Thursday, March 26, 2020

What Country Should Be Blamed For Covid-19 Bio-Weapon? Definitely A Deep State Operation...

Submitted by: Dave Bertrand

Friends and Associates:
The following report below is a detailed look at Bio-Weapon research, manipulation, [gene editing] and the implementation thereof by the CIA (and other rogue agencies) under control by the Deep State.
As for me....I read it twice, and it's difficult to determine exactly who the bad guys really are, but one thing is for certain....evil does exist and our earth is covered with darkness.
--Dave Bertrand
"There would be much to write about the suspicious episodes between the US and China, including two arrests which, however, did not lead to ascertaining with certainty the purposes of the illegal actions. As Veterans Today recalled on January 28, Professor Charles Lieber, president of the Harvard Department of Chemical Biology, is arrested for leading a Chinese research team focused on using nanotechnology to identify viruses.
In December 2019, a Chinese medical researcher, Zheng Zaosong, of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, was instead stopped by the FBI special agent Kara Spice who found him in possession of 21 ampules containing a “brown liquid” that seemed to be ” biological material “taken from a Boston laboratory. His research friend admitted that other comrades had managed to bring samples to China: it is not known whether for biogenetic studies on American samples or if by sabotage."
H/T J. Olson

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