Sunday, April 26, 2020

NEWS WITH VIEWS 04/26/2020

The Real Religious Jihad On America, Part 2

The enemies of America such as the Obamas, Bidens, Pelosi, Schumer, numerous Hollywood stars, the CIA controlled media, and many so-called Christians who are in full-blown apostasy, believe that might makes right..........
by Mike Spaulding.

The Real Joe Biden, Part 3

Joe Biden has been around in Senate since 1973. He is part of the elite. Not that that makes you any smarter or talented. Some people feel privileged when they reached a certain level of tenure. Joe is no exception. There are some disturbing accusations coming out against him of things that happened in the early 1990s that may prove problematic for him.........
by Roger Anghis.

Shocker: Democrats “Excited Over This Pandemic”

Gavin Newsom, the Governor of California recently made a $1 Billion deal with a Communist Chinese Company. We do not have the details since Newsom is tight-lipped even though he is, according to confidential reports, cutting deals behind the (iron) curtain with the Communist Chinese government and their companies to aid in the overthrow of America by the coming Communist New World Order.........
by Rev. Austin Miles.

Dad-Deprived World

The people of the world, Westerners especially, inhabit a dad-deprived culture. The world’s response to the Chinese Communist Party Virus is no different than Wortman’s unhinged version of justice.  Neither is God’s, or any other religion’s, version of justice. Both are extreme boyish playground examples of bullying.........
by Mike Heath.

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