Monday, May 11, 2020

LETTER TO A DEAN: Reference your university and your apparent criticism of Dr.Damask for stating open Islamic theology.

Submitted by: J Cryots

Chancellor Gonzales:

I'm writing you to share with you hopefully, some information that may be useful to you. At least I hope so.

I am, to introduce myself,  Dr. Tom Lawson, and in case you are/were not aware, may I offer to you, in the spirit of dialogue, below, the three historically ongoing core beliefs of all muslims/Islam that you appear to not believe exist by your apparent response to Dr. Damask's valid statements on Islam, held by virtually all orthodox muslims, whether Shia or Sunni.

As a 30 year student of esoteric Islam (Sufism, which most 'orthodox muslims' despise and which holds none of the below beliefs) as well as having experience firsthand as a former U.S.Navy Intel officer specializing in both the former Soviet Union and Islamic countries,  please consider the below as an opportunity, for your consideration regarding Dr. Damask's statements on Islam which you appear to strongly disagree with and need to attack Dr.Damask.

Perhaps you, like most westerners, even western converts to Islam, have no idea of who Muhammad was, of his life, his actions or what is in the Koran or the Hadith regarding Islam's view of the world and the roles of muslims in it.  Muhammad, to all muslims,is considered 'the perfect man' and criticism of him or of any contrary 'facts', such as his marrying a six year old female and consummating the marriage with her, at the age of 9 (these actions verified by this islamic scholar) can and has resulted in the exact same 'punishment' for leaving Islam (apostasy), which is death.

Perhaps, you are as uninformed as I was, before I began to seriously study Islam and perhaps you believe, as did I once, that we must never 'judge' others, that 'toleration & multiculturalism' remains a paramount mindset, may result in our becoming suicidally myopic (which happened to the journalist, Daniel Pearl) by our naively assuming, including indeed, Islam is, 'the religion of peace'. Note: The Islamic 'believer' who beheaded Daniel was later released from a Pakistani prison by a Karachi court after his murder conviction was reduced to 'kidnapping'.

Most in the 'west' are convinced that Islam is what it claims to be 'a religion of peace' and in the U.S. the media and its backers vehemently state that it is just that, however, with no sharing with the American public, knowledge of Islam's original and still primary, yet hidden, goals.

In America, there is a long standing perception that 'pre-Judging' is totally 'intolerant'. However, we 'judge/discern' all the time and 'Judging', which we do constantly (what to do, eat, etc.) is a critical part of our survival, especially if ourselves, our families and our country is under attack by hostile inimical forces as the eastern Europeans repeatedly discovered when they were invaded in 1683 and only stopped at the gates of Vienna.  Also, you may not be aware of the results of 'Islamic jihad' on the lives of those who were invaded.  It is not pretty but here's a hint. Islamic countries today, openly practice slavery and here is what happens today when Islam reigns supreme.

Above, I spoke of two major yet by most of the West, unrecognized  goals (as Europe is now discovering) are offered below, with clickable links if you have an interest.:
These are;
1. 'taquiyya', which is both the Arabic term that is fully supported in Islam, both Sunnia and Shia sects of Islam (which by the way, despise each other).
2. 'hijrah', again, an arabic term, again an essential part of Islam.

The third is the resultant impact of the above two.
3. Conquest:  here's the not fully recognized today history of Islam and why it is not is offered in a very insightful book on western political thought and the reason why Islam is so hotly defended in the West, by Dr.Jamie Glazov.  You may find worthwhile this article in 'the Mideast Forum, by Dr.Glazov, born in Russia, his Soviet Studies at the Univ. of Toronto, in which he discusses why many,  who claim to champion the principles of freedom, democracy, liberalism, and feminism yet support both communist and Islamist dictatorships, which implement none of these principles.

Dialogue is welcomed. Are you interesed?

Dr. Tom Lawson

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