Sunday, February 23, 2020

GELLER REPORT 02/23/2020

Today's Headlines

Saturday Night Cinema: Secret Agent

The tension between comedy and tragedy, the ambiguous moral scheme, the wealth of visual signifiers.

Socialist Bernie Sanders Projected to Win Nevada Caucuses

A hardcore commie has taken the lead. The Democrat party is going down in flames.

Jihad-Rep Ilhan Omar Blames the Jews After Marriage to Her Brother is Confirmed

Like a true jihadi, this she blames the Jews for her own shocking crimes.

Harvard Professor arrested by the FBI

A department chair set up a research lab in Wuhan, sold knowledge for big money and lied about it. NO media coverage of this bombshell. He rec'd $50K a month, 150K in expense, and 1.5 million to establish a lab.

Michael Bloomberg Confirms He Used Prison Labor To Make 2020 Campaign Calls

Here's the thing, if a Republican said or did any one of these things, they would be DO

Kansas City: Armed Forces trainee converts to Islam, plots jihad massacre at military base

Why is it converts to Islam "misunderstand' Islam in exactly the same way?

Ryanair boss Michael O’Leary accused of “racism” for saying terrorists are ‘generally Muslim men’

1st, Islam is not a race. 2nd, this is absolutely true. "in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

Counter Terrorism DHS Whistle blower on Obama Admin Phil Haney Found Dead

A great American patriot is dead.
Haney stood up to the Obama administration and shook the DHS to its foundation.
Today we mourn a patriot and a hero.

UK high school textbook links 9/11 Islamic attacks to the Jews

The West should be demanding the excision of Jew hatred from Islamic texts and teachings, not brainwashing our children with their vile blood libel

K.T. McFarland Says Mueller Interrogators Put Her Through ‘Hell’ and Left Her ‘Traumatized’

Wow. And make no mistake, McFarland is one tough cookie.
The Obamites were brownshirts. Literally. We dodged a coup, third world and bloody.

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