levied on [Blue] state businesses and those earning over $400,000 a year.

Travel restrictions under a divided nation would be in effect......

The exodus by those in [Blue] states could come to a halt at each state's border and air travel will look exactly like air travel did in the Soviet Union decades ago. One airline, and special permission to fly, just as we in America are getting accustomed to, with a star on your license (or not on a 'No Fly List') that must be determined at check-in. 

What??? No proof of the mandatory vaccine???? What??? You didn't pay the Carbon Tax required for your drive to wherever??? "Show me your papers please......"

That's the direction we're headed soon, most of it already in-place.......

So....are you going to be better off without Trump having a 2nd term? Will your life just cruise along as if nothing is happening? Are you just stupid, or do you just hate the "Orange Man" because he loves America?

Americans are faced with a challenge that is hidden and censored from public sight. The ignorant and stupid (uniformed) will help carry the dirty water for the Communists. Exposure to the treasonous crimes committed will be censored and spun by the media, including the traitorous FoxNews. 

If Trump and his DoJ act soon, he will be declared a "Dictator" and "Sore Loser."

But in the end....all will know the TRUTH and Communism in America will subside as it did during the McCarthyism years when it was first exposed and denied, but now THEY are openly tearing-down America and the battle is just about to begin.

---Dave Bertrand

From the Desk of Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.) Your Comments Are Welcomed and Can Be Published Unless You Specify Otherwise.

Retired Int'l Freight Captain (DC-8 & B-727), Former (State) Law Enforcement, U.S. Customs (UC) Miami Sector, US Army Military Police Veteran, Former Int'l Aircraft Repo Insurance Contractor, Former DHS/HWW Counter-Terrorism Instructor for Commercial Truckers, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University & University of Alaska (Undergraduate), Interests include Border Security, 9/11 Truth, Government Corruption, New World Order, Freedom vs Communism, Secret Space Programs & UFO Encounters, Aviation, and Enjoy Living Off-The-Grid.

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