Friday, July 10, 2020


Submitted by: P McMillan

Discussing The Killing Club
Shared by CAB

[DYNAMITE VIDEO:  Del Bigtree interview here (see link below).] 

MEDICAL INDUSTRY IS A FRAUD:  The medical industry is bought and paid for – and its intent is to sicken, stupefy and kill us -- and then bill the government/taxpayer for trillion$.  These people who participate in this industry  are arrogant and heartless – sold their souls long, long ago and joined The Club.  The harsh truth is, it’s all about money!   And the sicker we get, the more they make off our dead and dying bodies, and those of our children.  The incentive is to sicken and perform dangerous procedures and surgeries on us, to inject and prescribe poisons – because a healthy person brings in no bucks to these Frankenstein vultures.

Club of Medical Puppets:  I hate the God-damned medical doctors.   I truly do.  Anyone who goes to these sell-out, witch-doctor ghouls, is a fool.  Just because your ‘insurance’ is paid for, or considered ‘free’ – is no reason to trust your life, your brain into the devilish hands of these medical puppets.  Their damned vaccines have made one in two children autistic and their other drugs aren’t helping anyone else either.   They are all schemers and plotters, and have been trained and programmed to be that way!   In fact, they are in danger of losing their license to practice their sorceries if they don’t follow the strict rules of The Club.   They are trained not to care.  I said NOT TO CARE.  If they don’t play the sick sorcery game by the rules, they lose their license to kill, and be financially ruined.  If they play along, they will make a ton of money off our dead and dying bodies.

DELIBERATE, MALICIOUS HARM:  And they know damned well their drugs and ‘treatments’ will make us sicker and deader, and they DON’T CARE.  They are in The Club, and if they deviate one bit from the rules of their Club they will be kicked out and ruined (or off’d).   So 99 percent of them sold their souls instead, and they go along to get along, and get rewarded financially for doing so.  Meantime, they deliberately kill and sicken all of us who are stupid enough to trust them as far as we can throw them. 

PROGRAMMED DUPES:  And we are as programmed as the  sorcery doctors are!   The System has managed to get the majority of us to line up for our shots and sit for hours in their offices waiting to be examined in the most humiliating ways they can conceive of.   That’s part of it – to humiliate us so we will be more pliable and easily victimized.  We think if the government is paying for it, that we would be a fool not to cash in on all the testings and drugging!   NYET!  I cannot bear to even step foot in one of their offices:  even their receptionists are arrogant and cold.  It’s all too creepy, too evil, the whole disgusting industry.  

Watch this video before it’s taken down – (or maybe it won’t be since it’s Patrick Bat-David interviewing the producer of VAXXED, Del Bigtree.)   This is one enlightening interview if ever there was one!. 

TRUMP WON’T SAVE US:   Otherwise, keep your kids out of the damned government schools, move out of the USA if possible.  Just because the POTUS has a son that is vaccine damaged/autistic doesn’t mean we can count on the POTUS to save us.   The elected leaders are just figureheads, and they all answer to the Banksters who own all the politicians and the media.  Don’t be naïve. 

INDEPENDENT MEDIA:  Any independent media we have is only to find out who the dissidents are who listen to it.   They will be coming for us – don’t worry about that!

FLEE BABYLON:  We have just a few more months to escape out of Babylon.  Meantime, avoid the damned medical doctors – eat right, take vitamins and supplements and herbs, (just like the Bible says God made the leaves and the herbs for our healing).   Clean water, simple basic food you cook yourself, and supplements and herbs, exercise, and prayer is the only way to stay alive and healthy.   Or go live in the boonies, far off where people can’t get to you easily, and try to be independent, grow a garden --  try to just live best you can like the Savage in Brave New World.

SAVE YOUR MONEY:  No matter how much you spend on vitamins (I have a boatload here) or paying extra for organic food or fresh fruits and vegetables -- it will be chump change compared to the Trillion$ being raked in by the sorcerers running the pharma/medical industry.   And as we can see from the current fiasco, it doesn’t matter if we decline their ‘medical favors’ and use Grandma or Dr. Google instead, because they are coming after us, all of us.  CAB

Del Bigtree  (produced VAXXED movie) …  interviewed by Patrick Bat-David



Controversial Vaccine Movie Banned by Netflix & Apple

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