Monday, September 7, 2020


Submitted by: Terry Payne

Keep the Senate
Visit our website and read about the candidates.

Keep the Senate 

While much media attention is focused on the Presidential race, we as Republicans need to know what is quietly happening behind the scenes and not in the media spotlight. Leftist groups, like Indivisible, Swing Left, Democracy Action, and many others have been working together to flip the Senate. Indivisible has launched the “Payback Project” targeting 11 Republican Senators. This means that large amounts of money from outside donors are pouring into Republican states to not only fund the Democrat opponent but the above organizations as well. Millions of dollars are being raised to help with phone banking, letter writing campaigns, and ads.

There are 35 Senate seats up for election in November. To keep the majority, the Republicans must hold on to 23 of those seats. The Democrats, however, only need to keep the seats they currently hold and flip 4 seats. If Biden wins the Presidency, they only need to flip 3.

According to recent online articles, 8 of our Republicans are in serious trouble of losing their seats. Here are just a few examples of online articles talking about the Senate races:

  • In Colorado, Democrat Hickenlooper has a 29 percentage point lead over Republican Cory Gardner with Independent voters. The article goes on to state that the majority of voters in CO are independents.
  • In Arizona, Democrat Mark Kelly (Kelly is married to Gabrielle Giffords) has a 17-point lead over Republican Martha McSally.
  • In Montana, Republican Steve Daines is in danger of losing his seat to Democrat opponent Steve Bullock. Polling shows these two as being roughly tied. 
  • In North Carolina, Democrat Cal Cunningham has a 6-point lead over Republican Thom Tillis.
  • In South Carolina, Democrat Harrison is tweeting that he holds the lead over Republican Lindsey Graham.
  • In Georgia, Democrat Ossoff is said to be in a tie with Republican David Perdue. 


  1. Visit our website and read about the candidates. Make a monetary donation directly to their campaigns.
  2. Do you live in one of these states? Reach out to the campaign. See if you can make phone calls, door knock, or write letters for the Senator.
  3. Talk to friends and family. Let everyone you know how vulnerable our Republican Senators are.
  4. Follow these Senators on Twitter and Facebook. Share their posts. Share their donation link. Be vocal!

We cannot afford to lose the Senate in November! Imagine the scenario of President Trump winning the Presidency and Republicans losing control of both the House and the Senate. We will be back to impeaching the President and this time they will be successful! Do your part to help us keep control of the Senate. Together we can win!

Engage the Right is a grassroots movement of concerned conservatives. We are up against well-funded, mobilized, and organized progressive groups, like Indivisible and Swing Left, pushing their socialist agenda for 2020 and doing everything in their power to resist our President and his policies.

If you would like to support our organization financially, please click on the button below.

Thank you for your generosity!

Engage The Right Inc. is a 501(c)(4) organization.  Donations are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. 

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