Friday, July 17, 2020


Submitted by: W.G.E.N.

I have asked the question on line and by phone to a few news programs -  WHAT IS THE DEFINITION OF **CASES**???  I have yet to get a response other than it is a *case*.  To me a *Case* could be one of my fathers family - it could be anything the hearer wants to think it means but it could also be a misleading word to deceive the people.
There have been so many situations of LYING about this topic that I can't trust any of the numbers being used as being truthful or even close to Covid related.  I have asked for the autopsy results to prove the person died from Covid and not some other illness but saying Covid allows for more MONEY to be given to the medical facility.  A patient dying while overdosing on drugs and happens to test positive for Covid is listed as dying from Covid even though the Covid wasn't what killed the person...  but the MONEY and the fear tactics in motion in this world overrule TRUTH.

Then we also have the problem of the faulty tests and the faulty masks (from China).  We can't trust the *test* results either as they are tainted just as the masks have been found to have substances in them that bring forth Covid.  Oh, and lets not forget the so called *Experts* who give one set of figures one day and few days later they give a different set of numbers (FRAUDCI & BIRX) alongwith the MUST WEAR MASKS to DO NOT WEAR MASKS advice.
As I have said a jillion times - If you want to PREVENT the virus and bacterial illnesses then take personal responsibility and change what you eat and drink to change your pH levels to the 7.0 level.  Stop putting all that garbage into your body - garbage that the viruses and bacteria feed on.  I used to be one for the garbage food and drink and always had some illness which meant I had to go to the doctor for anti-biotics which caused other illnesses due to the side effects.  A VISCOUS CIRCLE.   When I learned of the pH method of NOT allowing those illnesses to take up my body I have not had any illness or even so much as a sniffle.  THAT told me that works and it works well. It has been around 13 - 14 years now since I began this WELLNESS time of my life.  VIRUSES and BACTERIA cannot survive in an ALKALINE system.  Do a search for Alkaline forming foods - read up on the pH diet - then CHANGE from feeding on GARBAGE to feeding on GOOD, HEALTHY food and drink resulting in not getting sick.  Think of the Money you will save in medical and prescription bills - not to mention feeling good and not getting sick.  Instead of Big PHARMA anti-biotics - use Colloidal silver - internally and externally.
Since I don't get sick anymore I use the Silver for cuts and skin abrasions to prevent any infections.
I realize it is hard to give up that junk food and drink but if you develop a way of looking at that stuff as if it was a big pile of crap and that you wouldn't want to put it in your mouth and chew on that CRAP - that will help you get over the urge to indulge.
The CHOICE of what to do is up to you - YOU can change and be healthy or YOU can keep indulging the CRAP and be sick.
Jackie Juntti
"Each day comes bearing its own gifts; untie the ribbon!"

COVID numbers … who can you trust?

Friday, July 17, 2020
Chris Woodward, Jody Brown (
coronavirus (illustration)The leader of a health freedom organization makes the case that some of the numbers being reported about COVID cases in the U.S. are misleading if not totally fabricated.
When it comes to numbers involving COVID-19, some of that information may involve people who have tested positive for the coronavirus, as well whose who are considered "probable cases." In other words, people are claiming symptoms that health officials believe indicate COVID-19.
Twila Brase, a registered nurse and president of Citizens' Council for Health Freedom, acknowledges that while some people might find it "very scary" when the case numbers suddenly shoot up, in fact the majority of those are probable cases which have never been confirmed to be COVID.
Brase, Twila (CCHF)"…The definition of 'probable cases' is so loose that somebody simply has to live in an area that has a lot of COVID-19, plus they have a headache and they have a fever – or at least they think they have a fever, they don't even have to measure it," she explains. "And by that, they become a probable case and … can be reported as a case of COVID-19, which of course they are not."
Meanwhile, Brase says she'd like to see more news reports about people recovering from COVID-19, as opposed to just the numbers of cases and fatalities. She points out that the state of Illinois began reporting that weeks ago.
"People asked them for it, and so they say that 92% of those who tested positive have recovered [and] those are only those who tested positive," she tells OneNewsNow. "There are all sorts of other people who have never been tested who had COVID-19 and who recovered from it because it was either mild symptoms or it was asymptomatic. So, even more people have recovered than that number can speak to."
Rush on COVID numbers
Speaking of reported number of COVID cases, Rush Limbaugh – on his Wednesday program – addressed a report that more than 300 COVID testing labs in Florida reported 100% positive rates.
"That simply isn't possible," the radio host responded. "Every person they tested was reported as positive."
Upon investigation, however, the actual positive cases were 10 times lower. Limbaugh argued that begs the question: "How many other states have been reporting fake numbers?"
The result, he added, is that when the public is lied to and doesn't get the facts, the country cannot function properly when it comes to important decisions, such as opening the schools.

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