Monday, October 12, 2020

GELLER REPORT 10/12/2020


Today's Headlines

White Supremacist Who Organized Charlottesville Race Riots Endorses Joe Biden

No surprise - Biden is demented dirty-old-man segregationist

No Democrat-media coverage on this but if he had endorsed Trump it would be splashed across every major newspaper and cable TV news network for a month.

Germany: Muslim ‘Asylum Seeker’ Attempts Bombing Attack, Media Rewrites Motive, Calls Bomber “Young Man From Lüdenscheid”

Human life is secondary to not offending Muslims or casting a shadow on the war texts and teachings of Islam.

Primary objective in Islamic terror reporting is remove Islam, blame imaginary white supremacists where possible, and do not trigger Muslim hair-trigger sensibilities.

In Unhinged Rant, Keith Olbermann Calls for Prosecution of His Political Enemies—Including the Amy Coney Barrett

21st century goosestepping Brownshirts -- America's Democrats are no different in their thinking and methods as the Soviets, Nazis, Maoists, Marxists etc.


Death toll soars as Armenia-Azerbaijan ‘conflict’ escalates: ‘THIS IS A FIGHT AGAINST JIHADISTS’

Will the world ignore a second Armenian genocide at the hands of jihadis?

One and half million Armenians Christians were ethically cleansed, slaughtered by the Islamic Ottoman empire. Turkey refuses to recognize or even acknowledge the genocide, let alone apologize.

The silence and sanction surrounding the Armenian genocide makes a continuation of their Islamic slaughter inevitable.

ONE DEAD: Antifa/Biden Supporters/BLM CELEBRATE Shooting Of Trump Supporter at Patriot Rally in Denver

“One less white f-cking supremacist. F-ck yeah. Right in the f-cking dome,” he says.

How is this different than the Nazis?

How is the complete lack of news coverage of the leftwing murder of those who won't kneel, any different than Goebbels propaganda methods?


Muslim Migrant ‘Ambassador of Saxony’ Beats Woman to Death

The facts at hand presumably speak for themselves, but a trifle more vulgarly, I suspect, than facts even usually do. The German-language news outlet TAG24 reported Wednesday that a man identified only as “Edris Z.” had carried out “a coldly planned revenge murder” against his former girlfriend, a “refugee aid worker had previously denounced the...

Vet Wounded by Iranian Explosives Warns Against Biden Presidency

A vote for the Joe Biden is a vote for Iran to get nukes. Iran’s leaders chant death to America. Think about that. Vet wounded by Iranian explosives: "Now @JoeBiden wants to cut another deal with them, paving the way for Iran to get the nuclear weapon, giving in to the monsters that did this...

Extinction Rebellion “Jurassic Farce”, a play (of sorts) Times Square

"Prehistoric creatures demonstrate how everyday people can mitigate a Climate and Ecological Disaster".

These people are nuts.


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