Tuesday, January 7, 2020



My name is Enrique Tarrio and I’m running for Congress as a Republican to replace Hillary Clinton’s number-one enabler, Donna Shalala.

You won’t find me on Twitter, Facebook or YouTube, because Leftists have successfully banned me from just about every social media platform.

Even Chase Bank closed my bank account.


Well if you believe the breathless reports of CNN, NBC, and other Fake News outlets, I’m the head of a “male chauvinist” organization and also a “White Supremacist.”

But if you take a look at my picture above, I’m not wearing a white hood . . . my skin isn’t even white.

I’m an America-born, half-black, half-Cuban son of immigrants living the American dream.

And I’m asking for your support today.

But before you donate, I want you to know who I am, why I’m running and why the Left literally hates me.

I’m an entrepreneur, having started my first business with $400 in my pocket.

The success of my small businesses allow me the freedom to pay back what I owe our nation in the form of patriotism . . . it’s not a hobby or pastime for me, it’s an obligation.

My parents came to America from a Communist regime under Fidel Castro.

While other family members either died or rotted away in camps for political dissidents, my mother and father escaped to the open arms of our great nation.

I thank God for you, your parents, grandparents and ancestors who allowed my family onto your shores.

I am indebted to America.

As we see socialism and communism rise in our country, it’s my duty to draw a line in the sand, stand firm, and boldly push back.

That’s why I’m running for Congress, it’s why the Left hates me, and it’s why I’m asking for your support today.

While you may not have heard my name, you’ve probably heard of the organization that I lead . . . the Proud Boys.

That’s right. According to the Liberal Media, I’m the only half-black, half-Cuban man to ever lead a White Supremacist group.

If you believe the Leftist narrative about me and the Proud Boys, you’re probably scratching your head wondering how I rose through the ranks of a violent, racist hate group without being lynched.

It’s laughable.

The truth is, the Proud Boys is a drinking club with a patriotism problem.

Given that the Proud Boys are led by me, a dark-skinned guy that couldn’t pass for white -- even in a dimly-lit wine cave -- racism doesn’t exist in our group.

What does exist in my personal code and that of the Proud Boys, is our refusal to bow down to the agenda of socialists, feminists and their enablers in the media.

They call us violent because when we’re physically attacked by hate filled Antifa members, we knock them flat on their ass.

And the Liberal Media loves to show purple-haired hippies crying on the ground, but never tells the full story about how they got there . . . because a fragile, angry snowflake started a fight with an American man.

And why do they call us racist? Because that’s what the left does when they can’t debate you.

If you haven’t done it already, try and talk to a liberal, tell them you’re Pro-Trump, and countdown the seconds until you’re called a racist or a Nazi.

Sadly, intelligent debate within the Left is about as deep as a leaking kiddie-pool in the Miami heat.

By running for Congress, I’m elevating the debate to PROVE that being pro-America, pro-Trump and placing American values first, is not about race . . . it’s about being loyal to a nation, its people and its History.

Join me today by donating to my campaign.

While I’m banned on social media, my opponent not only enjoys access to Facebook and Twitter, she is also one of the most successful fundraisers in politics.

You see, my opponent is Donna Shalala.

While I’ve been providing for my family and my community in Florida since I was born, Shalala has been hopping back and forth between New York, Beirut, Syria and Washington D.C while raking in millions.

Her last private job was running the Clinton Foundation where she admitted to selling access to then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

In 2018, Shalala ran for Congress and won by a slim margin. She beat a liberal Univision host running as a Republican by just a few points.

In 2020, Donna Shalala will be facing me, a true conservative Republican with strong roots in my community.

I’m running in Florida’s 27th District which is heavily Cuban.

And if it’s not obvious, Cuban Americans have a few things in common: God, Family and Country (and great food).

We also have this thing in common: We don’t tolerate communists and socialists.

Donna Shalala, is the top lieutenant to Hillary Clinton who has single-handedly done more to push socialist policies than any other person in our history.

Shalala is the granddaughter of Lebanese immigrants.

Rather than repay the safety and freedom that America offered her family, Shalala’s career is one of servitude to the Liberal Elite.

That was evident when Donna Shalala followed Nancy Pelosi’s order and voted to impeach President Trump.

America deserves better than Donna Shalala and I ask that you give me a chance to repay my family’s debt to America by sending me to Washington.

Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

With Respect and Gratitude,

Enrique Tarrio
Candidate for Congress

P.S. Please donate today, but also, if you are in the Miami area or visiting, please get in touch and I will be happy to introduce you to my campaign staff and show you around my America-loving community.

Paid for by Enrique Tarrio for Congress

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