Thursday, January 23, 2020

ISRAEL REPORT 01/23/2020

Submitted by: M Mullikin

Palestinian Authority: “The Muslims have the absolute right” to the Western Wall..........

Description: Arab Israel
Official PA TV narrator: "The historical documents in the possession of the Palestinians of Jerusalem testify that Jerusalem is a city of Arab origin for thousands of years, and its history and culture are Islamic. Since Islam's conquest [in the 7th century], the Al-Buraq Wall (i.e., the Western Wall) has remained an Islamic waqf. The Muslims have the absolute right to it and there is not even one rock there that dates back to the period of King Solomon, as the Jews claim." [Official PA TV, Nov. 29, 2019]
“The Jewish Temple never existed,” claims this so-called expert in the latest example of Palestinian revisionist history that ignores basic facts.
Director of the Land Research Centre Jamal Al-Amleh recently commented on the Palestinian Authority’s official television channel, “It is known that [the Jews] have nothing in Jerusalem and Hebron. All archaeological excavations–even the Jewish archaeologists themselves–have proven that there is no existence…of the Temple on the mountain where the Al-Aqsa Mosque is built.”
If Al-Amleh weren’t the head of a “research centre,” his statements could be written off as the unhinged ranting of an ignoramus unaware of basic facts, authenticated evidence, and thousands of years of documented history.
However, Al-Amleh claims to be an expert, which means his shameful statements represent disgusting lies intended to engender hatred among Palestinians for Jews and their rich history in the Holy Land, which predates by millennia the invention of the “Palestinian” nation.

What Would Happen If Israel and Iran Went to War?
Description: Iran Israel War
23 January 2020
In a recent article by Matt Ward of Rapture Ready Ministries he wrote the following excerpts regarding the likelihood of an Iran-Israel war;
“Today, in 2020, fourteen years after the Second Lebanon War, the threat from this same force is now even more significant and malign.

A conservative estimate is that the total number of missiles and rockets in Lebanon, currently aimed at Israel, stands at between 40,000 and 110,000 in number. This is a conservative estimate. Many of these rockets are unguided Katyusha rockets; however, many are now longer-ranged, quite sophisticated guided missiles.

All of Israel will become the front line in the next war.

Manning and protecting this arsenal is believed to be a Brigade-sized group of Hezbollah Special Forces. These men have been trained and equipped directly by Iran. Additionally, these men answer only to Iran, not the Lebanese government.

This means that the trigger, so to speak, for this vast arsenal is in Tehran, not in Beirut. In any strike against Iranian nuclear facilities, or war with the United States and/or Israel, Iran would certainly pull this trigger.

Israel faces a huge throw-weight of missiles and rockets.

In any Iran war, they would also be contesting against the extensive forces aligned against them in Syria, which has much longer range and larger missiles available to them, not discounting the combination of small rockets and missiles in both the West Bank and Gaza.

The Jewish State would be attacked from all sides at the same time, impacting the border areas of the country and, this time, the heartland too. Israel would clearly be completely overwhelmed against such a bombardment.

Description: Death to America

They face a truly massive number of rockets and missiles aimed at them.  Unfortunately, their situation can and does get even worse.

It is now the belief of Israel, and many in the West, that some of these rockets and missiles have radiological, chemical or biological agents attached to them. Especially so concerning the Syrian threat.

In fact, it is now quite well-known that the biggest arsenal of non-nuclear WMD currently on Earth resides underneath one city, in large but distributed underground storage facilities: Damascus.

In any future war with Iran, if any of these weapons do have radiological, chemical, or biological agents in them, and are used against the Jewish State, the Israeli response would be unequivocal: the nuclear annihilation of Syria, Iran and parts of Lebanon. Many, many people would lose their lives in such a scenario.

But the matter would not end there, with unprecedented destruction and death in the Middle East. Iran is and has been the greatest sponsor of state-level terrorism in the world for almost a generation. Such an exchange would no doubt entail the activation of any Iranian sleeper cells in the West, in America and Western Europe.

Their objectives would be simple and clear - to wreak havoc on domestic western populations, either through direct attacks, or through any number of malicious manufactured killer viruses potentially being released into general population centres.

When one looks at Bible prophecy and reads the words of Ezekiel, amongst others, and then looks at the events of today, one cannot help but think that these words of yesterday were written about our today.

We will live through these events. They are events for our time, for our world, for our generation, now”.

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