Tuesday, March 24, 2020

WE THE PEOPLE 03/24/2020

Today's Top Stories
Unsuspecting Americans to be Hit Hard by this U.S. Scheme to Confiscate Your Savings
Alan Greenspan, 20-yr Chairman of the U.S. Fed, reveals Washington's nasty trick to confiscate the savings of unsuspecting Americans.

Here's What Greenspan Says Can Protect Your Savings
China Just Launched this Attack on the USD
China has taken the next big step towards dethroning the dollar as #1 global currency. And the weird thing is, it has created an intriguing opportunity...

Here's the Asset that Stands to Soar
The One Asset Immune to "Coronavirus Stock Crash"
As stocks crater and devastate the retirement savings of millions of Americans, 1000s are moving into this one asset that Goldman Sachs just declared as "immune" to the crisis.

Here's How to Vaccinate Your IRA or 401(k)
The Sneaky IRS Tax Law that's Sweeping the U.S.
Big banks and the IRS don't want you to know about the opportunity this IRS "Cheat Code" unlocks... That's not stopping it from sweeping the U.S...

Here's the Little-Known (but legal) "Cheat Code" for Your Savings

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