Wednesday, October 16, 2019


Submitted by: J Cryots

As many continue to scratch their heads in disbelief as to “What has happened to America”, the ruling class in the DEMONcrat Party is moving steadfastly forward in their pursuit of an Altered America absent of ANY Constitutional ‘Boundaries’ including our Bill of Rights.

California just passed another ‘Law’ and that one IS the bellwether example for what the National DEMONcrats INTEND on doing Nationwide with respect to their so-called BS GUN CONTROL PLANS….
Literally and I do mean Literally, as we had WARNED months ago, ANYONE perceiving another as being ‘challenged’ and that is open to WIDE INTERPRETATION by
Their Ruling Judicial Body, can have their neighbor’s GUNS taken by the local sheriff.
If you look at someone differently, say something ‘different’, comment about anything, etc. that another does NOT like, YOU CAN HAVE YOUR GUNS SEIZED!

To get them back could take YEARS and $$$$$$$$ bucko dollarsand still there is NO guarantee that you might ‘win’.

Meanwhile the National DEMONcrats are holding clandestine hearings in Washington absent of ANY Republican presence thanks to Adam Schiff of California and Nancy Pelosi,
also of California, to IMPEACH a President simply because THEIR Swamp of Pestilence, Power, Control & Greed is, at long last, being threatened & held to account.

And While WE were Playing by the Rules, Those People have been changing them over many decades in which they were using the ‘human condition’ et al to cloak their real political intentions and TRUE IDEOLOGY that Y’all are seeing today in ‘live time’!!!

The millennials are ‘growing up’ and soon will become THE demographic element that WILL decide ‘elections’.
They are ‘graduating’ from colleges with  2nd year high school reading levels, abhorrent math & science abilities, and literally
NO KNOWLEDGE WHATSOEVER of the Country’s History & its former Culture!
Stalin must be smiling in hell!

And WHO controls THE National ‘EDUCATIONAL’ system?
The SAME PEOPLE who are currently laying waste to America- the National Politicians!

A Shroud of Political Corruption has been descending & enveloping us for years and despite multiple WARNINGS from us Confederates….
MANY simply dismissed us out of hand thanks to the bogus depiction of us & what we represented and were ever about….
Thanks to Their National ‘EDUCATIONAL’ system!

Thus the Political Stench & Decay belching from Washington and Their District of Criminals is now omnipresent and in YOUR backyard.

As Our Confederate Society has said numerous times over….
“They thought they had it ALL locked up- as in Lock, Stock and Barrel with Killary Clinton. It was ‘first & inches on the Goal Line’ with seconds remaining and Guess what….
Killary fumbled and we RECOVERED just in time to run it BACK and TIE the Game.”

Those People were within inches of Finalizing our Fates and now they have been forced into ‘OverTime.’

ALL that is happening TODAY has been made TRANSPARENT because of one Donald Trump and look at how Their System is attempting to deal with him?
Imagine ANY of us in a ‘lesser’ predicament?
WE DON’T STAND A SNOWBALL’S CHANCE in HELL BECAUSE ‘Those People” stole our ‘Playbook’ long ago!

The ‘GAME’ is now up for grabs and despite the BILLION$$$ ofdollars that has been poured into this ‘government’ by George Soros and the Globalists & the MANY DEALS “Those People” have cut to ‘re-inforce’ the foundation of THEIR BAYLON ….

Their ‘GAME’ is now in question… for a Second Time!

They’re GOING for it ALL folks and NO MATTER what happens in 2020, AS WAS THE CASE IN 2016,
Donald Trump is simply buying us Valuable Time.

“Those People” have NO intentions of ever resorting back to that time when the Founders put Their livelihood and lives on THE LINE in pursuit of a country unlike ANY other!

“Those People” have lived Fat & Large for TOO LONG and are NOT about to give back what they have taken from us through Lies, Corruption & Deceit!
They have become too accustomed to the Good Life!
They MUST continue to play Their Divide & Conquer game that Enables the Enablers to blame & play one group off of another for, in doing so, allows them to create & fuse together MORE Socialized Laws that makes the Divide only that much Greater!

The Time that the ETERNAL has given us MUST be used for purposes of Galvanization.
The RED STATES, a description by the way, that was applied to us by “Those People”,

Coexistence is NO longer possible!
Washington has seen to that!
The time that Our Founders WARNED of has come!
Washington is beyond corrupt!

EVERYTHING we ever were is now ‘Open for Discussion & Subject to Change’
because of how and what “Those People” have done and the position they have created for themselves!

And ‘Hiding’ in Their Bag of Political tricks, is their INTENT and subsequent pursuit of the ONE THING they FEAR above ALL ELSE-
Our Guns!

In the end it will, NOT IF, come down to one of two situations:

·       Peaceful Separation or…
·       Civil War!

For GOD, Family and the Republic of the Original CONFEDERATION of Sovereign & Independent States,
Craig Maus,
President, The Confederate Society of America
Now do YOU understand why YOU have been CLASSIFIED AS AN Irredeemable?
There NO Longer is ANY Just’US’… it is….Just’US’!

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