Sunday, December 1, 2019

NEWS WITH VIEWS 12/01/2019

President Trump Signs Bill to Stop Animal Cruelty

It was the best midnight this writer ever experienced when that news came in. Be kind to all animals, including two legged ones. If any of you see anyone mistreating an animal, keep an eye on them and call the police. This writer managed to get a law passed that makes it a felony to deliberately hurt an animal and the low life who does this will spend a solid year in jail after being arrested..........
by Rev. Austin Miles.

Islam Is Not Compatible With Civilized Society, Part 3

We can’t sit back and ignore what is happening in America. We must stand up for our country, our culture and our rights. I don’t care what offends a muslim if it is within the constitutional rights laid out by the Founders. If they demand that we allow shariah and then do, they will demand that we live by it also. That is not assimilation.........
by Pastor Roger Anghis.

In This You Greatly Rejoice, Part 2

What is often not pointed out to those who ridicule, mock, scorn, and persecute Christians is that those who engage in these behaviors are proving that they are among those who are perishing in a biblical and spiritual sense. Unbelievers exhibit a mind that remains darkened and separated from the Light that has come into the world, and does not and indeed cannot comprehend what they foolishly reject.........
by Dr. Mike Spaulding.

Stopping the Morbidly Rich

We hear much about the deep state in government.  We don’t hear enough about how potent it is within the Christian Church in the West. This diabolical power continues to rise inside all the institutions of the West. At the same time sensible people the world over are finding they have much in common.........
by Mike Heath.

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