'As of yesterday we now know that corrupt former FBI Director James Comey had an agent inside the White House reporting back to the FBI about Trump and his aides. It’s clear that Comey’s spy, Anthony Ferrante, was feeding information that he stole back to Comey. That is what spies do. But what is not yet clear is whether Ferrante, who now works for CNN, attempted to frame the President as well, from within the White House.'
Yesterday it was widely reported that James Comey was feeding lies to President Trump, while at the same time, targeting him in a counterintelligence investigation, which he had told the president several times he was not the target of.
At the same time, he planted a spy, Anthony Ferrante, in the White House to steal WH material and hand it over to Comey. Ferrante now works for CNN. Isn’t that a coinkidink?
He was gathering confidential information from Trump and others at the White House and delivering it to Comey. Makes me wonder how many leaks to the press came from Ferrante.
Yesterday a report was released that corrupt and fired former FBI Director James Comey had a spy in the Trump White House. We know he stole information and shared it with Comey, the question is, did he try to frame the President as well?
As of yesterday we now know that corrupt former FBI Director James Comey had an agent inside the White House reporting back to the FBI about Trump and his aides. It’s clear that Comey’s spy, Anthony Ferrante, was feeding information that he stole back to Comey. That is what spies do. But what is not yet clear is whether Ferrante, who now works for CNN, attempted to frame the President as well, from within the White House.
In March 2019 CNN reported that their cyber expert Anthony Ferrante was used by Buzzfeed as an expert in the lawsuit against them by Aleksej Gubarev. Guberove denied the allegations and Buzzfeed used Ferrante as an expert in their defense.
If corrupt Comey and his spy Ferrante tried to frame the President, it wouldn’t be the first time that the Obama – Comey Deep State gang was accused of attempting to frame President Trump through a cyber crime.
We reported a month ago that the recent firings of top Italian spies were related to Obama and a plot to set up candidate and then President Trump. Obama’s Deep State reportedly tried to frame President Trump by inserting Hillary emails on a related party’s servers.
Italian Prime Minister Conte asked for the resignations of four top intelligence officials after his call with President Donald Trump. It was next reported that the recent removal of these top Italian intelligence ministers from their positions as top spies in the government.
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